Starting a New Business Is Hard Work !

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I had no idea that starting a new business with your own products was such hard work!

I have been developing my business for a few years, mainly because the products I make take time to perfect the formulations, check the appearance, longevity etc And, the regulations and conformity of the product. There are strict regulations that I was taking into account but then of course, Brexit ! And everything changed ! I have to rework the regulations - not so bad, but still more work. My products have also all gone through toxocological testing which is another hoop to jump through. Ive sent samples off to friends over the last couple of years, testing, tweaking, to create perfection!

Every product made has to be documented, suppliers of each ingredient batch numbers etc, then a batch number on my own finished product documented. (I even went as far as creating my own 'no content' book for this very purpose)

Ive got my business registered at Companies House in London as a limited company... that made it all very real!

But.....Up until lockdown last March, I had been travelling the world with my boy for him to play tennis and no time to pull things together. So since lockdown I have been stuck back home in the UK. My boy has gone to USA on his tennis scholarship so now no reason to be delaying my launch.....😱

I have finally completed the website with ecommerce on Divi theme, ( thankyou Catherine for your input!) and have my products (well most of them) up and ready to roll. But super pleased with how everything looks. Opened a stripe account...

But last night, my financial backer (aka husband) said....'ok so now you are ready to roll, we need to pull all the invoices together and get them off to the accountant !!' Just when you think you can relax, a bomb drops! Im not the best at book keeping, not least because Im not very organised.... so Im going to have to trawl through my bank account and emails, pull out all the ones I can find...

But I promise from now on I will do a better job at that.... so much to remember....

However, it is a good feeling to be at this stage, still such a lot to do, and I dont have any budget for staff......yet! 😂

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Helen, think about the road travelled thus far, the little bit about book keeping is small compared to your achievements, you are left brain so give yourself a bit of a break (or is it right brain.... ha ha )
When you have even minimal success then simply contract thatbit out, (there is always quick books pro tem ) . But well done Helen ❤️👍

It is an excellent feeling, Helen! I can certainly attest to that! Well done!


Complicated products are hard to design, make & deliver producing a one of a kind product passing all kinds of gateways to produce one of a kind piece. .And the hoops one has to go through to get their is just as complicated. .When completed, you will have the satisfaction of the only One's for the market. Congrats Helen and wish you the very best with your business.

sorry i dont no

It sure does feel great when things are ready to roll. There are always so many details to a business whether online or brick and mortar. Some form of flow chart with relative time frame and basic details always helps me. Believe it or not, I have it on a string across a wall in my office.

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