Earning 4 Figures - And Then Some - At Wealthy Affiliate (It is Official! )

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Where Are You, Cassi?

Thank you to everyone who sent me messages asking if I was okay and what I was up to.

I am fine. I am just fine!

There is a lot taking place in my neck of the woods, (all good), and I trust that all is good with you as well.

Celebrating 42 Months At Wealthy Affiliate!

I joined Wealthy Affiliate (WA) in October 2019. April 2023, marks 3 ½ years in our dynamic and supportive community. I am 6 months into my Senior year and preparing to graduate. 🙂

What a journey it continues to be!

During these 42 months, I have achieved more success than I could ever have dreamed of. If you are new to our WA community, you can catch up on my achievements with these summaries over the years.

Year 1 - https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/cassioftroy/blog/5-key-lessons-from-my-1st-year-at-wealthy-affiliate

Year 2 - https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/cassioftroy/blog/year-2-at-wealthy-affiliate-throw-me-to-the-wolves

Year 3 - https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/cassioftroy/blog/3-years-at-wealthy-affiliate-success-all-around

Even with all the achievements that I share and celebrate, I am nowhere near what is possible and where I want to be.

It is a mere drop or two in the bucket.

I know that and I am consistently learning and working towards getting there - every single day.

You should be doing that too.

4-Figure Earnings At Wealthy Affiliate

WA offers us the opportunity to earn lifetime income from our Referrals. It is one of the very best Referral Affiliate Programs out there.

This year, I moved into the 4-digit WA earnings circle. Every dollar adds up.

I earn income from:

✅ WA Referrals who complete their Profile information, upgrade and purchase domains.

✅ Giving Site Feedback and Site Comments.

I then use this income to pay for my WA Premium Plus membership, Site Comments, Site Feedback and to invest in domains.

And . . . you know what?

This is only ONE of my online income streams!

Yep! Just ONE!

With 249 days of the year, 2023, to go, the sky is the limit.

Not getting the results you would like?

Change Your Script!


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Recent Comments


Hello Casi, Wow, what a success story. Congrats on your success! It doesn't just happen.

It takes hard work and a lot of trial and error. In my case a lot of errors, but that's the way we learn.

But as you know, by the time you fix your mistakes it is embedded in your memory banks.

Best wishes on your continued success and thanks for sharing your story!


So well said, Chet.

Thank you for your kind sentiments.


Good morning Cassi,

It's good to hear from you again, as always!

Although it seems like you have been here forever and I mean that in a good way! Something I noticed is that you became stuck in as soon as you arrived at Wealthy Affiliate, I don't think you have stopped since!

I think every new member at Wealthy Affiliate needs to read your story, as they will find it incredibly encouraging! And maybe every established member too!

It's fantastic that you keep moving forward; you are an inspiration to many of us, including myself!

We also have the answer if we want to be successful, change the script!

Have a great day.


Awesome Cassi!
Congratulations on your achievements!
Keep on keeping on!

Maria 🌹

Thank you, Maria.

My pleasure Cassi!!!

Maria 🌹


Congratulations! Well done.

Thank you, Stanley.

Amazing. Congratulations both on your earnings and your move toward graduation.

Thank you very much, Jim.

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