Don't Underestimate Pinterest Saves & Happy Birthday Steve!

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(Title image by DALL-E 3)

Hi WA Friends!

Just a short post to remind you that outbound clicks are not the only important Pinterest metric to follow.

Why Pin Saves Are So Important

Saves (the number of people who save your pin to one of their boards), formerly called "re-pins," are what actually keep your pins getting those outbound clicks to your site or money page again and again after they begin getting impressions and clicks.

Save Rate = Saves/Impressions X 100

Outbound Click Rate = Outbound Clicks/Impressions X 100

Thinking about Save & Outbound Click Rate: When someone saves just one of your pins, some of your other pins will begin showing up in their feed. Also, users can find your pins by looking through other people's boards. When people save enough of your pins, they will eventually become followers, which will send most (if not all) of your new pins their way!

Here are my three-month Pinterest analytics for the pins I created only. A good percentage of my outbound clicks are generated by my saved pins! My outbound clicks are about 40% of my saves, but they would be a lot lower if people were simply clicking on my pins to go to my website without saving them!

(Pinterest metrics for the last three months)

So, the take-home message is don't be so obsessed with outbound clicks. Create pins that people interested in your niche will want to save so that they will serve you again and again!

Also, if you are not already doing so, use AI to power your Pinterest account! It made all the difference for me!

Happy Birthday, Steve Vai!

Now for the most important part of the post!

Today is Steve Vai's Birthday! I mistakenly wrote a post on this one month ago because it was in the wrong spot in my Google calendar (sorry, Steve). We even celebrated it early. Lol πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

My personal calendar is full of the birthdays of guitar players I admire. We have birthday celebrations for them at home, which include streaming their music/music videos/concerts, food, drinks, and yes - sometimes even cake! With all the guitar player birthdays, it gives me something musical to celebrate every week! Life is good. Lol 😎

Anyway, if you missed it, here is the post, which will give you a basic intro to Steve and his music:

Happy Birthday, Steve! (and, yes, we are celebrating it again today!) πŸŽ‚

I'll leave you with one of my Pinterest memes:

Hahaha, it looks like me playing guitar way back in my high school band, "The Mad Tea Party!" I was a "legend in my own mind," having the time of my life playing at school dances for a bunch of kids who couldn't care less. It doesn't really get better than that! Lol πŸ˜†

Keep On Rockin'! 🀘
Frank 🎸

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Hahaha, it looks like me playing guitar way back in my high school band, "The Mad Tea Party!" I was a "legend in my own mind," having the time of my life playing at school dances for a bunch of kids who couldn't care less. It doesn't really get better than that! Lol .................................Happy days. There are times in your life when you need to be a legend in your own mind

Haha, so true, Catherine!

High school was four of the most fun years of my life. And, so full of the promise that we can do anything we desire just by going after it! 😎

Frank 🎸

Lol I still think that, Frank

Me, too, Catherine! 😎

Hi, big brother Frank. My question for you is: how is the conversion rate on your site generated by Pinterest?

I mean, it is super amazing to see almost 2 millions of visualizations, but it is difficult for me to understand how all this traffic REALLY generates in terms of money on your website.

Did you see a growing income thanks to Pinterest (leaving by the side the beautiful metrics you achieved in Pinterest itself?)

Hi Romy

The conversion rate on those analytics is very low, but I do believe you can make good money on Pinterest under the right circumstances.

I didn't expect to convert highly in my (guitar) niche, which is not very popular on Pinterest. It was an experiment to see how much better I could do with AI compared to my previous stats. My pre-AI numbers were in the 2,000 to 2,500 impressions/month, so it was a big success in that regard.

Also, the data in this post is only for organic Pinterest traffic (no pin promotions) and only for pins I created (not saved pins).

So, to make money on Pinterest, use AI in a very popular niche like crafts, interior decorating, etc., be very creative, have an affiliate program that pays decent commissions, and promote pins that link to your product and round up reviews.

If I can get those numbers with my niche, imagine what can be done with a niche that has a very high audience! πŸ’° πŸ’°

I'm not interested in any of that because I'm not trying to create a full-time business; it's just part of my guitar hobby. Lol 😎

However, at some point, I'll try Pinterest paid traffic for my guitar niche, which is very cost-effective for affiliate programs with products that pay at least $25 to $50 commission, like high-end guitars and boutique amplifiers.

Rock On & have a great weekend! 🀘πŸ₯³
Frank 🎸

I didn't ask the question, but good reply. I kind of wondered that myself. I think for me, it would need to be about building a following.


AI could help you do that, Karin, but having a trendy niche on Pinterest makes it much easier. 😎

Frank 🎸

Thank you so much Frank!

You’re welcome, Romy.

Now, get that guitar out and have some fun with it! Lol 😎

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Lol!! I am more in painterly mood in these times! I have been working on my website and now it is almost finished, like my brain too ahahahah!

So, I needed colors to boost my brain with new vibes!

Next step, let't change all the chords to my Alambra!


Hi Romy

Art and music go together perfectly, especially for someone with your talent! 😎

When you change your Alhambra chords (called strings in the USA), be sure to get the same gauge (size). Otherwise, your guitar may need a neck truss rod adjustment to play correctly and sound in tune all over the neck.

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Thank u! I will surely follow your tip!

And by the way, thank you more for believing in my talent, which I doubt it almost 1000 times a day! Lol!!

You’re welcome, Romy. You can bring your guitar to your local music store if you’re not sure which strings to buy.

Talent is in your Italian genes, so just go with it. 😎

Have a great weekend!
Frank 🀘🎸

Pinterest is on my radar for sure!

If I remember correctly, there may have been another reason for the one month early post. 🀣🀣🀣

Rock On, Frank!!

And Happy Birthday (again) to one of my all time favorite Ax Masters! 🎸🎸

Tim 🎼

Hi Tim

Yeah between my calendar and Cinco De Mayo festivities I was led astray! I think I may have accidentally moved the date in my calendar after that Margarita. Lol πŸ˜† 🍹

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Hey Frank

Sorry to call you out on the Margarita, but I couldn't resist. 🀣🀣

Keep Rockin Frank! 🎸🎸😎

Tim 🎼

No worries. It needed to be done, Tim! Lol πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ 🍹

Good info, Frank! I remember that post!

Jeff 🀘🎸

Yeah, Steve really Rocks, Jeff! 🀘🀘

Happy FriSatSu Eve! πŸ₯³
Frank 🎸

He does, indeed, Frank!

Happy Frisatsu's eve!

Jeff 🀘🎸

Hi Jeff

I've been listening to Steve all day and will be watching his "Live At The Astoria, London 2003" concert tonight! 😎

Frank 🀘🎸

Sounds awesome, Frank!

Jeff 🀘🎸

Yeah, can’t wait, Jeff! 😎😎

I'll bet, Frank! 🀘🎸

Lol 😎🎢😎

I appreciate the Pinterest info, Frank. Thanks. :)

Myra β™₯️

You're welcome, Myra. 😎

Check out Steve Vai, too! 🎢

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

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