How to Change Your Logo For Different Pages on Your Website
It's time for your daily dose of Wordpress Wisdom! In today's slightly advanced tutorial I'm going to show you how you can actually have your logo change under certain conditions like specific pages of your website. This is a function I found in the Generate Press documentation and it's totally doable even with the free version with the addition of some php code. I'll show you how in this video so you can have an understand of just how customizable Generate Press really is!
As always, please feel free to share this video to anyone needing help with this. If you have any Wordpress related questions that you'd like to see me create a tutorial around feel free to send me a private message or leave me a message on my profile.
If you want to check out all my Wordpress Wisdom tutorials feel free to head over to my blog.
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Recent Comments
Very helpful tutorial on changing your logo on different pages, Eric! I didn't know it was possible to do this that easy...anyways, you make it look easy, lol. I might try it sometime if I find I want to change my logo a bit for a different page.
Thanks for sharing!
Best wishes :) ~Sherry
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Thanks for sharing, Eric. Just one question right now. Where do you find the documentation stuff for Generate Press?
Easiest way is just doing a google search and it comes right up
Thanks. I thought maybe it was somewhere in the back office or something. But that makes sense. Thanks!