Trust Builds Confidence!
Hello Everyone!
Many times when I visit a website sometimes a specific, but often I land on one randomly. One thing I miss so many times is that they lack a kind of personality. Sure, they are fantastically designed (not all), they are fancied with the newest possible designs you can purchase, but they are still lacking this tiny mustard seed size essence. Personality! I do not know about you but being honest. If you want to buy a product and you are about to spend or invest more than just a couple dollars, whom would you trust more?
-A nice picture of a person who is smiling at you and actually introduces himself or herself to you and you can relate to?
-Seeing random products without knowing who is behind the website?
If you are anything like me, than I guess you are going for number one, right? I think it is more important visiting a website that underlines or subgrades the feeling of I do not just want you to buy from me. I want you to feel you made the right decision. Even here in a world of anonymousness we can still be the ones who are swimming against the mainstream by putting, hopefully, a little trust not only in the product or products we are trying to sell but even more to show there is actually a real person behind the web curtain. I know we are learning this here at Wa, but I just want to underline it again. Trust builds always confidence!
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I agree, I would trust a person who will post their picture and let you know a little about themselves. It actually bothers me when there is nothing personal and a stock picture instead of the real person behind the site. Nice blog post. Lori
Surely you mean #1 (-A nice picture of a person who is smiling at you and actually introduces himself or herself to you and you can relate to?)
Yes it is better to have a picture of a person than some image be it a product or otherwise. You want to know that you can relate to that person in some way that would show some form of Trust. Kyle has mentioned this previously in one of the early lessons.
Think also about it here when you response or follow a person would you prefer to see and relate to the person having their picture or would you prefer to just a random image? So yes I picture of a person is be the better choice.
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Very motivational. I'm in tune with you.