Just looking around.
So, it's kind of funny, I was shopping around for some saw parts, minding my own business and all, when I happen across one of my articles from my website. No biggie, I am signed into Google, and I'm not falling for that trick again! Upon signing out the article was sitting on the same page, however! I'll take page two for something I didn't do any keyword research on! LOL.
To me, it was an odd sensation to see my own work up there on the Google pages, especially since I wasn't out looking for it! Has anyone else been poking across the interwebs and happened upon your own work, thinking, "Hey, that's mine!"? It took me a sec to figure out it was mine too! LOL.
I needed a reminder; to me this is proof positive that the training here at Wealthy Affiliate works! I needed a reminder; I get feeling like what I'm trying to do is going nowhere, when it really is! We are in an "instant gratification" age, sometimes we need to calm down and let things take their course! It's normal to get discouraged, we all end up feeling that. What matters is what you do when you get down! Me? I'm going parts shopping for my chainsaw! LOL.
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Were you logged into Google through incognito mode? Your Google remembers things you have searched before.
You're right. Even if you're not signed into Google, your browser will still remember your search habits and tailor your results accordingly. It's always worth double checking in incognito mode or in a different browser altogether.
Not incognito mode, how do you get there? Sounds about right, dang Google! I just ran the numbers thru Digfer, and they say page two too!
Hmm, sounds interesting! I'll have to go read up on this now! Is it kind of like an RSS feed to your subscribers?
No, Google has a service where you can fill in words, and when there are coming new posts online with that particular words in it, it sends you a notification. It's for keeping yourself up-to-date.
I saw the Google page, but didn't realize what it was! There wasn't much info on their page... What a cool way to stay abreast of your niche!
I'm quite confident that you will! Just keep on slapping down content! (and go shopping for something in you're niche once in a while;-))
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It give you a sense of accomplishment and encourages us to think better of ourselves. Way to go.
It sure made me stop and think a bit! "Don't get down, get posting!" LOL, a new tag line I'm gonna throw at myself!