Helpful Content: Google's Continuing Evaluation

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So, I watched a YouTube video earlier that put forward the theory that Google assigns a score to each one of your posts, based on quality and keyword similarity.

And then averages out the results to give an overall score to your website.

And if this overall score is low, then it can drag down the ranking of all your posts.

I can see there may be some truth in this, because in the Helpful Content update, Google specifically said:

"The system generates a site-wide signal that we consider among many other signals for use in Google Search."

"Any contentβ€”not just unhelpful contentβ€”on sites determined to have relatively high amounts of unhelpful content overall is less likely to perform well in Search."

From this, we can understand that if any of your content is deemed unhelpful, then even your genuinely helpful posts may not rank highly.

How Might Scores Be Calculated?

So, if the scoring theory really is a thing, what is Google looking for?

The following information is taken from the SEO Truths channel.

Quality Scores: This focuses on the relevancy of your content, the quality of the writing, the value of your information, the images (Alt Text), the meta description, the structure and flow of the posts, and an overall picture of professionalism.

This score needs to be as high as possible, let's do some simple maths.

Imagine you have 5 posts on your site, 2 of which are excellent, 1 is average and 2 are really poor.

So, your scores could be 84, 78, 57, plus 37 and 22.

That would make your overall average of 55, which is just not high enough!

Keyword Similarity Scores: Now, this is probably not going to mean what you think it might!

Perhaps you think it means that Google is looking for the target keywords, and their synonyms, similar keywords.

But apparently, this score is based on how similar your post is, compared to others that are using the same keyword.

This score needs to be as low as possible, in other words, that your post needs to contain much more unique information, that is not found elsewhere.

Rather than simply repeating and rewriting what is already out there.

Are you bringing something new to the topic?

Have you found a simplified way of explaining things, do you have infographics, or actionable steps, are you getting straight to the point and answering the question, is the information taken directly from your own experience, etc?

So, if only 20% of your post repeats known information, and 80% is brand new, or presented in a new, unique way, that's a great score.

But if 75% of your post is simply rewriting what's already out there, that is a red flag to Google!

And again, Google will apparently average out the score of all your posts on your website.

Continuous Evaluation

The final point is that unlike other core updates, the Helpful Content system runs continuously.

Typically, with a Google update, if your rankings have been hit, no matter how quickly you improve your content, you would need to wait until the next update rolls around, before seeing any changes.

But this one is different, you could see improvements in rankings much quicker, if your unhelpful content is now deemed helpful!

Final Thoughts

So, as I mentioned earlier, this is a theory, Google does not reveal its secrets.

But for me, the idea holds a lot of weight, I think it is feasible.

I hope this gives you food for thought, I have no further information, so don't ask!

Thank you for reading!

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Recent Comments


I would be interested in seeing this video. Do you have the link for this, please.
I would be concerned if this is the way that Google ranks websites. Just averaging out all the statistics does not give a good result on individual posts. Does it also take in "time values" as well, for example, if you wrote something 5 years ago that is not very good, would that also be taken into account
Maybe if I averaged out my age over my life it would help me in getting a younger wife (Ouch, Nga, my wife hit me)

Honestly, I would be concerned if this is how Google ranked a website.
And it would be appreciated if you could provide that link.



I've had a goal of 150 posts by the first for a while, Diane. 141 was posted a couple of hours ago. I intend to go back to the beginning at that point and bring my early stuff up to (my) snuff. Of course, I will continue posting new articles but with less frequency. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Armadillos are cute from a distance.

I like the Farrah hair.

Hi Diane,
When it takes several months to know the ranking of a blog post, how can one figure out what the rank would be? You upgrade your content using AI (paid, free). Don't you have to wait to check your position or authority on your site?
Writing content using your research tool and AI with an info check may work better. It may be the same with youtube.
Quora posts seem to rank well. These are where people use mostly their own experience.

Well, this makes me think that I could be on the right path, with continuing to update "bad blog posts' or even delete older blog posts that just are flatlined now for months. In the hope that that will bring my 'average' up. My DA has gone up slightly though, might that have to do with each other or is there no relation between the two, you think? I know not to ask further, just what you think haha. thanks!

Hi Diane

Thanks for the info; top-notch, as always! πŸ‘πŸ‘

Just read some of the crap written on high-DA, highly-ranked platforms like Reddit and Quora in the Google SERPs, and it's pretty obvious what's going on.

In this "mobile-driven" world, people are looking for the shortest possible answer to very specific questions and value a consensus of opinion. Unfortunately, that approach can also give searchers a lot of misinformation and a variety of opinions that increase the confusion factor.

Google is providing what they consider the best answer in Bard, where a question is answered succinctly, along with useful infographics and images that link to where to buy any helpful products, which are most likely paid ads.

Of course, there are always the long-tailed keywords that no one has thought of but nobody really cares about.

For example, "How to tune a guitar" is a super-competitive keyword, but "Can you tune a guitar if an armadillo accidentally pees on it?" should rank pretty well!

Actually, Bard has a pretty good answer for that, too!: 😳

Me: Can you tune a guitar if an armadillo accidentally pees on it?

Bard: Whether or not you can tune a guitar after an armadillo pees on it depends on the severity of the damage. Armadillo urine can be quite acidic, and if it comes into contact with the strings or the body of the guitar, it can cause corrosion and damage.

Here are some things to consider:

The amount of urine: If the armadillo only peed a small amount, it may not have caused enough damage to affect the tuning.
Where the urine got on the guitar: If the urine got on the strings, it is more likely to cause problems than if it got on the body of the guitar.
How long the urine has been on the guitar: The longer the urine has been on the guitar, the more damage it is likely to have caused.
Here are some steps you can take to try to tune a guitar that has been peed on by an armadillo:

Clean the guitar: Wipe the urine off the guitar with a clean, damp cloth.
Let the guitar dry completely: Do not attempt to tune the guitar until it is completely dry.
Inspect the strings for damage: If the strings are corroded or damaged, they will need to be replaced.
Tune the guitar: If the strings are not damaged, you should be able to tune the guitar as usual.
If you are not sure whether or not the guitar is damaged beyond repair, it is always best to consult a professional.

