WA Blog SWAG #1: Lessons in Affiliate Marketing


(Originally written halfway through)...

Well, this is my first update post for the Super Affiliate Program. I know I am a bit behind, I've had my hands full with trying to keep up with the course load, but I am super determined to catch up and meet my targets by the end of the year.

Here is what we should be doing as Super Affiliates for Month 1. I list it all for those not in the official program, just in case no one else has yet (sorry for my tardiness - I should have done this day1).

  • Choose a Theme you're happy with, and Customize.
  • Create a Logo (free tools- Canva and Logojoy)
  • Establish the Framework of Content on your site
  • Manage your widget layouts
  • Update fonts and colours
  • Create a new User and Gravatar account
  • Research and come up with 50 low competition keywords
  • Set up monthly SiteContent Goals (12,000 words and 12 articles)
  • Write and Publish 12 new posts on your site
  • Create a >1500 word Review Post for WA
  • Share a WA post socially once a week (your own or others)
  • Invite friends and family - close networking
  • Spend 15min a day in live chat helping others
  • Create 1 new WA blog post a week
  • Help 5 people at day (at WA)

And here is my update to far...what I have accomplished and what I've learnt in the process:

Where I am at:

Well - I am failing stupendously, but I'm learning so much, and I'm getting faster and faster. Today was a slow and rough day, but I've networked and helped people a lot to day, so I'm feeling pretty great. But to sum it up at 2 1/2 weeks in:

  • Theme - CHECK
  • Logo - in progress. Logojoy is awesome, but I didn't realize the final product wasn't free - opps.
  • Framework - DONE
  • Widgets and Colors -DONE
  • New User - Done and using same Gravatoar
  • Research 50 KW - DONE and the best bit by far lol
  • SiteContent Goals - DONE
  • Posts on my Website - 4x Complete - running behind

To Do Still

  • finish logo and get it uploaded
  • expand WA review to 1500 words at least
  • Need to catch up with my article post writing and publishing.
  • Haven't been consistent with spending time on live chat
  • Helping maybe 1 person per day - either on WA or the various FB groups that I'm a member of. Need to ramp this up and spend more time helping others.

Lesson 1: Always Do The Training (in Order)

I've jumped around with this months lessons and tasks, and this was bit of a mistake, Time and time again we are told, Do The Training. Don't Jump Around and skip steps. And even though this training isn't the Bootcamp or Certification - it still applies. If I walked through step by step, I would'nt have had to back track a little and I would be further along.

Lesson 2: Don't Get Distracted

Don't get distracted by shiny objects or shiny promises. Just stick to the training...

Lesson 3: Actually Watch and Listen to the Video Training

I hate watching videos. They seem so slow to me, and I love skimming through transcripts to get what I need out of them. The problem here though, is that Kyle doesn't provide an actual transcript with his video. And he shouldn't have to. I should just watch the thing, but so often, I've only read the text in each lesson, only to return to the videos weeks or months later, when I have "time".


Kyle gives so much more information in the scope of the video, and I've missed key points and elements by not watching the videos in order.

A good thing to remember is that you can speed up the videos to a speed that suits you. I usually speed up Kyle's video's to x1.25. This is only applicable to the new videos and recently updated videos.

I'll post another update shortly, that will bring up to date - having less than 1 week to go.

Hope everyone else is doing better than me!


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Recent Comments


Great update post!
Looks like you are doing great!
This is a great approach!


Thanks, Pitofly - I really appreciate that:)

Great job! Every move forward is progression. I hear you when you say that watching movie thing is not your favorite. The training movies are splendid, where you have to do things, but the others I sure would like a transcript too, Listening to them takes too much of my time. I have a wireless headphone, and I listen to them during my lunch break ;) or even on the toilet:)))

Lol that's a good idea, thank you, Loes. I might try that toilet thing:)

You are doing just great. Some of the mistakes you have made, I have made myself but at least we learnt from them.
Good luck with finishing this months tasks.
With Grace and Gratitude

You're doing just fine Erica. :) ~Mark

Hey Erica, I'm not asking much but at least I hope I could be you..haha.

Thanks for simplifying things. Hope to catch up with the schedules.

Have a great day :))

Hi, Erica.

You are doing great. Don't down talk yourself. Yes, it was a mistake not watching the videos, but luckily we learn from our mistakes. Just keep on working diligently and success will come.

All the best to you.

Thanks, Hennie. I appreciate your comments:)

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