Trying to manage my introvert (self-promotion)

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I know from conversations that I am not the only shy introvert here at WA. There are probably many of us. But I'm struggling with my introvert self at the moment.

She tends to hold me back on self-promotion. I have a hard time with it. It feels like bragging. And that probably goes back to childhood, dealing with an extrovert sister. Neither introvert nor extrovert is necessarily bad, but they can have their issues. And I've never completely won the battle over mine, it seems.

I'm more of a giver than a receiver. I listen more than I talk. (although I do enjoy writing).

So now, as I'm writing my current sites, she (the introvert) still nags. Not a problem when I'm writing factual information, I suppose. But it does come into play when I want to monetize. I feel like I'm bragging, begging, or just not being me.

Yes, I know. Just tell the facts.

And I do that. But then part of the process is being willing to really put myself out there. And that is a problem for me

So, today and all through the upcoming month of August, I am going to work on the monetizing parts of my site.*** Reviews. Products.

I'm going out of my comfort zone a bit and asking people to read these posts. One day at a time, I'm going to make sure I do something each day that works toward the monetizing.

In fact, I've added this chore (yes, it's a chore for me, whereas writing is a pleasure) to my daily plans. And I'm writing about it here to make myself a bit more accountable.

Would any introvert friends like to join me in being a bit more self-promoting (of our affiliate sites, at least) for the month of August? (Did you notice that I actually started by asking here? It's a start!)

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I am an introvert too! It just means we get our energy from being alone. That's how we recharge. Extroverts just get their energy from being around people. Neither are bad, just different, as you said. Maybe think of it as promoting your brand, more than yourself. You believe in your brand, right? Just a thought for the day.


I am a total introvert also! Love how you describe that we just get our energy from being alone. Sometimes I have to force myself to be around people because I feel obligated. Here at WA I love that I can be alone but not ever be alone. Thank you for that.

Yes, Paula, that is the approach I am working on. It still feels uncomfortable, but I will conquer!

Yes, WA is great for us introverts!

Same here. lol

I have Bi-Polar and Social Anxiety Disorder, use to be server social anxiety circa as little as 2 years ago. I was a forced introvert after my nervous breakdown 6years ago. I will tell you that the fear you feel is able to be defeated but you have to constantly force yourself to chip at the walls until the cell that is your disorder breaks.

You have it in you, I have and had it in me. I am now the number 17 ranked helper on Wealthy Affiliate. I have a successful blog, and made some great money today, over $50 an hour for 3 hours work. Not saying that to brag but to tell you that money like that is owed to your skill, not begging, but owed for the wise and fearless blogger that comes through in your honest and informative posts.

Andy, you are truly an inspiration!

I do believe that we all have it within, and you are right--just chip away. That's why I set the goal of August. It's time for me to manage that aspect. And others are joining. We certainly can use your inspiration!

Thank you!!

I think that is almost par for the course, another way to look at it is imposter syndrome.

At some point the flood gates will open, it is just a matter of chipping away setting those goals even if they are just small ones to start off with and then working diligently to follow through. That one has worked the best for me over the years.

I think also that if we don't overthink it we arrive at that place with out even realizing that we have.

Best wishes for the month of August, Diane, look forward to reading about your success.

Thank you for the encouraging words!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

I totally understand, Diane. I have been an introvert my entire life although most people will say I'm an extrovert because they don't understand what being an introvert really means.

I don't like to self promote either, am a giver and most importantly need alone time to recharge my batteries. The last part is really what separates us introverts from extroverts.


Oh, very true. And with a big family, it's not always easy to find alone time to recharge. Thankfully, some of my kids are also introverts, so they understand. And I get up very early every morning to enjoy the solitude before everyone else arises!

When I was working, I'd conduct meetings and with people all day so everyone thought I was so extroverted. They never understood why going out with them after work was NOT my thing. I came home and CRASHED!

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