Google found ME

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I havent been able to get on here for the last few days so I was checking my emails today. BAAAM.....It said I have been found by google. Amazing feeling totally want to spend more time with it. Life just seems to be throwing me in different directions right now. I know the training is working and I will get there. Thank you all for being so supportive. I plan to continue pushing forward even if its just baby steps.

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That's fantastic news Cassondra!

Keep on succeeding my friend!

Congratulations on being indexed by Google. It's a great first step. Your next step is to write good content that gets ranked for your desired keywords/search terms.

Just so that you're clear, there's a difference between being indexed and being ranked. Indexed simply means that your website's pages and posts appear in Google's database and can be found by their URLs. This happens automatically as Googlebot crawls the web but can be speeded up by using Google Search Console. Each page and post is indexed individually. There's no such thing as "the site". It's a collection of pages and posts.

Pages and posts are ranked for particular keywords/search terms. This is what you're striving for. So that your post comes up on page 1 when someone enters that keyword/search term.

Ok thank you for breaking it down for me

You're welcome. Cassondra.

Well done, Cassondra!



You are most welcome!


That’s great news! Nicely done.

It is so exciting

Very nice, indeed, Cassandra!


Thank you

You're very welcome!

Congratulations… That’s awesome!


It really is a Great feeling thank you

Its always a big thing to be recognized for your efforts and you should be very happy!!
Keep up the good work. We're all rooting for you!


Absolutely I know the training is working but confirmation is always nice.

That's awesome and super congrats, Cassandra!

So that you know it means that your site was found by Google and now it is a good time to start adding content if not doing so already.

However, first your posts get indexed and often days later down the line start getting noticed provided targeted keywords are searchable, new websites can rank efficiently.

But typically "authority" for a website starts to get established through time, usually the 3-6 month mark.

They fluctuate up and down the scale till Google decides where to place them.

Not all posts will get ranked, thus the recommendation to keep updating blog 2 - 3 posts a week and that's for the foreseeable future.

And just for some clarifications.

I hope this helps.

Thank you for the advise so I definitely need to get working on some content then.

Most welcome!

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