Seasonal flu
Seasonal flu
Each year the flu knocks on doors and knocks people off...
Such a bad feeling. Sniffing around, coughing, temperatures rising, pain in all members. Laying in bed without appetite... and no real remedy for it.
In history the flu was a terrible flea, dissipating whole populations, with one knip. And even today it remains a serious illness.
Thanks to research and medical accuracy, each year, our populations are injected with the flu vaccine. And it has reduced the risk of getting ill.
Influenza is a recurring seasonal virus. It morphs and every 4 years it develops a new and dangerous variant.
Hats of to our pharmaceuticals keeping ahead of its threat! Children, sick and elder people being more vulnerable, better prepare!
What has this to do with WA?
Just like in the real world, the viral world is infected with viruses of all kind. Being able to work in a safe and secured environment is without words.
Thank you, Carlson and technical staff for keeping this place safe and secure!
Hats off!
Thank you for likes, comments and shares
PS, yes, on the internet, a lot of fake news around vaccine infections indeed... as being bad for health. The truth is : without vaccine, our populations would demise quickly, like in old days. So, yes, caution imposes. Check your sources. And make sure to protect your self and families. And talk to your doc in doubt.
Recent Comments
Good analogy and good reminder Fleeky, thank you..
My husband had his last week. Still waiting to get my 13 year old grandson in for his. No children vaccines available here yet. As soon as it is, it is given to the most vulnerable first, babies, older kids at risk, adults at risk and the elderly.
Thank you Linda
The variants can be less dangerous, nevertheless... still odd indeed
Same here... vulnerable comes first for prevention.
Good thing. Without, it would be a deadly toll
I agree, without vaccinations it would be deadly.
My husband almost died as a small child due to measles. He was in hospital for a long time, kept in an oxygen tent, was touch and go apparently.
You can see it happening now with the rise in people not having the children vaccinated. They don't realise how deadly the childhood illnesses can be.
Yes Linda... I fully agree
And it is often deadly for many.
Lot of fake news around this, making people sick WIth terrible consequences indeed.
A good reminder to us all to be ever vigilant and to take good care.
Thank you Fleeky.
I personally think the technical staff here in the help centre are awesome, always get on to problems and issues quickly and effectively..hats off to them.
I do take vaccines but I have observed that I only get flu in winter when I wake up and touch the floor without socks.
Now I pay attention.
Thank you great post
We all have a weak part...
Head, ears, neck, shoulders, back, knees and feet.
We all take cold in different parts.
Better know your week point and protect.
For me, it is my ears. If they get cold, i get a cold
Spot on Fleeky,
funny thing just prior to opening up my morning emails and reading this blog post, I was on the phone to the Doctors booking myself into the flu clinic. I suffer with Asthma and lung condition, even a cold can make me ill for many weeks. I haven’t had the flu for over 27 years, that last bout of flu rendered me useless for 8 weeks with pneumonia and have never fully recovered, was that infection which ultimately caused the continued long term damage in my lungs I have today.
Back to WA thank the lord for the regular vaccines and health checkups by Carson, Kyle and team... worth every penny of my monthly membership 👍
Yes... once you suffered, even a minor flu, you learn how dangerous it is indeed. Nothing to laugh With or take lightly.
Better see your own family doctor and discuss this, in doubt.
Hi Fleeky. I feel for those people that get the fly and cold viruses every year, and I totally understand that they need to make sure they are vaccinated before hand , but I personally never get the flu or colds and yet I have children and grandchildren who get it every year. I don't do anything special or take any sort of alternative medication so I really don't know why I seem to be immune. The only thing that might help me is that I'm in the sun everyday. Jim
Some people are immune indeed.
And you appear to be one of them!
Medical research tries to focus on this now and find out why
Thank you for sharing
Fleeky I knew it is you! As I read these words, I caution all and that this will be a long winded reply. I try not to do this much, but I have got to say somethin!
I took care of a fellow nurse who suffered influenza ending up with bilateral lung transplant. The spirit of the experience intimate with immunoglobulins.
I have held real people as they took last breaths on this Earth. No one responded beside me because the flu and respiratory MRSA and understaffed again.
It came from both ends.
Believe you me, it comes out both ends! I have beckoned to NoroVirus making primary staff and residents ill. Begged silently, please do not choke on that pill or the next 20 patients will have urinals spilled
...or worse.
Everyone can do something to fight flu! If you can't get the shot that does not mean this doesn't pertain to you.
Listen up. We are in charge of the actions, and truly learning what hygiene prevents casket captions.
Use a towel to shut off the faucet!
Don't pretend like you don't mean it, and you really must wash it!
Cover mouth if you sneeze snarf or choke
Maybe sound funny but this is not a joke
Some people cannot get a flu shot, who are they? They are the ones you protect if you can. They may have primary immunodeficiency or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, but it is not their fault they can't get the shot you see?
C'mon have some integrity!
Thank you for wise insights from practice.
Yes, influenza is deadly serious and some medecine is unreliable indeed. Always Check on it!
Vaccine is different from one continent to another.
And managed differently... as well.
Preventive action is always best.
And a healthy life style as well.
Eilas, Today too many sick people go out,
spreading the flu as well.
Good Morning Fleeky,
Today I have to disagree with you. The overall health of the population is bad, our immune systems are weak and that is why so many people get the flu.
All these flu shots could be avoided if we would adopt a healthier lifestyle. Fresh air and sunshine, some exercise, eat natural foods, etc.
I really think we have ourselves to blame when we are so often sick.
Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske
My wife uses essential oils and she never gets the flu. She can be in a houseful of kids with the flu and it keeps it away.
I think every effort of prevention counts, fruits and veggies of all color to provide every vitamin. Really drink water and after bathroom use: purell dont cut it- wash em like a surgeon. If it gets bad, then also wear a properly fitted mask. I know it's not Armageddon but what I see it is a grave concern.
Once you have worked on the ventilator unit and front line experienced paralysis of acute and chronic Guillian Barrett's I think you might change your mind and thank Fleeky
I am using thyme and black pepper in fall and winter
In our country vaccine is very severely controlled. Only given to elder and sick people and now to working staffs. So far, no ill Cases known.
Good Morning Michael,
The last time I was sick in bed was at the end of 2000. Since then I changed my lifestyle quite a bit becoming more conscious of what I eat and the result speaks for itself. I am 69 years old and peppy and healthy.
Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske
Good Morning Rebecca,
Do not worry, I am the best of friends with Fleeky.
I do not like Big Pharma, it is a money making machine. People are being brainwashed every day in buying and eating harmful food. We are bombarded with advertisements which have taken us far away from nature.
I fully agree with you, eat like the rainbow will keep the doctor away.
Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske
For sure one should not take these flu shots lightly. It is much better that your immune system is strong enough so you do not need it in the first place.
All the best, Taetske
Yes... best is to see with your doctor in case of doubt...
In my country vacines are safe and no bad cases known.
Lots of desinformation and fake news as wEll. By people who often are no care givers, nor doctors. Many see it as a new source of income and easy money: buy my oils and you are safe.
I wish, it was that simple, but it is not Taetske.
Fleeky dear, I do not know what those 2 little boxes are, cannot see them, must be my add blocker.
I mean that my add blocker does not let me see your thumps up and heart icon.
Thank you, sweet of you.
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Physical and techie flu vaccines are important! i have mine.
Me as well...
Without, nothing but troubles..