So this is premium?
I really didn't expect there to be so much awesomeness behind the velvet rope!
I've spent the past 6 1/2 days digging into everything available to free WA members, thinking, "how much more do I really need" - "how much more can a WA Premium membership really offer?
Watching the premium intro video after everything had upgraded and reading the fantastic, welcoming letter, both of my questions were simultaneously and unequivocally answered.
The answer to both of my questions?
A "H. E. double L" of A Lot!
I haven't even begun to dig into the premium side of WA yet but it's now clear to me, those who speak of how much they love being a WA premium member aren't joking.
The amount of information and support is almost mind boggling! In a good way. :-)
Any doubt I had as to whether or not I would feel anywhere near as ecstatic as so many WA members say they are about their membership was completely wiped clear within seconds of watching the video.
I can hardly wait to take advantage of all the wonderful training courses, tips and community engagement.
I've got this!
If you're on the fence about upgrading to premium, I hope this post encourages you to take the leap.
You've got this too. If you're willing to reach for it.
To our mutual success,
Recent Comments
Congrats Ellen! I've already sent you a private message. If you have any questions, that's the best way to reach me from now on!
Again congrats and I already know you have what it takes to succeed online!
Ellen congratulations on your decision to invest in YOU.
Welcome to the community and I look forward to seeing you progress.
Hi Ellen, The fun has just begun and there is much to discover. Welcome to premium WA. Now is the time to map out your priority and reschedule your time to focus on the training and tutorials so that you can build a website in your niche. If you have any questions just raise it and the supportive community will help. Best wishes in this new venture which will eventually grow a passive income online. [Kelsey]
If you think you have seen a lot, brace for a refreshing surprise of your life. There is more depth beyond the velvet rope and under the blue waves. Enjoy it and keep growing.
Welcome to the wild side of WA.
Hello my dear friend. Here is a right Dose of Encouragement specially for you and for all my other loved ones. Encouragement, A Wonderful Tonic I hope that you will love the taste of it.
Wish you all the best.
Kind Regards