About fedex guy
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348 followers Joined May 2012
My name is Brian. I was born in Anchorage, Alaska and was raised in Nebraska. Still live here today in Omaha. I am





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WA Affiliate Program

How do I make it so all my posts don't all run together on one page. Is there a plugin to break up each post where they can click on "continue reading" like on Kyle's site: waysto

Got er done. Hey JGX4, just follow Rich's directions. It was a little confusing at first, but it's easy once you get the first post done.. Let me know if you need help.

Thanks Rich, I'll give it a try.

It's often Theme dependent. You can try putting a *more* break in your text, use this icon http://d.pr/i/Yf51 in the Visual tab. However, the best solution is to use an Excerpt which gives you control over exactly what will be displayed. In a Post, click on Screen Options (top right hand corner of screen) and tick Excerpt. You'll see a new editor window beneath the post where you can enter exactly what you want to appear as a summary. You might also need to set Settings > Reading to show Summary or set a specific Theme option to display the Excerpt summaries. Rich.

Thank you x

I'm having the same problem. I'll keep an eye out for the answer. x

I'm trying to get it to look like this with the "read more" options. http://d.pr/i/BFqR

Hi Brian are you looking for a drop down menu, or a sticky post. If the sticky post here is a link by Chris https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/make-a-wordpress-post-sticky.

sorry maybe this will help make your page the sticky one, on the right side of your edit page right under publish click on edit visability then click on public and under that check Stick this post to the front page I hope thats it cause it worked for me

Yes on your dashboard go to your settings then reading click on static pages and make your home page your front page, I hope thats what you are looking for.

That's not it. All my posts show up on the home page. Want it to show just part of it, then make them click to read the rest like on Kyle's page.

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Home page on website

Home page on website

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

How do I make it so all my posts don't all run together on one page. Is there a plugin to break up each post where they can click on "continue reading" like on Kyle's site: waysto

Got er done. Hey JGX4, just follow Rich's directions. It was a little confusing at first, but it's easy once you get the first post done.. Let me know if you need help.

Thanks Rich, I'll give it a try.

It's often Theme dependent. You can try putting a *more* break in your text, use this icon http://d.pr/i/Yf51 in the Visual tab. However, the best solution is to use an Excerpt which gives you control over exactly what will be displayed. In a Post, click on Screen Options (top right hand corner of screen) and tick Excerpt. You'll see a new editor window beneath the post where you can enter exactly what you want to appear as a summary. You might also need to set Settings > Reading to show Summary or set a specific Theme option to display the Excerpt summaries. Rich.

Thank you x

I'm having the same problem. I'll keep an eye out for the answer. x

I'm trying to get it to look like this with the "read more" options. http://d.pr/i/BFqR

Hi Brian are you looking for a drop down menu, or a sticky post. If the sticky post here is a link by Chris https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/make-a-wordpress-post-sticky.

sorry maybe this will help make your page the sticky one, on the right side of your edit page right under publish click on edit visability then click on public and under that check Stick this post to the front page I hope thats it cause it worked for me

Yes on your dashboard go to your settings then reading click on static pages and make your home page your front page, I hope thats what you are looking for.

That's not it. All my posts show up on the home page. Want it to show just part of it, then make them click to read the rest like on Kyle's page.

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