YouTube Channel Started Today

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Hi WA community and friends,

Do you want to get started on YouTube or are you a YouTube pro?

Getting started on YouTube has been something I've been meaning to do forever. I KNOW that over time it's going to become a great source of traffic and an income generator. For ages though I told myself, I'm not ready, I can't do it. Blah de blah blah blah.

Well, today, I decided to take the leap. More of a crawl than a leap actually, but I did it.

  1. I set up my channel
  2. I uploaded my first video

I've been really inspired by several WA members' stories about how they're doing on YouTube, and as well as being part of Diane's self-promotion challenge to put myself out there in August, I've also been reminding myself constantly that I HAVE to do this.

Setting up the channel was really easy. There is NO NEED to put this off.

As for my first video, this was a total cheat as...

  • I didn't record myself just joined a couple of photos (cheat)
  • I didn't talk or voiceover just added music - (cheat)
  • The video is 20 seconds long CHEAT!

I just had to get something on there, and it's a short clip I can use on a post I'm writing so it's good enough for now.

Now I've taken the first step, I know I can take the next one.

Where are you on your YouTube journey?

Speak soon,

Emma x

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I'm a bit of a procrastinator in the sense that I always feel like I need to read every book/blog before starting something. The problem is that it leads to me always learning but never executing. Nonetheless, I am making it a goal of mine to film a YouTube video for every blog I do. I will be shooting the first video real soon.

Good luck on your journey.

Hi Breshawn, good to meet you. Thank you for your comment and thoughts. I've always been very much the same. I LOVE learning and so I'm VERY slow to act. Hence, the drastic, just do it cheat style start to my budding YouTube career haha. Looking forward to hearing more and following your journey. Emma :)

Congrats! Your videos will only get better with time! Taking that 1st step is always the hardest. Just keep moving. That being said, even if only small videos, plan to post them on a regular basis. It shows your audience no matter how big or small that you are persistent and dedicated to the task at hand.
Where am I on my YouTube journey? LOL That depends on which YouTube channel we're talking about. I have one with 3K subs and a couple of others in their infancy. Although, my oldest one, the one I've put the most effort into is moving uber slow.
Enough about me, congrats and don't stop now!!!

Thank you Les, for the congrats, encouragment and tips. I see you've written some posts about your YouTube work so I'm going to take a good look at your advice on those too.

Congrats! I don't care if it's a cheat, (as you called it). You did it!
I didn't hear about the challenge, but I'm going to look into it and work on my own "cheat" version. You gave me inspiration.

I am in real estate, and I need to learn you tube. Now more than ever!

Be safe

Thank you, Nurit. The cheat version at least gets the job started. Let's do this! Looking forward to following you too.

Well done Emma
Congratulation on starting up, you are 1000 steps before me, I've being struggling a lot with a lot of things lately haven't being able to get much done.

So wishing you all the best of success and wellness hopes up be strong you got this..


Hi Benjy, lovely to hear from you and thank you for the congratulations. I am sorry to hear you've been struggling. Please let me know if I can help :) One step at a time.

Well done Emma!
Getting the first video done is a great first step, It helps to demystify the whole process.
There's no stopping you now!

Yay! Thank you, Dave.
That's exactly what it felt like, demystifying the whole thing. I always appreciate your encouragement, thank you.

Once you get the hang of the process you can start developing your expertise at creating videos. You don't even need to appear in person. Screencast videos with your voice-over can do very well indeed!
Keep up the great work!

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