Ten Years in WA - Snuck in as an Ambassador!

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Greetings, fellow WA family!

I received an email from Kyle today!

I am honored! I have been around here since 2014 and love the platform. I have learned so much, and I am happy to cheer on those who come to WA hoping to build an online business.

Since I semi-retired from my RV consulting business, besides my online efforts, I have had more time lately to spend in WA developing new content on my websites and helping out within WA if I can.

I know the numbers here in WA fluctuate as people come and go, but it's nice to have crept into the top twenty-five, even if for a short time. Engaging the WA community takes a lot of work. For those who have the time, you are a blessing!

Most of those who have been here for hundreds of days help people regularly: they are in the chat, responding to questions, creating training, and welcoming our new members. Thanks to you all!

I am honored to join the Ambassador ranks, even if for a short time.

Thanks to all my fellow Ambassadors for being who you are and your contributions to WA. I have learned a lot from you.

Best wishes for your continued success!

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Congratulations, 👏👏👏Howard, doesn't time fly!!!
Wow, 10 years! Well done for sticking with it, and your contribution to helping others too!👨‍🎓🧑‍💻
I have learnt an incredible amount and loving my journey! 🤸‍♀️
May your time continue here experiencing a new movement in the explosion of AI which is the way to go, I think 🤔 Love or hate it like Veggie-mite!!!
Anyways onwards and upwards! 🙂 👍

Thank you, Julia!

Glad you are enjoying ypur WA journey too.

Press on!

My website has appeared on Google's search results, and I’m making steady progress with the course material. I'm thrilled to be part of this community. After trying various methods to make money online, I’ve found that the Wealthy Affiliate platform is by far the most professional.
Kind Regards,

Thanks for sharing, Christian!

I am happy to hear that Google has indexed your website!

Keep making steady progress with the training daily, and the affiliate dollars will come.

Press on, Sir!

Whaaaa!!! 10 years already, I must be gaining a few more forehead wrinkles than I thought! It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you during this time and I have always admired your RV lifestyle that you live.

So cool, and the digital nomad reality that the internet opportunity offers all of us. We appreciate you and the value you offer here within the community. Wishing you nothing but the best in the year ahead, and the decade ahead! :)

Thanks so much, Kyle!

The platform you and Carson have created has really grown and improved over the years. You all are to be commended!

I try to share that sentiment on my websites. I get raw clicks but no trial versions. I used to. I will try to better express the sentiment and value of what WA is all about!

I look forward to meeting you one day!

Good morning Howard,

It's great that you have made the top 25 at Wealthy Affiliate, Howard! I believe that you have a lot to offer the platform, having been successful online, which is great. It's good to be able to share our journey and to help others.

Are you still travelling around in your RV, it sounded like a great thing to do!

Incidentally, you joined Wealthy Affiliate 5 months before me!

It always amazes me how many members are on the platform who are quietly successful, they are obviously very focused on their business. Which I do fully understand, but it's nice if we can participate on the platform.

I don't spend that much time on the platform, probably normally around 30 minutes per day. I normally read a few blog posts and respond to a few comments, etc.

I wish you all the best.


Thanks so much for stopping by Roy and sharing with me! Much appreciated!

Yes, Pam and I are still enjoying full time RVing. We are currently in the northern states of the US.

Have a Blessed day!

Good morning Howard,

It's a pleasure!

That sounds like great fun, Howard! I know that your country is massive, so you don't really have to leave it. Here in the UK, many of us try and escape to warmer places. I guess I am fortunate to have a wife who comes from Greece!

Do you have a house that you go back to now and then all you spend the whole time in the RVs? I know that some of the American RVs are much larger than the traditional caravan or campervan that we have in the UK, although there are some larger models available.

It's great to see you active on the platform.

Have a fantastic day.


Hi Roy!

Wow, for me Greece would be an amazing place to visit.

Yes, Pam and I have been full time RVing since 2008. We have no other home than our home on wheels.

Yes. the US is a big place. It has allowed us to rack up over 200k miles in RVs. And, that's my niche.

Have a great day too, Roy!

Here's JC the Super C!

Good morning Howard,

I can definitely recommend Greece! My wife comes from near Thessaloniki, which is in mainland Greece. I haven't visited any of the islands, apparently, there are loads of them. I'm sure you would have great fun there! I guess the biggest issue would be getting from the US to Europe.

That's amazing, Howard, you obviously enjoy it, which is fantastic. I'm sure you have plenty of variety in the US, as in places to visit.

I looked up JC, the Super C, I flicked through a YouTube video and this particular model was absolutely amazing! Although I did think there were lots of things to potentially go wrong! This one had a Cummins diesel engine, and much more.

As you know, I don't know anything about RVs, but it really looked like the Rolls-Royce of RVs. What a fantastic vehicle to have.

What do you do if you have an issue or problem with your RV. With a car, we drop into a service centre, but when it's your home, with your belongings, it's a bit different. Maybe there are mobile RV repair shops?

Have a fantastic Sunday.


PS: I notice you have the wheels covered up, why is that, please?

Hi Roy!

Yes, travel from the US to Greece would be troublesome, given the travel environment.

JC, the Super C is loaded with lots of technologies that have the possibility of failing at some point. I am an RV technician, so that does help.

We have been back to the manufacturer twice to fix issues normally occurring in the engine month-building process. We also had a chassis issue that required us to leave the RV for a week. That's hard when it's our full time home.

Last May was the first time this has happened in the past sixteen years. We stayed in a hotel, and the RV was secure inside a service center. It was under warranty, and we also got our hotel expenses covered. We are not on a schedule, so it was okay. That's called life on the road.

The tire covers are for when I am parked for over a few weeks. They help prevent the UV damage that shortens these big RV tires. Tires that don't move lose their ability to fight UV damage because they are not moving, heating up, or flexing.

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday and not spending too much time looking at your computer screen!

Good morning Howard,

I understand where you're coming from, it doesn't look easy. I guess the best way would be to get to France and across Europe that way. You could either go through the Balkans or down to Italy and then get the ferry across. My wife has done the trip by land and normally takes the Italian route. Apparently, it's a very nice journey.

It's great that you are an RV technician, Howard; that sounds like a very useful trade in your position. The technology on the RV that I looked at was amazing!

I'm guessing that in an ideal world, it may be easier to keep your RV under warranty, but that may be easier said than done.

That's pretty good if you have only had one breakdown or warranty claim in 16 years, I guess. Can you lock your belongings up as it's a bit like someone having a free run of your house without being there! I guess you could kind of make it like holiday and have a change of scenery staying in the hotel.

I didn't know that about the tyres, that's interesting; we never stop learning!

Your RV life sounds very interesting!

I try to keep Sundays different from the other six days. I normally spend about 30 minutes on a Sunday morning replying to Wealthy Affiliate comments, etc., and then do something totally different. There is always that temptation when the computer is nearby!

Have a fantastic week.


Thanks, Roy! You have a great week as well!

Well done Howard, I think that may be one goal post I don't make


Hi Rob!

It's open to everyone.

You never know what may happen for you once you are sitting on your yacht and have time on your hands to help others here in WA.

Thank you, Sir!

Trust me Howard I am going for it, but life is not forever

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