Expanding your Niche

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How often do we look for something for what seems like an age, only to realise that it was there in front of us all the time.

What they call – Hidden in Plain Sight. How did I ever miss that?

Sometimes we just don’t see what is right there, so close that we could reach out and touch it. Not just physical things like “where are my spectacles, oh here they are on my head” Or spending ten minutes searching for a pair of scissors that were in the cutlery draw all along, the one that you’ve just emptied out twice. Third time lucky they say.

It happens with ideas too. There are times when our thought processes just don’t help us to see what is there all the time. I went through a phase of wondering just what I could write about next. With almost 300 videos already published I was worried, a few weeks ago, that I might be running out of ideas for my niche. What to do?

Then I helped a new starter with her niche ideas, how to publish, what to put in her videos and so on. I was answering my own questions about what to do next with my own niche, even though they were in no way similar.

This person was very obviously good as a dietician, and knew her stuff. But … she asked … “If I write about the perfect diet, why its good for you, what do I write about next? I can’t write about another perfect diet.” So I PM’d her a list

I suggested that instead of writing the whole thing, all about the diet and all about the different variations in one very long post or video, why not have many shorter and separate blogs that are maybe titled …

A diet for Adults and then next week, a diet for children, followed the week after by a diet for seniors, then there are diets for diabetes, and diets for allergies

Then break the adults down into diets for 20 year olds, diets for 30 year olds, a diet for pregnant mums, or even what to eat when planning a baby.

The list went on. Enough ideas to keep her going for a year or more.

The point is, if you know your niche, if you really are the expert on your niche, then you should have no problem in making a few adjustments here and there to target a new audience. And audiences like to be targetted.

Concert promoters don’t just advertise an evening of music without any clues and hope that the music will suit all the ticket holders. Instead, if they advertise it as Classical music they know that they will get many more people turning up who are already appreciative of that genre. A rock concert will attract a different group. Taylor Swift, a very specific group, but thousands and thousands of them.

How to cook. A pretty bland title for a niche subject.

How about how to cook eggs 5 ways or how to cook the perfect omelette.

And another posting could be Barbecue Spare Ribs and next week, Barbecue Spare Ribs Southern Style. Folk will read it or watch it, because it is specific.

Exercise for weight watchers – so what?

But what about exercise for the young weight watcher, and then Exercise for 30 year olds. “Oh … I’m 33 years of age, I must watch this. Mum, I just phoned to say that I watched a great video today, and they even have one about exercise for 60 year olds. You’ve got to watch it.”

Expand, expand, expand. Use what you already know to create lots of micro-niches.

Learn to brainstorm for ideas and write down every idea that whizzes across your mind as soon as it appears. Don’t wait, you will lose it. If its written down, you’ve captured it, even if you do nothing with it for two weeks or a month, it’s there, waiting.

My favourite memory tool? I almost always have my mobile phone to hand. I email myself the idea, it’s then saved in my email pile for later. Or I might photgraph something interesting that I see – whatever it is, capture it, something in the street, a page in a book, a poster on the wall, it just might be the “thing” that leads to the next topic for your niche.

Remember - The hardest thing to spot is what is directly in front of you.

And when you have your ideas – take action.

You can’t build a brick wall unless you pick up the bricks and put them on the wall.

What an excellent idea for a new game – Pick up Bricks.

Now I’m thinking of Pink Floyd – perhaps ­­it’s time to take my tablets.

That’s all, have a super week.


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Nicely put Bux! With all of the technology available these days to assist us, I truly believe that we will never run out of ideas no matter what niche we are in!

Have a great start to the week my friend! :-)

Ow do Nick. At 2pm I was told I was going to Glastonbury so get there. I took the opportunity to slip into the health food shop and get me some Sleep Time tea. i will be testing it tonight.
That's cashew nut roast by the side of the box. having a vegan day today after the huge amount I ate over the weekend.
I've had another idea while I've been out. Hopefully I will sleep well tonight, I've been up since 4am today.
When is loved one home, and your wife too. I hope her paw is healing well.

Hope the tea worked well for you Bux... especially as you were up at 4am!!

I went to collect them both from the train station this morning.. the paw is healing but, not at the rate it should be...

Maybe back to vet again this week!

Enjoy your evening buddy!! :-)


I can count on the fingers of one stump just how many times I have slept through the night. In round figures - zero. I can sit up until midnight, 1 am and beyond and 2 hours later - good morning world, how are you today.

I'm glad that they are both back home safe. Shame about the paw, stage two coming up. Pity they don't do cones for paws.

Look after yourselves.

Insomnia is no joke Bux...

I was actually thinking about a coning project we could use on animals feet the other day....

Why not??? Could be an interesting new niche but I would need to come up with the production and distribution fairly quickly!!

Cheers bud and I hope you sleep well!!


Seriously. I was thinking if you could make a tube out of some plastic and gaffa tape, but extend it to above her knee so that she can't bend her leg and chew at it. Fasten it the leg with some sticky human plaster. It would be like putting the leg into a plaster cast.
Or ... brilliant. Just put one of those little muzzles on her' she wouldn't be able to chew it and it can be easily removed for eating. A neighbour has muzzled her dog because he keeps stealing tennis balls when they are in the park and won't give them back until his teeth burst them. Hey, mum, this one's broken! Now he can't pick the tennis ball up, problem solved.
Just a thought.

Sounds like a interesting idea Bux... I will look into further!

No muzzles for my pup though... she wouldn't be able to bite the wife again!!


