Did you know this about your Brain?

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Did you know this about your Brain?

Your Brain is absolutely amazing! Did you know that it is responsible for nearly everything you do and that you have on average around 70,000 thoughts a day! Yes you read this correctly, on average we have around 70K thoughs a day...wow!

It’s the most important organ in your body and the command center where everything starts. The Brain is incredibly complex, and it’s very mysterious to us, we are uncovering more and more information each day that we haven't known before.

Each year we have scientists discovering new things about our brain, but it still remains shrouded in mystery.

Listed below are 10 things that you might not have known and it is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to studying our human brain, but they shed light on some important aspects of the brain.

Did you know that the brain is mostly controled by water and that there are 100 billion neurons working constantly to keep us all functioning? Plus, your brain generates enough energy to power a light bulb.

Here are 10 facts about the Brain you probably didn’t know!

1. You Can always Make New Brain Cells!-Even if you are over 50 Years Old!
Are you worried about bumping your head and losing too many brain cells? Well, don't be, the good news is you can make new ones every day! There’s a gene called the BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) that produces a protein that not only helps create new brain cells, but also assists in the maintaining your existing ones.

2. You can improve Your Synapses and Improve You Memory!
Sure, study tricks can help you ace your next test but your ability to retain memories has been shown to be linked to the strength and number of your synapses! So what is the key to keeping our synapes healthy? Exercise, reduce your stress, and challenge your brain every day!

3. Get this, your Brain is an Energy Hog!
Your brain uses approximately 20% of the calories you consume. Babies’ brains use about 50% of their glucose supply. So keep eating healthy food!

4. No "left" or "right" Brains-Your Brain is Not “Handed”
There is no such thing as “left-brained” or “right-brained”. Your brain hemispheres work together!

5. If you remove half your Brain, you won’t Change Your Personality!
Past surgeries have shown, like a hemispherectomy that is sometimes necessary to help relieve seizures in children and with the majority of most cases, the children’s memories and personalities have developed normally.

6. Take Breaks during the Day Increases Productivity!
As counter intuitive as it seems, taking a nap or meditating, or even taking a nap in nature can help you get more work done. Be mindful though, the idea is to give your brain a short break and then get back to the task at hand, not to procrastinate until the very end.

7. Your Brain’s Storage
It’s estimated your brain can store up to 2.5 petabytes. That’s over 3 million hours of TV shows, or, more song lyrics than you could ever possibly hear. In other words, your brain will probably never be full, so keep learning.

8. How Memory Works!
Our memories are not like files stored in your computer. Instead, little pieces of each memory are stored all over your brain. Your brain puts these pieces together like a puzzle whenever you have to recall something. The more you access your memories and the stronger the connection to an emotional event or physical stimulus, the stronger the memory. However, memories can still change over time!

9. Music, Sex, and Eating
All three have an effect on the nucleus accumbens! The brain structure is responsible for releasing dopamine. This is probably why even though music isn’t essential to the survival of our species (like eating and sex are) that it’s prevalent across the entire world and has been for so long.

10. Sleep Deprived Driving = Drunk Driving?
Some studies indicate that being drowsy while driving is just as bad as being drunk while driving. Driving while you are very tired can make you twice as likely to get into an accident because your judgment is impaired and your reaction time is slowed (if you fall asleep at the wheel, you can’t react at all). Besides, getting enough sleep each night has been associated with better memory, being happier overall, and increased productivity.

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Recent Comments


The brain also has more cholesterol than any other organ. The brain needs cholesterol so much that it makes its own cholesterol, which is a better grade of cholesterol than the rest of the body needs or the liver can make. Cholesterol gets such a bad rap, but it is needed just as much as water. Without it, you die.


Great post. Very informative. Thanks Erik.

Thank you..:-)


Good to know about the brain - thanks.

You are very welcome and thank you for reading it...:-)


Why my brain doesn't renew cells I can easily forget things.

Haha...it does...:-) rest assured.


Can those food supplements for brain, or memory help?

Help for what exactly? Help increase your memory or be more focused? Yes...:-)

Shoot me a PM and we can discuss, thank you.


This is encouraging information. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Thank you for reading it Nancy...:-)


Hi Erik, thank you for the very informative post

Thank you for reading it..:-)


Good post, very informative. Regards Shane.

Thank you Shane, enjoy your Sunday...:-)


Great Post Erik,

And #6 when you take a break think about absolutely Nothing. :)
Next to impossible.


Haha...I know Sonny...I can relate to that too..:-)


Interesting, the little things we take for granted. Pen and paper works better for me, cause my brain sometimes is not on his best behavior. Great post.

It's very true

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