Plugins! Knowing the Ones You Need vs the Ones You Don't


It's time for your daily dose of Wordpress Wisdom! In today's quick tutorial I'll be talking about a question I get all the time, "Which plugins are the best ones for my website?", "Which plugins do I need?", "How many plugins should I have?"

The truth is, there is no black and white answer to this. It all depends on your specific needs for your specific website. Let's dive into the video and I'll elaborate!

As always, feel free to share this video to anyone needing help with this. If you have any Wordpress related questions that you'd like to see me create a tutorial for send me a private message or leave me a message on my profile.

If you want to check out all my Wordpress Wisdom tutorials feel free to head over to my blog.

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I don't think I have more than 5 plug ins on any of my sites Eric!

As you rightly say (and thanks to your wordpress wisdom) we simply don't need them anymore!!!

There is so much customisibility (is that even a word)?? Within the block editor these days!!

Have a wonderful weekend Bro!!


You too man!

Cheers buddy!! The wife is away so I certainly indeed to!!


Thanks for explaining this Eric. I’m new to Wordpress so I’m in the experimental phase with plugins. Thing I need the most for my guitar site, atm, are visuals like guitar tabs and chord diagrams. I’ve tried some plugins but haven’t gotten them to work yet.

As you continue to progress and learn you'll realize you don't need plugins for many of the things you're looking for. Images of guitar tabs and chords wouldn't be something I'd be trying to find via a plugin, I'd be trying to find a program or platform that creates those and then I'd just screenshot them and upload the images to the site. 👍🏼 Keep up the good work!

Thanks man. I’ll start looking into that because that’s what’s slowing me down with publishing for the guitar site.

Try Chordify... looks like they have a ton of tools and images you can use for stuff like that.

Hey Eric thanks for the great video. It is definitely an area where I am still learning and trying to figure out which plugins I need and which plugins are redundant. Its easy to go crazy? I think I probably need to review my installed plugins and see if I can't cull a few. Is there an easy way to compare different plugins and the effect they have on sitespeed? And do plugins affect the mobile version of your site differently to the desktop version of your site. I would like to improve my pagespeed results for the mobile version of my website but not really sure how to go about doing this

You can methodically deactivate your plugins one by one to see how your site speed is affected. One thing to keep in mind is that if you' don't actually notice anything slow about your site by the eye test, then you don't really have an issue. Many times, people will spend days working on improving their site speed because they think they have a low score and when they finally make an "improvement" it's only milliseconds they've shaved off their loading times that turns their scores from red to green. Keep up the good work!

A great video Eric. It’s unique that I am having the exact issue. I had the Free Yoast SEO plugin. Since having this plugin, I have had nearly all my posts not getting indexed. So after several days of none of my 15 posts being indexed, I bought the Rank Math SEO Pro. I really like this over the Yoast, which I forgot to deactivate yesterday. lol

Thanks again for the important tip.


Keep up the good work!

I have some pretty basic plug ins on my sites. I try not to go hog-wild with them because, for the most part, if what I wrote doesn't get them, then all the fancy plugins in the world probably won't either. Just my thought.

Thanks for sharing. I like to keep things simple!


Glad you enjoyed it!

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