The More I Read, the More I Write


I wear several hats...

Therefore, I have built and maintain three different websites. One is my own domain; a site where people can learn about Hal Aaron, the entertainer (that’s me!), see photos, check out audio/video clips, peruse my song list and read testimonials. The content practically writes itself, because “I yam who I yam” and of course, my knowledge of the subject is infinite. However, there’s only so much a potential client needs to know.

Another site is my Sketch Videos & More website. I use this to help prospect for clients who are looking for help advertising their businesses online. It describes what I do, how video and social media can benefit their business and serves to demonstrate my creativity, again through video and audio samples.

The third is a niche site aimed at Stuff for Baby Boomers. This is my greatest challenge, because, as a niche site, it breaks all the rules of affiliate marketing. The Baby Boomer niche is a very, very, very, very (you can add a few more 'verys' if you like) broad niche

All of the affiliate marketing gurus and experts out there emphasize the importance of narrowing the focus of your niche, and concentrating on keywords, SEO, analytics, etc. ...Here I’ve gone and done the exact opposite. But that’s not the worst of it. I have now created a monster that requires content. Lots and lots and lots of content on a wide variety of subjects. It’s basically a cross between a blog and an online magazine.

You would think that finding stuff to write about for baby boomers would be a walk in the park. But it get’s quite difficult at times, especially because it’s a one man show, and I probably need a small staff to run it properly.

It’s like this… Have you ever gone into a diner? You sit down,you were quite hungry when you walked in, you thought you knew what you wanted. But then, your server hands you the menu. It’s got 6 laminated pages of - breakfast served all day, sandwiches, entrees of beef, chicken or seafood, salads, sides, appetizers and deserts. All of the sudden, you're just not that hungry, so you just order a bowl of soup and a piece of cheesecake.

Well, for me, it’s like that. When I sit down to write, I have a lot of ideas swimming around my brain, but nothing completely formulated. When I get into that mode, all of my thoughts get bottlenecked on their way to my fingers and I end up not writing anything. I find the best remedy for me when this happens is reading. The more I read, the more I write, and the better i write, too!

When I go into reading mode, it’s with the mindset to not even attempt to write for a few days. I just read. I read other baby boomer websites and resources for seniors, recent copies of AARP Magazine, my Google+ Daily Newsletter, etc. Also, unrelated books, magazines and articles. Somehow, after a few days of reading other peoples content, the words and ideas begin to marinate, spin and formulate and gel into new articles that are my own. A few days later, I sit down to write, and I seem to have much more focus and clarity.

Through the training here, i have come up with a game plan that has helped me a lot using a combination of the Daily Alert - Google Digest and the Press It plugin. It helps me narrow my focus when I add new articles to my blog. If you’re interested, comment below and I’ll create a lesson on how I come up with content without plagiarizing other blogs out in cyberspace.

I the meantime, if you’ve been staring at your computer screen a lot lately , trying to come up with content for your blog, shut down your computer. Hit a local bookstore or newsstand and find something to read. Related to your niche or not. Let yourself absorb other people’s content, writing styles and interests. Let it stew slowly over a few days and form your own voice. When you’re ready to resume…

Write on!

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Recent Comments


Would love to learn about the things you are talking about :)

I believe most good writers read, Hal. Stephen King says he is a prolific reader.

And one day, I hope to be a gooder writer than I am right now.
Thanks Rick!

We're both gooder than we once wuz, Hal!

Wow, you have been busy nd are doing a great job. Good for you. Keep up the good work.

I would definitely be interested in learning more about your process.

I love to read a lot, thanks, my friend. Have a great day

Thank's for sharing!! Hal

This is a very good blog Hal, thank you. Yes I would be interested in how you come up with content without plagiarizing someone else's work.

Hal, please do do some training on this, its fascinating :)

I would love some training on that Hal and think it would be useful to a lot of people :)

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