Post Your Articles at Medium


I just posted my first article at MEDIUM!

For those who do not know what Medium is. Medium is an open publishing platform that allows you to publish articles. It is a great way to share and read articles on just about anything.

SEMrush shows the following information about Medium.

Medium was developed by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams as a platform to publish documents longer than 140 characters.

Like you publish posts here on Wealthy Affiliate, Medium lets anyone post to Medium (of course, within limits). Best of all, you are free to import content originally published elsewhere. I just reposted an article I published on my website recently.

The question now is to see if Medium brings me additional traffic. So I will be watching my Google Analytics account.

Please share your stories about Medium or its competitors like Flipboard.


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Thank you Glen for that information! I will head over there and check it out.

Thanks, Gina. Check out Natalie's recommendation for Niume.

Thanks Glen! :)

Thank you for this - I've been hearing people talk about it but never understood what it was!

You're welcome, Katie. I like Medium's approach. They put suggested readings on members' home pages based on their stated interests. It saves time hunting for stuff to read.But members can search if they desire. Members have the option to add 5 tags to their articles to make the articles easier to find.

This was recommended to me recently. Must look into it!

There are a few WA members who use Medium. More the merrier!

We shall be waiting for the update.

Me too!

Never heard of Medium, will check it out. I like to use Niume -

Thanks, Natalie. I've heard of Niume. I just have not checked it out yet.

Great to find another platform Glen!

Thanks, Mike.

Oh wow! First time I have heard of Medium, but I like the concept of it. I may just have to give it a try. Thanks for posting this!

You're welcome. I find Medium easy to use. And allows us to choose topics we wish to follow.

I do have an account with Medium and have been meaning to start using it.
One question about the importing of articles, will this count as duplicating content? It would be good to know as we don't want to hurt our websites.

I have heard the duplicate content answer both ways over the years. From Neil Patel's blog, he states,

Google’s Matt Cutts has himself stated that duplicate content happens all over the net all the time, from blog posts to web pages and social media. Cutts stated,

"25-30% of the web is duplicate content."

And Google gets it.

Therefore, there’s no such thing as GOOGLE’S DUPLICATE CONTENT PENALTY.

But then there is the issue of content syndication.

Here’s advice directly from Google’s support page on duplicate content:

If you syndicate your content on other sites, Google will always show the version we think is most appropriate for users in each given search, which may or may not be the version you’d prefer. However, it is helpful to ensure that each site on which your content is syndicated includes a link back to your original article. You can also ask those who use your syndicated material to use the noindex meta tag to prevent search engines from indexing their version of the content.

Clear as mud. But Medium includes a link back to the original article I posted. So this should not be a duplicate content issue.

Thanks for this info Glen, I do appreciate it:)
I'm going to do some posting over there, I'll let you know how I get on.


Thanks so much!

You are welcome, Cynthia. :)

Thanks for sharing, Glen.

You're welcome, Roger!

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