You've Got Legs!


OK, guys, we've gotta admit it...a nice pair of legs will definitely get our attention!

There's definitely an "art" to the crossing of the legs, too, as actress Cameron Diaz demonstrates here.

Yep, it takes years of practice to get it just right!

It's just a pair of legs, but, Oh my gosh!

Leg Crossing 101

It's bound to get a reaction from us helpless men.

Like a metronome. Look at those purple heels!

We just can't help ourselves.

We like to look at ladies' legs, and ladies, let's face seem to enjoy showing them off! Hey, you know what they say: if you've got it, flaunt it!

They do catch our eye, don't they? Here's Cyd Charisse in the 1957 Romantic-Comedy musical, "Silk Stockings."

Now that's talent! It's the legs of Cyd Charisse on display again, 5 years earlier, in the 1952 musical "Singin' In the Rain," starring Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynolds.

This is why short shorts are so popular...they show more leg!

Here's legs in a box. Still peaks your interest, right? We can't even be sure if those are all girl legs, although they seem to be. (Don't wanna be gazing at any guy legs!)

Check out these gams.


Actress Sharon Stone gave a "flashy" performance in 1992's "Basic Instinct," co-starring Michael Douglas.

What's she doing, crocheting? Honestly, you girls sometimes have no clue!

If something happens to our legs, we're in a world of hurt!

We can't even see the whole girl here, but just those lower extremities keep us looking...

Here's another "partial view"

And another...

Dress 'em up with fancy stockings!

Are those frog legs still twitching? Tastes like chicken!

Crab legs, great with a little butter and lemon!

But, these are better than butter and crab legs any old day!

I don't even care that this girl is pouring oil all over her car's engine. She could pour it in the trunk, for all I care! (I'm sure you ladies know where the oil goes!)

A chorus line of legs...

"Put your legs 'round my shoulder,

Hold me in your arms...Baby,

Squeeze me oh-so-tight,

Show me that you love me, too..."

(Apologies to Paul Anka, and his 1963 hit song "Put Your Head On My Shoulder"

Athletic legs.

It's smoke and mirrors, guys...smoke and mirrors!

Ok, this is a little bit creepy! Besides, I think she's supposed to be like, Spider Woman, and arachnids have 8 legs, not 6, so that makes her an insect. Don't bug me!

She may be choking a cat, but she's showing some leg, and I forgive her!

I don't know, is she selling stools...modeling high doesn't matter, it's those long, gently swaying legs that draw you in!

The Dum Dum Girls, Rockin' Out and showing some leg!

The lower half of a Robot, going berzerk!

Legs materializing out of thin air!

Carrot legs.

Jumping legs...

Neon legs...

River Dancers...

Legs, with a barefoot bonus.

That's a long drink of water...that gal might take me to the hoop!

The slow camera pan...

Dancin' legs.

Schoolgirl outfit...

Legs, legs, legs...

The calves appear shapelier in high heels...

Ankle bracelet draws attention to the lower leg...

So, that's a whole lot of legs, and if your business "has legs," that means it will continue to be a profit producer for a long time to come.

That's a good thing!

And if you still don't think legs are important, here are 50 sayings about legs and feet to help convince you...

