Decision Day in the UK

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It's 'Decision Day' in the UK as millions of people head to the polling stations to have their say in the UK General Election. It's also a day when the US celebrates the momentous decision in 1776 to declare independence from British rule, 248 years ago.

The importance of making decisions is therefore something to celebrate today whichever side of the Atlantic you reside.

It doesn't matter what side of the political fence you are on, the real issue here is whether you will make a decision deliberately, or end up living with the repercussions of one created by default!

We must all make decisions daily - whether to work, whether to rest, whether to invest in ourselves and our business, or whether to put our focus on other things. Remember too, that to refuse to make a decision is a decision in itself, and by doing that, you are choosing to live by default and must live with the consequences of other people's ideas about what you need and what is good for you.

Think today about the decisions you are making, and whether they are truly your own choices or whether you have left them for someone else to make.

I urge you to use your unique preferences, choices and values to make your decisions more deliberately today.

After all, if YOU are not choosing for YOU, who else will be?

With love and light


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Recent Comments


Thanks for sharing, Gail. decisions are so important. We don't make our votes until November but we are bombarded with political repertoire for the next few months. It is a constant stream right now between the presidential candidates. If I get less than 2 emails from each per day, it is a slow day!

I will be making a deliberate choice in November, but then, I make them all the time, so...


Yes - ours is over now, and I don't envy your inbox!
Have a great weekend and go out and have some fun instead.


Yes. I hope to be able to take some time after a meeting I have on Saturday!


Nicely said Gail! At the end of the day life is all about the decisions we make... one small change in what we decide to do can have a huge impact on how our lives turn out!!

Take care my friend and decide wisely!! :-)

Thanks Jessie. Will do.
I may regret my decision to pull and all-nighter to watch the results.. but once in 5 years is OK, surely?
Have fun.

Labour back in again I see....

What are the chances of them reversing Brexit do you think Gail???


Everyone has ruled that out I think, except perhaps the Lib Dems.

Get the Lib Dems in power then Gail!!

I left the UK 20 years ago and Brexit has been a serious headache for me!!


Best wishes to the UK!

Thanks Howard.
It's currently 10 to 1 in the morning and the results are rolling in... going to be an interesting night!

Looks like the Labor Party? Reminds of Tony Blair.

Yes, I'm old enough to remember that. But then I'm also old enough to remember Mrs Thatcher too...

Well said, Gail. 😎

Frank 🎸

Hi, Frank.

I am going to echo Frank here, Gail. I will also add that Your sentiment is the same as one of my Favorite Rock Groups' "Rush" song "Freewill". :D

Great Post!


Good comparison, JD! πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Frank 🎸


Thanks Frank. Glad you liked it. I'm pulling an all-nighter watching the historic results...


I don't know that group or song but I'll look them up!
Thanks for the tip.
Take care


You're Welcome, Gail.

Rush is a Canadian Rock group that started in the 70s. For me and a lot of people, they are great. I hope you enjoy the music.


Lol, Have fun with it, Gail! πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Frank 🎸

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