The ego and the trip

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The ego and the trip

Yes, I know, you think of ego trip.
But no, this is about ego AND the trip.

What is ego?

Ego is self, conscious self to be precise.
And for the ancients it was the siege of our being.

Today ego has often a bad connotation (Freud is no longer an asset), like egoistic or egoism. And yes, when ego is inflated, just like assets... they will poof, sooner or later... POOF.

So ego is about YOUR thinking, willing and feeling.

Sounds nicer, doesn't it?
(We really need to get rid of the mass conditioning of our planet...
yuk... all but ego)

Ego is a Latin word that simply means ME.

Modern psychology has leveled that to sub ego, ego and super ego... well. Again, another rag of mind. Do not be trapped.

I = me. Full stop.

What is trip?

Well here it becomes tricky.
Trip has TWO meanings.

One being a journey...
The ego and its journey, simply put: me and my journey

A stumble or fall
The ego and its stumble or fall. Me and my stumble or fall

Examples of both are many fold in our daily life.
So I am not going to extend on those.

What is ego trip then?

It means attraction on me.
And is often seen as negative, whereas, it can be positive or neutral as well.

What is my point?

For the translators among us, there is this old Italian adagio 'Traduttore, Traditore' meaning translation is treason.

Translating the untranslatable is always a betrayal of the true meaning of the original. No translation can ever fully convey the full depth of meaning, emotion, and context as the original work intended. Hardship, isn't it?

Ego being Latin reduced to I instead of me being.
Ego ergo sum. Me, I am. Beautiful! No?
Your right to exist!

And we can extend the adagio 'Traduttore, Traditore' to the interpretation of whatever writing we come across... even in our own language.

Very often one word can have different meanings, and translating it into another language reduces that to one interpretation.

Same goes for our own understanding of readings and text, often resulting in projections.

The casting of the beast.... or the stoning of the scapegoat.
There is no other

This being said, the ego and the trip becomes our own journey with its ups and downs in life. Sounds much nicer, doesn't it.

Thank you for likes, shares and comments

Be you
As I am me
And together
We are WE

In simple equation

Zero plus zero = zero
1+1 adds UP and becomes... Hero

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Recent Comments


Makes perfect sense, Fleeky! Nicely done!


Thanks Jeff

You're very welcome, Fleeky!


Our own journey with its ups and downs. A metaphor for both life and business, n'est pas?

Spiderperson fan?

Hi Phil

The fall and rise...
the dip and dive
All of that

Same mud

I switched from Spiderman to Spiderperson many years ago when one of my granddaughters was wearing the costume on a visit to our place.


My time knew wondewoman
Now we wonder if it is a woman


Great analysis, Fleeky! 😊

I like you ending ... it reminds me of I Am The Walrus:
"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together"

Beatles... Magical Mystery Tour🎸

P.S. - Spidy looks GREAT!

Yes...Spidy looks great!

Im latech said the mayas
I am another you

Great share! Yes, nothing can go wrong with spider man at the end as he always comes to the rescue to those in need. (Maybe not in real life but in a movie.) :)


Always Myra...
No doubt


Interesting post…we have our journey with its ups and downs for sure!

I like your we...

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