Bulk Writer Experience

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Trying to keep up with all the advancements with Wealthy Affiliate? Yes, so am I!

I just tried the Bulk Writer-- I know, I'm probably late to the party. But keep in mind I've been trying to catch up while still managing this Covid yuck.

But I have a new site I'm working on this morning and decided to give it a whirl.

And WHIRL is the right word! Wow!

For those who have not yet tried (anyone later than me??) let me give you a prod-- try it!

I selected 8 article topics for a sub-niche within the new site. You just check each one off, then select bulk write.

I've used other bulk writers, so have some experience. One thing that stands out with the WA writer is that I can actually give some hints to the writer for EACH article. Others that I have used don't have that feature and it really does make a difference.

One feature still missing (but I think they said they are working on) is that of automatically adding images. One of the other bulk writers I use does this and is fairly adept at it. I look forward to seeing that feature added to WA.

However, I use premium image sites so that's not really a "must have" today.

How did the output look?

Honestly, it was very good! Of course, like all AI, it needs some tweaking and a few additions here and there. But within 5 minutes, including adding a few photos, each draft was ready to publish. Yes, 5 minutes each! So in less than an hour, I had 8 new articles added to this site.

Now, I will go back and provide the "finish" on wordpress-- featured image, keywords, formatting a little, adding outbound and within links, etc. But I don't expect that to take me more than 15 minutes for each article, probably less.

My Impression?

I love it! Yes, I'll continue using it in this way. It makes sense! And if they can connect images/photos, so much the better.

Have you tried the bulk writer? What's Your Impression?

Please share your experiences. I enjoy exchanging ideas!

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I haven't tried the bulk writer yet. But, soon though, very soon. I would like to see the types of images that will be automatically added. It will definitely save time. However, I create my own images. I don't normally use stock photos so I wonder how that is going to work. I am loving all advancements that WA are making. Definitely makes me feel like I came to the right place.

At this point, it does not automatically add images. But with other bulk writers, we can select if we want them added (and how many) or not. I expect we'll see something similar at WA.

Of course, changing, adding, deleting images is always possible as we edit, too.

Best of luck!

Hi Diane. I hope you are getting over COVID. That illness sucks the life right out of a person.

The bulk writer is amazing! I've used it a few times, but since I am almost out of word credits, I had to write more of the posts myself so I don't run out before they renew! Since I write 2-3 posts per week it is a lot of extra time. The outlines do help a lot, though!

The output is certainly very worthy of praise. Glad you began using it for your sake. It is a true time saver!

Take care!


Hi Karin,

Yes, that's a good way to put it with Covid-- I told the Dr at my recheck that I still feel like a Mack truck ran over me. I still feel completely exhausted and achy but am hopeful it doesn't last too much longer.

Amazing is a good word for the bulk writer, too. I use another offsite, too, but having it right on WA is so helpful.

Have a wonderful week!

Really glad you enjoyed the Bulk Writing process, when we developed that we set out to allow for high speed content creation, while retaining high quality design & content from the Designer Author side of things.

As the content continues to improve, and we integrate new styles and structure, you are going to see the bulk writing will function in parallel and will retain the same level of quality as the "singular post" type.

Appreciate you sharing your feedback here! :)

PS. Images are coming!

Thank you, Kyle. Yes, I'm watching with great anticipation for each new integration-- you and the team are really helping!


Hi Diane,

No, not yet because I have not gotten my credits renewed yet. Waiting for that by the end of this week or so. I cant wait to use it. 😀

I think you will find it incredibly useful!

I sure hope so! I will post about the experience once my credits are renewed this month. I am revamping and rewriting old posts that got de-indexed in the Google Search Console. It's due for a complete rewrite anyway.

Hi Diane

I agree that the WA bulk writer is very helpful.

Having an outline for each of the generated posts in the bulk writer output would be a great improvement.

I’d like to see it give the option to create the content directly in the WordPress Block Editor since I don’t use WA Site Content editor. That would save me a copy and paste step.

Since the bulk writer is using the ChatGPT 4o API, automatically generating AI images with DALL-E 3 seems like the way to go. The bulk writer could also tap into WA’s online free image database.

All that being said, I don’t think generating daily high-volume website content is the best way forward.

At the speed that AI is evolving, it won’t be long before the technology can automatically generate and post articles online, too. Just my opinion. 😎

Frank 🎸

I agree with your points. However for me its still outputting too much fluff for my taste-LOL!

Thanks, Brenda!

How did you like “ Passengers?”

Enjoy your Sunday! 😎
Frank 🎸

The movie was so good, and I loved the special effects. It was a fantastic movie. I think I saw it before, but I didn't remember what it was about. At the time the movie came out, I was dealing with my late husband's passing that year, so I think I was still grieving. It was hard to watch the dying and the love scenes back then. This time, I was able to watch it without sobbing.

Ok, I’m glad you enjoyed it this time around.

We put it on our list to re-watch, but it’s a very long list! Lol 😎

Frank 🎸


Yes, it can. And thus the need to edit and humanize.

You are right about that, even with all that fluff. I found it to be too much work. It still does go off its tangent. It does not listen to my prompts, unlike the other GPTs. I'm using Poe from Quora, so I have access to all kinds of GPT bots. I trained one based on my own writing samples. With AI Author, we can't train it. Anyway, I'm better off writing the whole thing myself, and I've been choosing to do that more often lately.

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