Thanks for your Feedback, but you made it a Comment!
On two separate occasions I got comments that I had to reject because they were actually feedback, however the feedback itself was useful.
In the first case the commenter suggested I use a larger font to make my site more accessible to older readers. I'm an older reader myself, but since I'm near sighted I was not paying attention to that need in others. I actually changed my theme partially to get a more readable default font.
The other occasion I'm really giving the benefit of the doubt that it was intended as constructive criticism. The tone was barely civil enough to be acceptable as feedback, much less a comment that was somehow expected to be accepted.
However I took the "suggestion" that I needed to do research on specific doctors advocating a different dietary approach as a challenge and the result was both new content and a revision of some of my existing content.
My suggestion to both of those members is if you feel the need to comment on the structure of sites, please provide those ideas as feedback instead.
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Geez, I can't understand how this still is happening even as new members join WA daily. It's just a matter of following the directions that are clearly written in the comments' portal by Kyle and his staff.
There is a distinct difference between comments to be provided on CONTENT ARTICLES versus overall site feedback.
I'm sorry that it happened to you Chazz. However you had every right to reject those comments that were provided and clearly inappropriate for the task that should have been done by the WA member(s).
It's probably a sign of the times that people just don't/can't follow directions!
Some of us know the feeling pretty well, and yours is not the first nor will it be the last reminder to folks - new and experienced to be aware of using the comment section for site critiques.
I'm going to check out your site now for myself. Out of curiosity.
Ahh. Thanks, Chazz. I'll get back to you with my review. I'll leave a comment, too, where appropriate.
Great post Charles, I am sure many of us have had good intentions but get mixed up with which is which. I think your approach is the high road, thanks.
I've noticed that a number of people seem to view comments and feedback as almost interchangeable. I, myself, had some difficulty differentiating between the two when I started. I think it's good to have an occasional reminder about the differences.
As for someone being "barely civil," I see no need for anyone to act in that way, especially as part of the community.
It's not really an excuse but my site topic is a controversial one. I might interacted with a random hostile visitor but not someone in the community using one of my comment slots!
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Yes Chazz, it's only yesterday that I received feedback posted on my site as comment. I actually left it there and answered 'Thank you for the feedback' so that other viewers will know.
Where I have more of a problem is when you mention one of your feedback/comment was barely civil. Do people have to be abrupt or even rude to make their point across?
So, here's my answer. Either, as you suggest, you reject the rude feedback, or you 'tweak' by editing it to sound more civil :)
I have no problem with correcting spelling or typos, but actually editing the content or even the tone of a comment crosses an invisible line for me.
I'd rather just reject it outright. This is not to say anyone that chooses to do this editing is wrong for taking that action.
Just my personal feeling on it.