Here are some additional tips:

If the armadillo urine is fresh, you may be able to neutralize it with a baking soda solution.
You can also try using a lemon juice solution to clean the guitar.
Be careful not to use any harsh chemicals on the guitar, as this could damage the finish.
If the armadillo urine has caused significant damage to the guitar, you may need to take it to a professional for repair.

So it's pretty clear that the majority of searchers won't be getting answers from anywhere except directly from AI platforms like Bard and OpenAI in the near future, complete with infographics and affiliate links.

Could Bard and ChatGPT incorporate their own AI-generated videos into answers to user queries? It certainly isn't beyond the realm of technical possibility!

100% Human-created content, but from a Rock N' Roll guitar player, so take it for what it's worth!

Now, "Excuse me while I kiss the sky!" (Jimi Hendrix) Haha 😎

Rock On! πŸ€˜πŸ¦‚
Frank 🎸

This is the rally of uberable people :))

Stop beeing ignorant is the only answer.

haha I've always wanted to know the answer to that question, Frank! lol

whahwhaha, I just HAD to do this LOL:

" Can you tune a guitar if an hippo accidentally pees on it?
Yes, you can tune a guitar even if an hippo accidentally pees on it. The guitar strings will likely be affected by the pee, but they can be cleaned and tuned back to pitch. However, it is important to clean the guitar strings promptly, as the pee can corrode the strings and make them sound dull.

Here are the steps on how to clean and tune a guitar that has been peed on by an hippo:

Rinse the guitar strings with clean water.
Apply a mild soap to the strings and scrub them with a soft brush.
Rinse the strings thoroughly with clean water.
Dry the strings with a clean cloth.
Tune the guitar to pitch.
It is also a good idea to wipe down the guitar body and fretboard with a damp cloth to remove any urine residue.

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but will a hippo not crush it and won't you have to run away and leave your guitar behind?
View other drafts

Yes, it is possible that a hippo could crush your guitar if it accidentally pees on it. Hippopotamuses are large and powerful animals that can weigh up to 3,200 pounds. If a hippo were to step on your guitar, it would likely be crushed. Additionally, hippos are territorial animals and can be aggressive if they feel threatened. If you were to accidentally startle a hippo while you were playing your guitar, it is possible that it would attack you and crush your guitar in the process.

For these reasons, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and to take precautions when playing your guitar in areas where hippos are present. If you see a hippo, it is best to move away from it and avoid making any sudden movements. If you are playing your guitar in a safe area, and a hippo accidentally pees on it, it is still best to dispose of the guitar and buy a new one. Hippo pee is very acidic and can damage the wood and strings of your guitar."


Don't be shy, Eric.
Ask & you shall receive! Haha πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

See you in class on Wednesday. 😎

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Hi Lizzy

I'm glad I cheered up your day! 😎

Yes, hippos are among the world's most aggressive and dangerous animals. Most people are deceived by their short stubby legs and weight. They can run incredibly fast on the riverbed floor and on land, faster than any human!

I just heard the "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" song with the cute little girl this morning, and it always makes me laugh!

In the event of a hippo attack, I would have no choice but to use my guitar and wall of Marshall amplifiers as an acoustic weapon. The sheer volume of sound waves would blow it back into the depths from which it came! Lol

100% Human-written content!

Who needs Bard when I have movies like "The Legend of Tarzan" (2016) and "Jumanji" (2017)? Lol πŸ˜‚

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Hi Frank - I discovered this about hippos when I was in hospital with a broken ankle. Opposite me was a member of the TA (territorial Army). She had been brought in after a hippo attack in Africa. Well, she had spent quite a lot of in hospital in Africa before she could be flown to the UK as her injuries were so bad. She was an amazing young woman!! Very inspiring.

Hi, Julia

It's a miracle that she survived! Thank God! πŸ™πŸ˜Ž

Frank 🀘🎸

Yeah, I actually know and learned about that in South Africa. We visited a wetlands national park and we heard the stories about them coming out of the water at night, rushing to get to wherever they want to get, all over people, and in those towns, people really do die mostly at night.
I'd rather see a lion I think than a hippo, although they are vegetarians ;-)
Did you know they can't swim, but just "jump" in the water?

Yeah, I’ll take the lion, too, Lizzy. Haha

Hippos will eat meat when food is scarce, and they have no problem attacking anything in their territory.

I remember seeing this video several years ago of a hippo that was raised as a baby who killed its owner.

The same thing happened with Siegfried and Roy's tiger attack.

Certain animals always have the potential to be dangerous.

When I was about five years old, my dad would take us to a zoo somewhere in New York while on vacation.

There was an act where an elderly gentleman in a tuxedo would take off his top hat and put it on a lion’s head. The lion would open its mouth, and the trainer would stick his head inside!

Where have those acts gone?? Nothing is any fun anymore! Lol πŸ˜‚

(Sorry, Diane. I didn't mean to turn your serious and valuable post into a joke.)

Frank 🀘🎸

well, if you want to see some 'fun', go with a bunch of Japanese tourists on a safari to africa, and ask them to pose before a lion. You'll have fun to see what happens next hahaha (sorry, dark sense of humor). The stories rangers tell!

Lol, and I love your new WA avatar, Lizzy! 😎

Frank 🀘🎸

thanks, it's a monkey with leucism , rock on!

Yeah, I guessed that by the color of its fur. 😎

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