About goingforgold
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341 followers Joined July 2013
Hi! I'm Laura. I'm very excited about finding Wealthy Affiliate and can't wait to begin the courses. Have been looking for something





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm working on one of my pages and it's looking good. However, I have a picture on the left side of the page and then my content is below the picture which leaves a big blank s

Did that just about cover all you had to ask? If you put in the content first, then add media, the process is fairly simple. I had trouble in the beginning because I was trying to write around the picture.

Question is for member who is no longer an active member.

Hey Laura,

When you use the Add Media button and select the image, there is an alignment dropdown on the right hand side. Select alignment to be left or right (depending on where you want the text to wrap). That should do the trick.

Best Regards,

Thanks Jim

Just delete the image out. If you position the cursor where you want it in the Visual tab of the editor window, click on Add Media you'll also get an alignment option on the bottom right hand side: http://d.pr/i/Rple If you're a *visual* person I also recommend http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ultimate-tinymce/ Dom (@DomW) has also done some excellent training on it here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/ultimate-tinymce-plugin-the-ultimate-training :) Rich.

Thanks, that did the trick! And yes, I am a Visual person, therefore I will look at that site.

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how to get content to wrap around picture

how to get content to wrap around picture

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm working on one of my pages and it's looking good. However, I have a picture on the left side of the page and then my content is below the picture which leaves a big blank s

Did that just about cover all you had to ask? If you put in the content first, then add media, the process is fairly simple. I had trouble in the beginning because I was trying to write around the picture.

Question is for member who is no longer an active member.

Hey Laura,

When you use the Add Media button and select the image, there is an alignment dropdown on the right hand side. Select alignment to be left or right (depending on where you want the text to wrap). That should do the trick.

Best Regards,

Thanks Jim

Just delete the image out. If you position the cursor where you want it in the Visual tab of the editor window, click on Add Media you'll also get an alignment option on the bottom right hand side: http://d.pr/i/Rple If you're a *visual* person I also recommend http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ultimate-tinymce/ Dom (@DomW) has also done some excellent training on it here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/ultimate-tinymce-plugin-the-ultimate-training :) Rich.

Thanks, that did the trick! And yes, I am a Visual person, therefore I will look at that site.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Yesterday I asked for help on my content not showing up in the visual area but I noticed I have another problem. When I go to edit I see that I do not have the tool bar necessa

i hope they sorted you out.

Try clicking the Show/Hide Kitchen Sink button on the toolbar. Alt + Shift + Z.

If you mouseover the icons you can see on the Visual tab you'll find one called Kitchen Sink, just click on that and it'll display all the available icons. If you're a *visual* person I recommend http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ultimate-tinymce/ There's also training on it here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/ultimate-tinymce-plugin-the-ultimate-training Rich.



asked in
Everything Wordpress

Yesterday I asked for help on my content not showing up in the visual area but I noticed I have another problem. When I go to edit I see that I do not have the tool bar necessa

i hope they sorted you out.

Try clicking the Show/Hide Kitchen Sink button on the toolbar. Alt + Shift + Z.

If you mouseover the icons you can see on the Visual tab you'll find one called Kitchen Sink, just click on that and it'll display all the available icons. If you're a *visual* person I recommend http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ultimate-tinymce/ There's also training on it here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/ultimate-tinymce-plugin-the-ultimate-training Rich.

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I go to admin to work on content, the page shows up in text, but when I click on visual, there is nothing there. Can someone help?

Thanks Rich, I actually cleared browsing and cookies yesterday, but have not checked my admin. yet. I will do the visual editor thing now. I still get blown away by how everyone is so willing to help! Thanks a million!

If you're a *visual* person I can also recommend http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ultimate-tinymce/ after you've fixed the "invisibility" issue. Dom's also done some great training on it here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/ultimate-tinymce-plugin-the-ultimate-training Rich.

My pages won't appear in visual mode in WP even after doing what is explained below. Can some one help?

I've seen this a couple of times recently. First and foremost, click on Users and the Profile you're logged in as and check that the "Visual Editor [ ] Disable the visual editor when writing" isn't ticked. Then you should first clear your browser cache, log out of your site, quit the browser, reboot and log back in. If that doesn't fix it then you should clear your entire browsing history including deleting all cookies. I've also seen a lot of Members suffering from malware such as Delta Search, etc. You might also need to run some anti-virus and cleaner programs, there's an excellent list of free options at http://www.lbc.co.uk/download-these-free-programs-12054 :) Rich.

That happend to me a couple of days ago. I spent hrs trying to fix it. Rich told me that it was something to do with the visual and text. I will try and retrieve the info for you

Thanks Angel, Rich has replied with the info I needed. Everyone here in the WA community is awesome!

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content is not showing up in visual mode

content is not showing up in visual mode

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I go to admin to work on content, the page shows up in text, but when I click on visual, there is nothing there. Can someone help?

Thanks Rich, I actually cleared browsing and cookies yesterday, but have not checked my admin. yet. I will do the visual editor thing now. I still get blown away by how everyone is so willing to help! Thanks a million!

If you're a *visual* person I can also recommend http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ultimate-tinymce/ after you've fixed the "invisibility" issue. Dom's also done some great training on it here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/ultimate-tinymce-plugin-the-ultimate-training Rich.

My pages won't appear in visual mode in WP even after doing what is explained below. Can some one help?

I've seen this a couple of times recently. First and foremost, click on Users and the Profile you're logged in as and check that the "Visual Editor [ ] Disable the visual editor when writing" isn't ticked. Then you should first clear your browser cache, log out of your site, quit the browser, reboot and log back in. If that doesn't fix it then you should clear your entire browsing history including deleting all cookies. I've also seen a lot of Members suffering from malware such as Delta Search, etc. You might also need to run some anti-virus and cleaner programs, there's an excellent list of free options at http://www.lbc.co.uk/download-these-free-programs-12054 :) Rich.

That happend to me a couple of days ago. I spent hrs trying to fix it. Rich told me that it was something to do with the visual and text. I will try and retrieve the info for you

Thanks Angel, Rich has replied with the info I needed. Everyone here in the WA community is awesome!

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