Wow! Over 10,000 WA Followers!


I'm feeling so blessed to have over 10,000 wonderful WA members following me here at WA.

2017 was a hectic year for me, with so much going on, which is why I haven't been as active as I normally would be. However, my commitment to you in 2018, is to be more active; more helpful; and hopefully to add more value to your WA experience as much as possible.

"Dream big; strive to be first; and become limitless"

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Recent Comments


Congratulations. I'm one of them. Gail

Thanks Gail, and Im pleased to be in your network too. Have a great year :-)


Congratulations, Gaylene! That is a remarkable accomplishment. You must have blessed a lot of people to have reached this mark.

May you have even more success.

- Joe

Thank you Joe, I'm grateful you stopping by. Have a great day :-)

Congratulations...I'll look forward to reading your posts. You were missed.

Thank you Debbie, I'm looking forward to getting into a routine. Thanks for stopping by :-)

Congratulations! Great news!

Thanks Jody, much appreciated :-)

That's great, Gaylene!

All the best!

Thanks David, much appreciated :-)

Hi Gail,

So how do you cope with all the email coming in every single day??
I only have around 600 followers and IF I dont spend at least 1-2 hours answering (and learning) these, which I haven't for the last 4-5 days, because something urgent came up, I now have 120 emails!
Have a great week ahead!

Thanks Tom,

I turn some of the notifications off. I reply to anyone that comments on my blogs and my profile and then I go into the Activity dashboard to welcome new Premium members and to comment on the latest blogs.

Thanks for stopping by :-)

Hi Gaylene,

you must be in Australia, since you answered me so fast...
I am in Asia..its 8 AM here.
Yeah that's what I thought...otherwise we would all do only WA stuff, and that can not be our MAIN goal here.
Thank you!

That is sound advice.

Close, Im in New Zealand. And Yes, it does take up time, but just set aside time everyday for the WA community.

All the best :-)

Thanks Alexander, have a blessed day :-)

Congrats and thanks for your intentions to help.

Much appreciated Alex. Have a great day :-)

A big congratulations Gaylene, I know the feeling on half that much!

Thanks Mike, I'm grateful for the value you bring to the community, and I hope to do the same :-)

Awesome, you officially have a basketball stadium or a University of followers! That is a big audience Gaylene, congrats!

Thank you Kyle, much appreciated :-)

Wow! That's quite an accomplishment! Hopefully, I'll get there one day.

Hi Michael, yes you will. Thanks for taking the time to comment :-)

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