Ha ha. That poor maligned woman.
Give it a go, Nick.
We used to do “”cardboard engineering”” make it out of cardboard and sellotape first. Easy to cut and to add pieces. Then use the cardboard as a template for the Beta version.

I'm actually quite well versed in the art of 'cardboard engineering' Bux!!

Just not going to sellotape any to my pup though, but... I am working on a workaround!! ;-)

Nar, the sellotape is for sticking card to card as you modify it, or use a stapler. I remember my cat had a piece of sellotape stuck on him once, from goodness knows where. he went ballistic. It was huge - about half inch square.
Friday tomorrow, try and have an easy weekend.

Sellotape is a nightmare to remove from them alright!!

The wife is back off to Geneva again tomorrow, but... my pup is staying with me!

An easy weekend is on the cards!

I hope so for you as well buddy??


Catching up with work things, a video to finish. Not feeling too good today, just tired from yesterday's "excitement" at Musgrove. Yes, I will take it steady, just work at 50% and get some more fresh air.
Enjoy your weekend, take care.

Sounds like a solid plan Bux and sorry to hear you're not feeling too good today....

Take care as well buddy and get some rest in ok!!


Spot on there Nick. I need rest, too many restless nights recently.
But there is sunshine at the other side of every rain cloud.
I'm going for a nice walk Saturday, get some fresh air and plan the next project. I find walking helps my brain to sort things out for me.
I hope that little dog is feeling better, she'll be fine now she's with you.

We all need rest Bux... I take it you haven't managed to find any gummies yet!

Hope you had a great walk (weather permitting) and my pup is fine now here with just me!

Enjoy the rest of your day my friend! :-)

No gummies. thought about them at 5pm. I think H&B are open on Sunday here. Its on my list. A great walk and then back on the 'puter this afternoon. Nearly caught up with myself, but not rushing.
Its good to hear that your pup is happy and content. All they want is love, warmth and a little food.
Enjoy your peaceful weekend mate.

Don't rush things buddy... they will happen when they are supposed to happen!

I was actually pretty productive on the 'puter' this afternoon... gives me time to relax with my pup over the next few days!

Time to get some food, a last business trip of the day for her and then relax watching a film!!

Hopefully the gummies won't be needed, but I did buy a new pack of them yesterday just in case!!

Enjoy the rest of your evening and night mate!


A very relaxed evening Nick. A nice few hours chatting and now home alone. I do miss my cat, my best mate.
An hour on catch up, half an hour with a good buck and then hit the zzz button.
I've got an emergency bottle of brandy downstairs but I try not to drink alone, the bottle seems to empty quicker.
Speak soon buddy.
Woof woof.

Happy to hear your evening was a pleasant one Bux!

I miss all my pets from over the years... about 15 cats but only two dogs....

I did have a bit left in an emergency bottle of gin last weekend, but... as the wife and my pup weren't here, it didn't last long!!

I'm behaving myself better this weekend though... can you believe my Sunday lunch was a tuna and pasta salad!!

Take care buddy and enjoy the rest of your Sunday! :-)

That sounds healthy Nick.
I indulged in an oversize pork chop. It must have come from a dinosaur, it was huge. But very nice.
I'm eating vegan on Monday.
Yes, I slept well and hoping to repeat the phenomena tonight.

I thought so too Bux, but... the kebab in the evening... I'll say no more!!

A dinosaur chop eh.. nice!

Happy to hear you had a decent nights kip and I hope it continues for you my friend!


Yep, Sunday I slept like a baby. Fingers crossed for Monday.
Kebabs win every time.
In Glastonbury Tuesday, I will check out the gummies at Earthfare. I ate vegan today.
When is loved one back home.
Take care.

Hope you slept like a baby last night as well and you managed to find some gummies today!

My loved one stayed with me this time, but... the wife should be back tomorrow evening!

All good things …
Build on the week.

Always my friend and you too! :-)

Some very good points there, Bux.

Myra ♥️

Thank you Miss M. I always appreciate your comments.

You're welcome, Mr. B. Sorry I didn't have anything more intelligent to add to my comment as I was sort of in a hurry. 😅🏃‍♀️

Myra ♥️

Aren't we all at times Myra. We all need a forty hour day at times. I always appreciate your comments, don't underestimate your intelligence.
Look after yourself

Good points, Bux!

If we keep breaking down our niche into smaller parts, we can easily find hundreds of things to add content to our websites, videos, social media, etc.

Exactly the point I was making to the health practitioner. I could write a blog on why a penny has two sides if need be. If we can create a title, we can fill in the detail.
Thanks Howard.

You can't learn to swim unless you're willing to get in the water!

Wow, I've never heard that one before - that's great. It is now in my diary for future encouragement. thanks.

Bux, exactly. You hit the point straight on. I haven't done YouTube, it is a hefty learning curve for me. The technology issue of trying to get the AI voiceovers to sync with the captioning features. Most people take their hearing and speaking voices for granted. I can't hear. I was encouraged to do videos in my sign language. That will be American Sign Language, then have another problem with that too. Adding the captions and voiceovers doesn't sync with my sign language. I find the technology hard to do. The writing part is much easier for me. The bad part is Google screwed their search engine results big time. Great post, Bux😀

Thank you Brenda. I understand that some technologies are not 100% inclusive.
Thanks for the feedback though, really appreciated, and do take care.

Ah sure, you’re welcome. Yes, technology can be frustrating and not always inclusive. Sigh. Well, they’ve made great stride here in USA for people with disabilities. I hope youre doing well. I am good! 😊 you too take care!

I'm doing my best. Being careful is not my strong point.
Catch you soon.

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