1. One’s Achilles’ heel is one’s weakness.
2. To be bound hand and foot is to be literally or figuratively tied up.
3. To bring one to heel is to subdue someone.
4. To go somewhere by or on foot is to walk or hike there.
5. To cool one’s heels is to pause to calm down or think before doing something rash.
6. To dig in one’s heels is to be obstinate.
7. One who doesn’t have a leg to stand on is unsupported by evidence or corroboration.
8. To drag one’s feet is to delay.
9. To find one’s feet is to become accustomed or oriented.
10. To be fleet of foot is to be fast.
11. To foot the bill is to accept financial responsibility.
12. To get down on your knees means to figuratively submit or ask for forgiveness.
13.–14. To get one’s feet wet is to have a modest or mild introductory experience; to put one’s toe in the water is to do so even more hesitantly.
15.–16. To get or start off on the right foot is to make a good first impression or to act productively soon after beginning an endeavor, and to get or start off on the wrong foot is to leave a poor first impression or act counterproductively soon after beginning an endeavor.
17. To get one’s sea legs to become accustomed to the pitch and roll of a marine vessel or, by extension, to become used to a situation.
18. To have a foot in the door is to have an advantage that will enable one to obtain a desired result.
19. To have foot-in-mouth disease is to habitually make awkward or inappropriate comments.
20. To have one’s feet in both camps is to be opportunistically sympathetic to two opposing viewpoints.
21. To have feet of clay is to have a hidden flaw or weakness (an allusion to the fragility of clay).
22. To have itchy feet is to be restless.
23. To have one foot in the grave is to be in poor health or near death.
24. To have two left feet is to feel clumsy.
25. To have the world at one’s feet is to be afforded an opportunity for rewarding experiences.
26. “Head to toe” means “entirely” or “thoroughly.”
27. To keep one’s feet on the ground is to remain realistic and responsible.
28. To keep someone on one’s toes is to do or say one or more things that cause the person to remain alert or attentive.
29. “Knee-high to a grasshopper” is a colorfully exaggerated expression referring to being a small child.
30. To land on one’s feet is to recover from a setback.
31. “My foot” is an idiom for expressing skepticism.
32. One who is on his or her last legs is in a state of exhaustion or near the point of giving up.
33. To pull someone’s leg is to deceive them for humorous effect.
34. To pull the rug from under one’s feet is to be deprived of support or disoriented by a sudden action; to have the rug pulled under one’s feet is to be the victim of such an action. “Have the ground cut out from under one’s feet” has the same meaning.
35. To put one’s best foot forward is to make a good impression.
36. To put one foot in front of the other is to begin a laborious undertaking.
37. To put one’s foot in it is to do or say something that gets one into an unfortunate situation, suggestive of stepping into an unpleasant substance.
38. To put one’s foot in one’s mouth is to say something awkward or inappropriate.
39. To put one’s feet up is to relax.
40. To put one’s foot down is to be insistent.
41. To put one’s foot to the floor is to suddenly hurry or increase one’s speed.
42. To set foot somewhere is to go into that place.
43. To shoot oneself in the foot is to do or say something disadvantageous to one’s own interests.
44. To stand on one’s own two feet is to act or live independently.
45. To step, or tread, on someone’s toes is to impinge on that person’s authority or responsibility or interfere with the person’s actions.
46. “The shoe is on the other foot” means that a situation has been reversed so that one who had been responsible for another’s misfortune is now suffering the same misfortune.
47. To think on one’s feet is to solve a problem reflexively or spontaneously.
48. To toe the line is to remain within the bounds of proper behavior or conduct.
49. To wait for the other shoe to drop is to be in expectation of receiving further developments or news.
50. To wait on someone hand and foot is to serve that person continuously.

(Dictionary of Idioms)

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Recent Comments


Nicely done. Reminds me of the lyrics in the song by ZZ Top "She's got legs, she knows how to use them". Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, Patrick! A cool song...most ladies know how to use them. :)

A great song

One never knows what you will think of next, Rick!! Very well done :))

Thank you, Carol. :)

True Carol, I'm wondering what will be next.

OMG...that's a lot of leg! Debbie

Sure is, Debbie! :)

Very effective in marketing Rick. Crossed especially. Look at every female newscaster in the business!

Yep, it's a real asset, Mike!

A well turned leg as with a table or chair adds to the value of the art.
I live with#7 on a daily basis.
Well done.

Thanks! I recall your situation with your legs, Larry. You have a great, positive attitude, but, true, not a leg to stand on. I did a blog, based on a song I wrote about a one-legged girl named Ilene. It was called "Ilene." You'd probably get a kick out of it, if you can find it! :)

Haha! School out Rick? Amazing post, thanks for the time spent doing it! Working on the 'business' legs, determined that they will eventually stand firm, Sue :)

Thanks, Sue-Yep, this is the last week, and the kids are gone! :)

OK We get it. You are a leg mam!

Now, did I say that, Sunday? :)

The pictures didn't open,not a single one.. the first time it has's a pity...:))

I get the black box with white X on them all Vera.

Surprisingly, I got all of them now.:)

It takes a while, Vera, because there's a lot of them. :))

Be patient with them, Mike-It's worth the wait!

Especially for you :)

Thanks so much, Loes-Beautiful ladies! :)

Just by seing the title to one of your posts I know that it is you has written it. Always odd and funny and sometimes sexy, like this one and the post with all the well rounded butts.
Lots of great looking legs here. I like them.
Thank you.

Keepin' you guys happy, Joakim! Thanks. :)

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