520,000 And Counting - Do This 1 Thing EVERY Day!
This week, I have been asked the same question each day, in different ways.
"How do I write better?"
My answer is a simple one. I have learned though that as simple as something may be, the difficulty comes in actually DOING it.
Writing Is Simple
I have always had a love affair with English Literature and English Language. I had great Teachers who were themselves energetic, fun, creative and funny. They made me never want to put a book down.
Nothing has changed and today I still read a lot. Books especially because I love to feel them, smell them and hold them close.
Reading helps you to tell your own stories. You find ideas and tap into your own creativity.
It makes writing simple.
There is 1 thing though that can make writing even simpler for you. I am quite sure that you know what that is by now.
Writing is simple IF you do it every day.
There you have it. There is your answer.
Write something every day.
Half A Million Words Written
On Monday, Grammarly told me that they had checked over 520,000 of my written words since the end of October 2019.
This averages over 1,500 words written per day, every day since that time. And that is not all the writing I have done since that time.
I know that you will have days of writer's block and days when you just don't feel like writing.
That's fine. Take a break.
But, if you have not done so yet, make this one commitment to yourself and affirm it:
"I will write a minimum of 1,000 words, every day for the next 60 days."
That 1 action, done consistently over the next 60 days will do wonders for your writing skills, confidence and visitors.
Have an enjoyable weekend.
Recent Comments
I love your comment: "I still read a lot. Books especially because I love to feel them, smell them and hold them close" In this way, we are kindred spirits. I love the smell and feel of them yet when you say those words "outloud", it sounds very strange. I'm comforted to know that someone GETS it and there's someone to bail me out if I get put away for being crazy. 🤣🤣🤣
You have a great weekend and yes, keep writing. We need to write a book!!!!
We should write a book, Debbi. 🙂
Opposite attract and make energy.
It is a basic law of physics.
How can you want to write and have no frame of reference for it?
That is what reading gives us.
Thank you very much for your feedback.
We are crazy together!
Reading gives us even more than that. It allows us to participate in mystery and intrigue from the comfort of our own home, it allows us to escape into journeys we wouldn't otherwise be privvy to, we become more informed whether it's of world events or personal improvement.
I love books and movers hate me. The last time I moved the guy actually said "you know, you can read on a computer" I may be little but that "mother look" is powerful. He didn't say anything else.
I once heard the difference between crazy and eccentric is the amount of money you have. My goal is to be eccentric -- are you with me?? 😊
That is an excellent idea of yours Cassi to have a goal to write 1,000 words each day, there will be a lot of things will happen upon doing it. It can sure enhance my writing skills as well since English is not my first language that's why it's a little difficult of mine to write but I will do my best because the higher we aim is the farthest we can reach. thanks so much for sharing us this wonderful post this morning of Saturday in the Philippines.
You are very welcome, Francisco.
I enjoy sharing what Ihave learned and what works for me, with the intent that it may help others grow.
You are making solid progress, especially as English is not your first language.
You should be proud of your achievements.
Thank you for your feedback.
Great blog Cassi, I love to write specifically when I get the idea that I want to share and by using my experience the words come out. That's a good exercise to write something everyday. I love your picture because when I see it, I smile first and then I get a burst of energy for the rest of the day. Thanks for your recommendation. Have a nice weekend.
Eugene, you are too funny. 😂
I am blushing and laughing at the same time.
Thank you very much for your kindness and feedback.
You are right. I don't want to say writing is easy for me because it doesn't come naturally. But it has become easier and easier as I do it more and more.
And I love reading as you do. And yes the book format is still the best.
Here's to love of books!
Books are THE best, Barbara! 🙂
I am glad that you share that passion.
Keep committed.
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Cassi - I do like your style!
Books are a girl's best friend when she's single and I have plenty!
However, writing a post a day has been put on a back burner as I've been studying and implementing PPC campaigns, email list building for conversions and putting affiliate links buttons where they need to be.
But what you say here really rings true for me...It's a great thought that I will meditate on this coming week....Writing Challenge No. 1 - Write a post every day for a week and edit it with photos.
I Can, I Will, I Must!
That is an excellent Writing Challenge, Stella!
Thank you for all of your support.