Exploding Watermelons!


What's your opinion on watermelons?

Like 'em...hate 'em...totally indifferent?

("What is this melon of water? We do not have this thing in my country.")

Whatever your proclivity, there's one guy who makes quite a nice living off of watermelons, and I'm not talking about a watermelon farmer, either.

Those guys do pretty well, by the way. I used to live in the watermelon capital of Florida, and one of the melon farmers told me his field produced, among other things, a brand new Cadillac for him every year! (Not too shabby!)

Several towns in the county I lived in, and surrounding counties hold watermelon festivals every year.

There was always plenty of free watermelon to eat, watermelon eating contests, seed spitting contests (The World Record for adult seed-spitting is 68 feet, 9 1/8 inches, more than half the length of a basketball court!), greased pig contests (and if you've ever tried to catch a greased pig...it isn't easy!) and so forth.

A good time for all!

But the person who REALLY makes a living from watermelons is named Leo Gallagher.

If you've ever seen one of Gallagher's 14 comedy specials on Showtime, or his appearances on Comedy Central, you know a lot of his act involves smashing watermelons with a huge wooden mallet!

Yeah...For real.

What a concept!

Why didn't I think of that?

Gallagher has been smashing melons (and other fruits and veggies) for nearly 50 years!

What a fun career!

You can check him out at www.gallaghersmash.com

Gallagher came by his dislike for watermelons naturally...

As a boy, he grew to despise melons, because he was forced to eat them to deal with chronic constipation.

Then, at the age of 10, he dropped a watermelon on his foot, breaking two toes!

What better way to take out his frustrations with the hated fruit than with his patented SLEDGE-O-MATIC comedy routine, a parody of ads seen everywhere in the 60's and 70's for the Ronco Veg-O-Matic.

People sitting in the front few rows of his shows are given raincoats to wear, and believe me, they need them!

Everybody loves Gallagher!

Gallagher appeared on Johnny Carson's Tonight show in the 70's, and has been rated the 100th best stand-up comedian of all time by Comedy Central.

One novel idea like Gallagher's can go viral and make a career.

Ideas are everywhere...Whadda ya got?

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Recent Comments


Watermelon is about my favourite fruit. What a waste of them on part of this guy!...Gerostrat fame! :))

What's Gerostrat? :))

Sorry, Herostratus, the guy who burned the temple...Shame on me...:)))

From trans positioning heads to smashing melon heads, your posts are rocking more and more Rick! Maybe you can smash melons on stage in one of your jam sessions!

The Who and Gallagher! :)

thanks for sharing!

You're welcome, Karin!

Thanks for sharing, Rick.

My pleasure, Rog!

I was aware of Gallagher but didn't know his background story. Interesting. Love watermelon....thanks fot sharing. Debbie

Thanks, Debbie-I'm a watermelon eater, too. :)

Love watermelons...can't stand Gallagher!

Hey-He made a living out of smashing fruit-He can't be all bad, Arthur! :)

I LOVE water melons Rick and I LOVE your posts!!!

Thanks so much, Paul!

Alway great to read!!!

Love Love Love watermelons. Never liked Gallagher. I guess his sense of humor and mine didn't mesh. I kept thinking of all the food he smashed and how silly it was because people could be eating it. What a waste.

Perhaps it was ingrained in my head that you don't waste food. You just put the leftovers from a meal in the refrig until they get moldy THEN you throw them away. :-) I know.......so warped.

I'm big on eating leftovers too, Debbi, but I thought Gallagher was pretty funny. Never saw him in person, though. :)

I think he must have also been hit on the HEAD with a watermelon as a child! lol I've seen some of his shows.

He gets pretty crazy! :)

With that said, duh, now I understand why you like him. lol

Love watermelons AND Gallagher. Gotta good Gallagher story gor another time.

I look forward to hearing that one, Hal!

Hi Rick, very funny. Irv.

Thanks, Irv. He's a pretty funny guy!

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