Viva Espana
Be careful what you say on the internet chaps and chappesses, you never know who is watching.
Take this week with me. My good friend Gary in Spain sent a message that he was having a few problems on an electrical installation that he had been called out to. Potentially a dangerous situation and as it turned out it was on the point of setting fire to the customers villa. He sent photos and I advised the next step etc. etc. Between us we got the problem fixed and a good job too, the customer was potentially in danger.
My input was probably less than an hour and my reward – a week in their super villa in Spain all expenses paid.
Now this is the part of interest to WA members. Somehow the photographs and some of the conversations got onto Facebook and unknown to us there were kerjillions of people in Spain watching the Saga of Dave and Gary and the case of the naughty wiring.
Gary emailed me just now. Up to Saturday morning he had had over a dozen ex-pats living in his area of Spain that had phoned him with similar problems. They had all shared the Facebook messages and photos, and realising that they too had the same issues had called Gary to request his help. And now Gary is happily landed with another three of four weeks of work for his business, plus the spin offs and referrals he is certain of getting.
You just never know where it will lead when you put stuff out there onto the internet.
My tip then, don’t wait on things, sit down and finish that article you keep talking about, get it posted, get it into the big wide internet world. It just might be your next big pay check.
And me. I can’t wait to get out there and enjoy my holiday but I bet the old dog will get me working.
Stay lucky everyone
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Great work Bux, it just shows us what power the internet has!
Congratulations on your reward after an hours work!
We try to get back to Spain at twice a year after having lived there a couple of times before, where is the villa you will be visiting?
Have a great evening my friend
Partaloa, Almeria.
Yes, get this Covid bug out of the way and it's full speed to the sun. Thanks for asking.
Looks like a great little place Bux.
Many moons ago we lived in la linea, and then after years in Brazil we moved to Benalmadena near Malaga which turned out to be an ill advised attempt at owning a restaurant on the beach!
We managed to get a quick trip down to Spain for 18 days last year at the end of June between lockdowns.
Hopefully we will be able to do the same this year again! And you too!
Spain is always a great place to visit Bux, I see it as my retirement though, better than France.
I love Nice and I speak French so a no brainer for me.
Spain has a good following though.
I understand your thinking my friend , I don't think there is much between my Spanish or French language skills!
But we just prefer the Spanish way of life!
That is really cool. I had a similar experience doing something on facebook live when a ton of people from across the country starting messaging me. It turns out my sister saw what I did and shared it and lots of people wanted to be involved. The internet is amazing.
Good afternoon Bux,
Actually, I am in hiding again, but this Viva caught my attention.
Tell me, where about will you be? Do not forget to contact if you are close to where I live.
Greetings from the south of Spain,
Hi Taetske.
Partaloa, Almeria is where Gary lives. As soon as the Covid problem goes away I will be on a plane. I intend renting a car and driving around, we can meet for a coffee. I have saved your WA name and will PM you when it is going to happen, but probably not until Autumn. Thanks for asking.
Malaga is 178km from Almeria. Then you add like 16 km and there I am. Alhaurin de la Torre is between Malaga and Torremolinos, 8 km inland.
I have started the third lockdown in my village, well, on coming Monday. Let us hope that next Autumn we will be free to travel.
Greetings from the south of Spain,
I will extend the coffee to a lunch and with good weather we can sit in the pergola on the patio.
Have a nice Sunday,
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Damn, WhatsApp is now Facebooked, unfortunately. We are looking at switching to the other, the name skipped me, that got millions of new members the last week. But I will sure like to get a whole paid vacation in Spain or some other place too, thanks for the share Bux