Are AI Apps Revolutionizing How We Find Answers?: Everything Changes!

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(Title image by DALL-E 3)

Hi WA Friends!

I thought I'd write this before the musical part of me kicks in. Lol ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Guitars aside, there's a significant change happening in how we search for information. For years, we've relied on search engines like Google to answer our questions. Now, AI-powered apps are offering a new approach.

An Apple computer engineer and friend stated last evening (somewhat paraphrased since he tends to go on and on, Lol):
"More and more people of the younger generations are getting answers to their questions directly from AI apps. AI is providing the most relevant answers without the need to sift through irrelevant information. Search engines are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. When AI apps can routinely augment their results with images, videos, and sound, they will become a total game changer."

Here are a few of my thoughts on the matter.

A New Way of Searching for Information

This shift isn't just a temporary trend. AI apps are transforming how we interact with information by providing immediate, precise answers to our specific questions. Instead of clicking through multiple links, we receive direct responses that are often more accurate and relevant.

Why AI Apps Appeal to Younger Generations

Younger people seem to prefer this method. They value speed and personalization, and AI apps deliver both. By removing unnecessary information, these apps make finding answers quicker and more efficient for predominately mobile-search-focused generations. It's one of the reasons why user-generated content platforms like Reddit and Quora have become so popular.

Enhancing Responses with Multimedia

Some AI apps are beginning to include unprompted images, videos, and sounds in their answers. This makes information more engaging and easier to understand, catering to different learning styles. The infographics generated by AI apps are often more targeted and useful because they can draw from a larger dataset than human-created visuals.

Understanding Context and Nuance

AI apps are improving at grasping what we mean, not just what we say. Their advanced algorithms can understand context and subtle differences in meaning, leading to more natural and helpful interactions. This differs from traditional search engines, which often rely on matching keywords and can sometimes provide less relevant results.

Looking Ahead: AI and the Future of Search

The emergence of AI-powered apps doesn't mean search engines will disappear, but it does suggest that how we find information is evolving. As these technologies improve, they're likely to become even more integrated into our daily lives. They could help us learn new things, make better decisions, and perhaps inspire us in ways we haven't considered yet.

"Everything changes," and the rise of AI apps is a clear example of that. They're reshaping how we seek and receive information, making the process faster, easier, and more personalized.

Tell Me What You Think!

What are your thoughts about the future of AI and how it will affect the utility of traditional search engines?

As AI apps begin to replace traditional search engines, are we sacrificing the depth of information for the convenience of quick answers?

Could the reliance on AI-generated responses limit our exposure to diverse viewpoints and critical thinking skills?

What role should human oversight play in an AI-dominated landscape of information retrieval and dissemination?

Let me know in the comments, AND ...

Keep On Rockin' It! ๐Ÿค˜

Rock Till You Drop! (Pin by DALL-E 3)

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

85% Human written content.

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Recent Comments


Hey Frank

Great post! I've been using AI for so many more things in my life. As you stated, the information is more accurate and WAY faster than any human could look it up using Google or anything else. The posibilities are endless!

Thanks for making me think, Frank! Now my head hurts! ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜‚

And then there's a sweating duck! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Rock On!! ๐ŸŽธ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿค˜

Tim ๐ŸŽผ

I haven't used a browser in months, particularly if I want to do something. I ask AI to explain the steps to ............................ as if they were talking to a seven-year-old and then give me one point at a time. It's priceless; I don't need multiple tabs open. Google's days are numbered.

You can get the wrong info, but you can then say it doesn't work. Could you give me another way? Its not as if everything on Google is correct.

The fact that my new blog is anti parma targeting foundational medicine and ranking on Google in less than two months tells me something big is changing.

As to your second point, we are both old enough to see distinct trends in the last fifty years that there has been a clear movement to blend man and machine. Of course it will minimize critical thought - you only have to read some of the blog posts here.

Whether I will live long enough to see how successful this is. A doctor friend told me last week that Bill Gates is forcing newborns in Kenya to be micro chipped . it's on my to do list to check it

Itโ€™s a disappointing scenario for sure. I feel like Iโ€™m late to the party and everyoneโ€™s leaving. Iโ€™ve spent the last 9 months learning all about SEO and keyword research. Hopefully I still have time to gain some traction and make a go of this.

I really despise things like TikTok and have no desire for stuff like that. I do like YouTubeโ€™s platform cause itโ€™s much more in-depth and I enjoy the info I find there.

As far as adapting to this new tech, how exactly would we go about doing that?

Hi Steve

The YouTube platform is a great option. You can monetize your channel with YouTube ads and direct people to your website to read product reviews, etc.

Video is the future and everything is moving toward virtual reality. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

When I think about my own searches, I usually skim through a blog post to get the info I want. Though, I might look around the website if it interests me. My wife uses Alexa a lot to get quick answers. Iโ€™ll have to ask my adult children how they search for info. I have 2 Gen Z and 1 Millennial.

Hi Steve

Iโ€™d be interested in hearing what your children have to say about it. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

That's actually a scary concept, as the younger generation can be so easily swayed by whatever information AI give them, whether it is correct or not.

Who ultimately controls AI information? Will bias ever be eliminated? Unless we write in favor of AI's biases, will anyone even see our websites?

Yes, AI is our future. Personally, I'm not seeing the positive side of it.

These are all great questions.

Ultimately, AI will be what we make of it, for better or worse.

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

AI APPS are certainly changing the way we look for information online these days Frank!

Are they better than an average search though???

Who knows! Certainly not me!!

To get quick info that many without the attention span of a gnat want it is fine, but... can we really believe what we read without fact checking things??

AI is certainly the future and we all need to move with the times!!

Rock On!


Hi Nick

Yeah, it certainly is an interesting concept! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

As AI gets more intelligent and more capable, it will eventually be able to provide more accurate and helpful informational summaries than humans. When it comes to accessing and fact-checking the majority of information on the Internet related to a particular query, processing speed matters.

Google and Apple both have new smartphones built around AI, targeting the younger generations.

Rock On! ๐Ÿค˜
Frank ๐ŸŽธ

Interesting times certainly lie ahead Frank!

It's this targeting of youngsters by Google and Apple that has me worried though...

Will the youth of today be able to make decisions by themselves moving forward???

I'm not so sure!!

Anyway... I need to visit the doctor for my five yearly checkup tomorrow morning!!

I'm not expecting good results, but let's see!!

Rock On buddy and catch up again soon ok!


Good luck with your medical exam, Nick.

I hope everything turns out favorably. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Frank ๐Ÿค˜๐ŸŽธ

Cheers Frank!!

No notable issues today but I have quite a few follow up exams to do in the next few weeks at specialist places!

I was basically told to stop smoking and seriously cut down on the alcohol consumption!!

Wish me all the best with that buddy!!


Hi Nick

So glad to hear that today's visit went ok! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

I have to agree with the smoking and alcohol advice.

Hang in There, and All the Best! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž
Frank ๐Ÿค˜๐ŸŽธ

Thanks buddy! It's time to actually use those patches and gum, but.... alcohol free wine??

I'll do my best!!


Yeah, it's a bummer, but I know you can do it! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Keep on Rockin'! ๐Ÿค˜
Frank ๐ŸŽธ

Appreciate the faith my friend and I will always keep on Rockin' no matter what!!


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