About fiftarina
Rank 10504
1,146 followers Joined July 2015
Hi there, My name is Rina and I live in Singapore. I've been with Wealthy Affiliate for approximately 1 year and have earned a decent extra income.





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi all,

How can I switch paypal account for my membership payment? I have cancelled the automatic payment from my old Paypal account. But I have no idea how to link my

Yes account settings

Hi Fiftarina,

Profile Pic > Account settings > Subscription settings > Payment source > Currently paying by > Change payment source to paypal

hey hi Rina ... 🌺🌷🌹....

good question and all questions are good ones here ...

as you may already be aware, everything is pretty much available online on this awesome WA platform for you to access, including all your WA accounts.

simply click on your WA profile picture > click on Account Settings > Billing / Membership / Payment Source .... click on Payment Source, follow the prompts and make the changes that you'd like have done .... and you're there! ....

hope it all works out well for you,

all the best, cheerio .... :)

plus, here's an 11-minute video on 'important stuff.... ' to help you get better re-acquainted with the platform.....

Under settings in your profile you can make any changes you want.

Hi, please go to https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/home/my_profile

Subscription Settings, Payment source

How to switch paypal account for membership payment?

How to switch paypal account for membership payment?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi all,

How can I switch paypal account for my membership payment? I have cancelled the automatic payment from my old Paypal account. But I have no idea how to link my

Yes account settings

Hi Fiftarina,

Profile Pic > Account settings > Subscription settings > Payment source > Currently paying by > Change payment source to paypal

hey hi Rina ... 🌺🌷🌹....

good question and all questions are good ones here ...

as you may already be aware, everything is pretty much available online on this awesome WA platform for you to access, including all your WA accounts.

simply click on your WA profile picture > click on Account Settings > Billing / Membership / Payment Source .... click on Payment Source, follow the prompts and make the changes that you'd like have done .... and you're there! ....

hope it all works out well for you,

all the best, cheerio .... :)

plus, here's an 11-minute video on 'important stuff.... ' to help you get better re-acquainted with the platform.....

Under settings in your profile you can make any changes you want.

Hi, please go to https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/home/my_profile

Subscription Settings, Payment source

asked in
Getting Started

I’d like to change the PayPal email address that I use to pay the annual membership. How can I do that?
Currently, the only option I saw in my setting is &lsqu

Hi Rina,

- Click the arrow beside your profile picture, on your home page, lefthand menu.

- Select, account settings.

- Subscription settings.

- Payment source.

- update your details.

- save and you will be good to go.

Best wishes

How to change paypal email?

How to change paypal email?

asked in
Getting Started

I’d like to change the PayPal email address that I use to pay the annual membership. How can I do that?
Currently, the only option I saw in my setting is &lsqu

Hi Rina,

- Click the arrow beside your profile picture, on your home page, lefthand menu.

- Select, account settings.

- Subscription settings.

- Payment source.

- update your details.

- save and you will be good to go.

Best wishes

asked in
Video Marketing

Hi all,

I just finished a video review of a product and ended up creating 3 videos :
1. unboxing the product
2. how to use the product
3. comparison with compet

Hey Rina,

Personally, I would be more apt to offer the 3 videos under similar (or the same, if they are your keywords) headings that you've created above.

In this way, you will also be able to intrigue the "page scanners" (those looking for only one thing they need) too. They may only want to view one of the videos.

Hi , what a great insight! Yes, I was also thinking that perhaps they won't be patient enough to watch the full 20- min length video. I Guess breakingy them up into three would be a better option. Thank you!

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Video review question: which one is better?

Video review question: which one is better?

asked in
Video Marketing

Hi all,

I just finished a video review of a product and ended up creating 3 videos :
1. unboxing the product
2. how to use the product
3. comparison with compet

Hey Rina,

Personally, I would be more apt to offer the 3 videos under similar (or the same, if they are your keywords) headings that you've created above.

In this way, you will also be able to intrigue the "page scanners" (those looking for only one thing they need) too. They may only want to view one of the videos.

Hi , what a great insight! Yes, I was also thinking that perhaps they won't be patient enough to watch the full 20- min length video. I Guess breakingy them up into three would be a better option. Thank you!

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