Be the change

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Be the change

An old saying by Mahatma Gandhi.... so many years ago leading India to unforeseen highs in the history of his country. A man that had such authority that he managed on his own to keep a whole country united.

His life is very inspiring. He preached non-violence and was yet subject to many acts of abuse and violence. He preached dialogue... a process that leads to peace. He preached disarmament... an attitude that inspires confidence... .

He was a man of meditation and action. A man that kindly leaded a whole nation to its destiny. A man that stood up and became the change for so many others. One of his main characteristics was his great humility. A child could preach him. And also his detachment. He was not leaded by greed nor power. He just put his efforts in serving his fellow men. And soon became the voice of many.

For those who have not known him... an invitation to discover this great man

Many more examples

We have many such examples throughout history. Individuals changing the course of history. Big ones and smaller ones.

On our scale, Kyle and Carson have been the change for so many of us, providing us with the right tools. A responsibility that is huge too. Leading so.many on the road to online success.

There are many such motivating examples around us. Other WA members who inspire us by their selfless help and commitment...

A great thank you

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And at your level? Other examples?

Be the change! Even small... make the difference.

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Recent Comments


thanks for the share.

Take care

Mahatma Gandhi was an amazing person! One of his favorite quotes of ours is:
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
Thank you for a wonderful post, Fleeky.
Colette and Philip

Thank you for passing by... and leaving this wonderful quote!

Yes... he sure was an amazing person and still an inspiration for many...

peace is not a given... we must always strive for it... against all odds...

so many today are angry and frustrated. Easy preys to violence and war...

we must seek solutions,to the real problems... fleeing is not a solution.

Take care sweet ones



Wonderful post.

Thank you Jerry

Great post, thanks for sharing.

Yes... very impressive persons...

I agree with you, it takes one person to make change. Well in this case two, Kyle and Carson.

Yes, absolutely!

Without their determination and dedication we wOuld not be here...

A reason for me to be thankfull every day and for praying that the Lord blesses them both wIth wisdom and guidance....

As a teacher, I know that I have the power to make a change in the lives of my students. I work hard everyday to send a message.. A message of Determination and Discipline.

Thanks for sharing.

Leading by example
So true...

My greatest examples were teachers...

Inspirational -- yes, if we can be the change, we can actually be a positive force in our battered world.

Yes... just dedication

Thanks for that!


Yes Lynn!
Peace... we all long for that

Great article Fleeky thank you for sharing this inspiration.

Hi Scarlett... seeing him march is one of the most impressive scenes in my life... this little man, dressed in white... marching for peace... so impressive, tears fill my eyes thinking of it... no one could sit aside with him... no one.

Let us be the change where we are and march for a better world.

Thanks for sharing, Fleeky.

Thank you... wishing you well

No problem.

Oh good! All back to normal then?

Not back to normal yet.

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