What auto responders do you use? just wondering
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Which auto reponders do you use?
What auto responders do you use? just wondering
Hey Eric,
For your case I prefer Abbie & Brenda's suggestion of AWeber.
I have used AWeber, GetReponse and MailChimp. I was on GetResponse for a few years but their automation (or triggers to resend emails if say not opened in certain time) caused it to jump from around $15/mo to $50/mo.
So I moved to Flodesk which had the same features but for only $19/mo. I believe this deal is no longer available, seems to be $35/month now.
I've also tried lifetime deals from Appsumo but Accumbamail and Sendinblue - the latter wasn't supportive of MMO niche emails.
I believe ConvertKit is very good also (but increases cost as you increase subscribers).
So perhaps take a closer look at AWeber.
Also consider whether you will want the email automation feature (triggers to resend emails if say not opened in certain time).
Also Black Friday deals coming up and you could also keep an eye out for lifetime deals on Appsumo
My pleasure, hope you don’t go through as much frustration from changing email providers as I have over the years
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Just wondering how someone could download a PDF file on my WordPress site for them to get for free as they subscribe to my list.
As Abbie said, just upload it to your media files and link it from there. I have done this several times so I can link them on my website and in newsletters:-)
Or you can use FileZilla to upload it to a new folder on your site and provide a link to it.
When you upload it to your media library, you can collect the URL and share it.
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Just wondering how someone could download a PDF file on my WordPress site for them to get for free as they subscribe to my list.
As Abbie said, just upload it to your media files and link it from there. I have done this several times so I can link them on my website and in newsletters:-)
Or you can use FileZilla to upload it to a new folder on your site and provide a link to it.
When you upload it to your media library, you can collect the URL and share it.
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Hey Eric,
For your case I prefer Abbie & Brenda's suggestion of AWeber.
I have used AWeber, GetReponse and MailChimp. I was on GetResponse for a few years but their automation (or triggers to resend emails if say not opened in certain time) caused it to jump from around $15/mo to $50/mo.
So I moved to Flodesk which had the same features but for only $19/mo. I believe this deal is no longer available, seems to be $35/month now.
I've also tried lifetime deals from Appsumo but Accumbamail and Sendinblue - the latter wasn't supportive of MMO niche emails.
I believe ConvertKit is very good also (but increases cost as you increase subscribers).
So perhaps take a closer look at AWeber.
Also consider whether you will want the email automation feature (triggers to resend emails if say not opened in certain time).
Also Black Friday deals coming up and you could also keep an eye out for lifetime deals on Appsumo
Thanks, that is very helpful. I'll keep an eye out.
My pleasure, hope you don’t go through as much frustration from changing email providers as I have over the years
I just saw a lifetime deal pop up on Facebook sendmails.io- I haven’t checked it out