Are you in this to Make a Living or to Create a Lifestyle?

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Most people hold down a 9-5 job to make a living. It's not as if their hearts are in the job. They are merely doing it to make ends meet. The money earned is just enough to pay for their housing, food, clothing and a little left over to spend on themselves.

Making a Living

The nature of work is repetitive. You do the same thing day in and day out. It has become a routine with little or no variation. If you have done it for any length of time, you can complete the steps with your eyes closed.

Making a living is primarily transactional. Only 49% of Americans say they are satisfied with their work. More Americans are doing jobs they do not like just to make a living.

But the good thing is that one can transition from making a living to creating a lifestyle? Or you can progress from making a living to creating a lifestyle?

Creating a Lifestyle

Unlike making a living, creating a lifestyle is transformative. It calls for an innate creativity from you unlike making a living that demands you to repeat same action over and over and pushes you to distraction.

There’s no way you want to create a lifestyle without changing your personality. The joy in creating a lifestyle is the person you become at the end of it all.

You create a lifestyle by finding your purpose. Do you have a big, hairy goal that has driven you to the portals of Wealthy Affiliate? A big goal that is begging to be realized is usually the starting point of creating a lifestyle

A big purpose or goal will drive you to draw long and short term goals that need to be accomplished in your life. Goals that are smart, not wishes.

Success Habits that Lead to Creating a Lifestyle

To accomplish the goals, you will need to learn success habits such as working smart by breaking your big goals into manageable bits so you can have quick wins, staying on top of a task until you get it accomplished no matter how long it takes.

Staying focused on what you want to achieve in life stops you from running after every money-making idea a snake oil salesman peddles or chasing after every shiny object.

You will learn to self-motivate yourself when you do not have the slightest motivation to work on your business. It’s not every day you want to work on your business. Some days you don’t feel like venturing near your business.

Finally, you teach yourself to be resilient as a business operator and be ready to refocus when change happens because change is bound to happen along the way.

By the time, you have not only internalized but implemented these success habits, you are well on your way to creating a lifestyle.


So back to the question, are you in this to make a living or create a lifestyle?

Let’s say you start out trying to make a living by learning the ropes of starting a successful affiliate marketing business and implementing all you have learned so far.

When you start earning more than your paltry 9-5 job monthly pay, that will be the signal for you to transition into a full-time affiliate marketer and build a sustainable business you can hand over to your children as a heirloom.

That would be my idea of creating a transgenerational lifestyle!

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Life is an investment from the beginning.
We do not know it when we are born.
We have parents.
Parents, then create our future.
After our parents are gone, we have to think about what is left behind.

For most...Ugly.

For me, simple.

Is the next generation ready to go?

And if so, what resources do they have entering into 2023 and beyond?

Do you have children and what are they doing for themselves?

Forgive me if I am getting personal.

You are DADA.

It means a lot to many around the world.

Peace, love, and light are always my friend here in WA.

Paul from Canada.

Paul from Canada, thanks for your questions. I do have children and grand children just like you. Great to hear from you!

Sounds like a plan.

A sure plan. Thanks

A great read Dada! As with any business.. the more we put in, the more we get out my friend!

You are spot on. The more massively you implement, the more massive your profit.

Absolutely my friend!

The beauty of this is you can make it whatever you want. Thanks for sharing this thought-provoking post.

So true. It's so malleable, you can bend it in whatever direction you like. Thanks for reading my post and leaving a comment.

An excellent post, indeed, Dada! I think that I am trying to make this a lifestyle! A lot of it is already engrained in my daily routine!


I totally agree with you Jeff that " a lot of it is engrained in your daily routine." You are already living the WA lifestyle. It's part of your daily unwritten To do list.

Thanks, Dada, now I just need the income to go with that lifestyle, my friend! Time will tell!


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