No Sleep Til Tetrad! Productivity When You Least Expect It!
I knew I was going to have a long weekend ...
...trying to truly fix some site situations and also to wrap my head around some stuff that I have had a hard time getting sorted.
Then, I make some leaps and bounds and I'm feeling fairly good and entirely brain fried and exhausted so I close my eyes at midnight ( I usually stretch and then just close my eyes and meditate before actual sleep.)
Then it begins...the thoughts start rushing in like Road Runner taunting Wylie..... on crack!
Usually, I cane meditate against all odds. I was fortunate enough to have life coach services when I was a student in college not too long ago. I devised a plan or a routine rather every night before bed. It's been a warm bath, yoga stretch, meditation combo that's worked pretty well for the most part.
Usually, I get all snuggled in ready for my sleepy time.
Last night though, the coming lunar eclipse was pulling my mind in every direction. I had a similar night like this that I updated a blog here with not to long ago. You can read about that craziness here
I say similar not because I was awake all night in a whirlpool of thoughts but, because of the good stuff that came from those thoughts, I actually came up with some answers....and, hopefully some solutions.
I have a different way of learning new things. Repetition is a huge part of of my learning style and I'm getting better everyday by being here and interacting with all of you as I progress with my Online Entrepreneur Training.
In college (I went to college at age 36) it was a huge process to find a way of organized study that worked for me. I was also lucky enough,after some suggested testing, to have access to tools and mentors that specialized in people with learning disabilities
One of the tools I got to use was a program called Dragon Naturally Speaking by Nuance (or, Dragon Dictate for my purposes.) It was pretty cool because I could close my eyes essentially and write an entire paper. I have a vastly vivid imagination so this method is extremely effective for me at times when I feel overloaded and insanely overwhelmed. This particular software has a pretty heavy price tag on it for me but, I think going forward it's a great goal for me to have it for my Laptop and for when I'm mobile.
So, another sleepless night doesn't make me feel horrible when the thoughts are at least productive,pleasant and plenty.
As my mother would say....
..."You can't shake a stick at that!"If everything I've read about the aforementioned software is true, it has been advancing pretty quickly and, has an accuracy level that would suit me oh, so well.
If I could take a walk and write at the same time ...I'd be ....well, Over The Moon!
Ps. If you are into astrology a bit the link below might interest you as well if you feel the pull of planetary goings on like I do <3
As always, Thank you kindly my WA Tribe!
I always appreciate your insights, feelings and the grand support you give me every day here in general <3
Have a blessed day!
Recent Comments
yes, great time for treeing ceremony, many people notice the synchronicity of conscious awareness. what a time to awake!
Ahh a treeing ceremony! How did I miss this comment?! How have you been brother? I'm going to have to come check out your prgress soon and put you on the "fyre'z quality comment train" (just a bookmark really lolz) Talk soon!
Hy fyre, nice text. I am not familiar with the program you mentioned, some sort of recording? So why is it not possible to walk and record? It would not work for me in any case, I use formulas. But I know what sleepless nights are, quite often after that it is just the matter of putting things ready on paper.
It's a voice recognition software. My blind and disabled and learning disabled friends use's a great tool. Just not in my budget right now. I have problems with the ine motor skills in my hands lately as well so writing is difficult as times.
Thank you for reading. You are always super helpful and informative!
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What is up with fido????!!!!
which one?! *giggles*
He's just dancin' away....get down to the heartbeat
the one walking on all two's
He's doing the happy moon dance too! Getting pumped for my favorite month of the year coming up : )
very niiiice!