A Drop of Water Makes an Ocean

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Hey everyone :)

I haven't blogged here in a little while, but I was just clicking around here at WA & I came across a profile with the bio "a drop of water makes an ocean"... And I liked it so much that it kinda spurred me to write something.

You see, whenever I think of the ocean, my first thought it always how vast it is.

But the reality is, the oceans didn't just "appear" overnight... They formed over time... Over centuries in fact, from little droplets of rain.

Yep, that's right - our vast, deep, powerful oceans, were once just tiny droplets.

And the reason I really liked this concept is that it's so comparable to affiliate marketing.

I often hear people saying things like "I'll never be able to build a website like that" or "I'll never be able to create content as good as that" but the reality is, what these people are comparing to is not really a fair comparison.

They're comparing their beginning, to somebody else's middle.

And the truth is, just like with the ocean & the droplets, ANYBODY can do this (and be hugely successful with it), providing they stay consistent.

Affiliate marketing doesn't require "brains" or "skills". In fact, nothing really does in life. It just requires a desire to succeed, and the consistency to make it happen.

So with that in mind, and the current Black Friday offer running, why not take it as an opportunity to challenge yourself?

Challenge yourself to upgrading to a Yearly Premium Plus+ membership & setting aside 30 minutes to 1 hour each day for the next year to apply yourself to your business.

Because, after the year, I KNOW you will be pleasantly surprised. You will be in an excellent position, and every year after that you will only grow even further.

And as I say, with the current offer running, there's literally no better time to do it.

So what do you say?

Are you up for a challenge?

Let's make the next year ahead the best year ever for growth & prosperity 💪

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Recent Comments


I don't really have the funds to be upgrading, but I did it anyway because the investment for all of the learnings I will gain is so worth it in the long run. I'm in debt, which I loathe, however, that too shall pass.

This is a fabulous article and I appreciate the inspiration you got for writing it from a very good analogy.

I remember making the switch from monthly to yearly during Black Friday and it feels like a big step - because it is!

You're planting a stake in the ground and saying "2023 is the year I'm gonna do this!"

It's a commitment to yourself and your financial future.

Is it worth it?

I'd say definitely, go for it! It's a heck of a deal and you can't go wrong 💯

Absolutely mate! Cheers for the comment :)

Thank you for your very wise words, Dale! It's always good to hear advice from someone who has worked the system well!

Consistency, as you mention, is definitely the key to success. And, of course, we need to have the will to move forward. Unfortunately, too many people seem to think that you can make money overnight on the Internet. Unfortunately, that's not true.

Have a great day.


That's exactly right Roy, wishing you a great day as well - thanks! :)

Thank you Dale, it is always a pleasure to read your blog posts and hear your success stories.

Well done for taking action and making it happen.


That's right Dale and one of my favourite sayings about making progress is about water. Folk need to keep in mind that a little progress every day, every morning, every hour, whatever yo can do - makes a big difference over time.

A dripping tap fills a bucket.

Keep going Dale, its all out there waiting for you.

Cheers Bux :)

Is the BF sale still on?

It got extended for a couple of days for those who hadn't been paid yet.

Very gracious and not surprised. Great leaders here. Make great community.


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