10 Lessons I've Learned From An Amazing First Month on WA!
Well, It's hard to believe but I've just recently finished my first month at Wealthy Affiliate. A lot has happened so I thought I would share some things that I've learned.
1. I've learned to follow and be followed- When I first started with Wealthy Affiliate I

2. I've learned to write others back- I have always joked with people that if they ever got a letter from me they should frame it because I'm horrible at writing letters! On Facebook I used to avoid writing anything because I thought, nobody really cared about what I had to write. When I joined WA all of this changed. I was now responding to the people who decided to follow me. I even reached out to some on my own. My goal has always been to look through my followers bio and try to respond to it in some way. I feel this adds a personal touch. WA has definitely changed how I feel about responding to people.
3. I've learned to write a blog post- As I started looking for ways to earn money on the internet I remember coming across several who suggested writing blog posts for income. My first thought was, NOPE! not doing that. Well, here I am. This is only my third post, but I hope to have many more. It stretches my mind in ways it hasn't been stretched in a while, and that's a good thing. I'm actually excited about it! I also appreciate that the blog posts that I put on WA are good practice for when I do it on my own site.

4. I've learned that the rankings motivate me- I would like to consider myself to be fairly noncompetitive person. However, when I started my ranking around 276,000 I wondered how in the world I was ever going to move up. Yet, as I started following others, making comments, doing my training, asking questions and so on I started moving up. Each day I did something my rank got better and better. As of today I am at 880. This is not to say I did anything great but rather to show that by the Grace of God, if you do the work, and help others you will move up quickly.
As a bonus, remember to hit the "like" button when people respond to you. It shows that you are engaging with others and will also help them too. Plus it's encouraging! Win Win!
5. I've learned to ask questions- I had several times when I wondered what to do. Blogging is a completely new idea to me and I was trying to figure out how I should move forward. I tried to do some research on my own but I was encouraged by another member to ask questions. If you're new, it's the black bar at the top of the page that says "need help?" right next to the WA logo. I was nervous to write in there at first because on Facebook it's the what on your mind post space. Thankfully I gave it a shot and was amazed at how quickly other members responded with help. If you haven't used this feature DO IT! It can save you a lot of time and you can get some great advice from experienced members.
6. I've learned through the training- I really appreciate that WA has training materials to walk you through everything. I have gone through training from other sites but WA forces you to actually DO what you are learning. This is challenging, yet very helpful. I also like that Kyle uses both written and visual training. I am still slowly working my way through my lessons but have found them very helpful. Training is one of the greatest benefits of Wealthy Affiliate.
7. I learned how to write content for my niche- Now, I must admit that this is also an area that is a work in progress. However, I got some great advice when I used the question bar and asked others, "how do I write content without plagiarizing?" I was concerned about how to do this right. The general advice I received very quickly was that I should look at 2-4 sources, read the information and then try to summarize what I read in my own words. If there are specific quotes or phrases you want to use simply cite where you are getting them from. Writing does not come easy but I have hope!
8. I've learned that spam is a no no- It took several days before I first saw the "spam is a no no" post but after reading it I felt much better about what was expected at WA. I appreciate that spam is forbidden on this site. The benefit is that we don't have to read 275,00 posts about why you should go to "their" website and buy "their" products. Instead, the focus can be put on training and encouragement rather than self promotion.
9, I've learned to learn from others- Despite all the amazing training we have available on WA, one of the greatest benefits is being able to learn from one another. Obviously, everyone has a different approach to how they do things. What I have found helpful is checking out other members posts and training material. Take notes, and write down what you find. If you're in a hurry add their name to a list of people you would like to return to so you can learn from their posts at a later time.
10. I've learned that I am blessed to be part of an amazing family- When I joined WA I expected to see a lot of competition. After all, we're here with the goal of making money. But what I found was a family of supportive people all trying to encourage each other as we go down this road together. That's what make WA different from all the other places out there. When I was taking online training courses I was on my own to learn the information and apply it. Here the training is step by step and there are numerous people all along the way to help out if I need it. It's a community that is "encouraged" to help each other out. That is Kyle and Carson's mission and it has sold me from the beginning!
I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to read this, and for all your encouragement and support during my first month. May you be richly blessed for all that you do.
**What do the rest of you remember from your first month at WA?
Recent Comments
What a great progress!
Continue your way in your great humility
and you will go far!
Have a nice day!
Ingrid, thank you so much for responding with such kind words. It is always good to hear from you. You portray a wonderful example to follow!
Hope you have a great day too!
Thanks Anne, for reading my post and responding! Glad you liked it and that you've been able to have similar experiences.
Great post Bruce. The journey here at WA has been awesome for myself as well. The support in this community is amazing and I really enjoy learning everything I can through the courses. I have been here just a little over a month and I'm totally blown away about what I have achieved in such a quick time frame :)
Hi Carmela, and thank you so much for commenting! I am glad to hear that you have had a very similar experience in your first month. "Blown away", is a phrase I have used many times as well when referring to my time here. Whether it's the people I meet or the training I have really had a blast!
I hope your next month is also amazing! keep me posted.
I very much enjoyed this post, I’ve been here a mere week and I’m happy to hear that your experience continues to be positive as a fellow newbie :)
Hey fellow newbie! Thanks so much for your comments! That means a lot! I was nervous that the post was getting a little long, so thanks for actually reading it. :)
Hey it won't be long and you can post one of these too. I'm amazed at what you've done in just the few days you've been here. It will be fun to hear how your month went in a few weeks.
Keep plugging away!
Thanks Ahimbe, I appreciate you taking the time to read my post.
It has indeed been a huge month of learning for me. I hope that as I move on I will continue to learn even more. WA is a wonderful place to be!
You have posted a great list. Isn't it rewarding to look at that list and realize how far you have come in just a month? I think you are doing great. Keep it up!
Thank you so much Fran for your encouragement! I couldn't agree more. It is amazing how much my life has changed since WA came into the picture. I now spend my day thinking about who I need to contact, what my next post will be, what I will add to my website. It has indeed been so rewarding and I am very grateful.
Thanks again,
It kinda takes over your life, doesn't it? Even during that month in CA, I kept working on my site.
Yes it does! It is one of those things where you can put all sorts of time in and there is always more you can do. I guess the key is figuring out what you have the time to do and having a sense of peace about what you can't do.
I wish I didn't have to work a full time job so I could dedicate more time to this. But, I have to come to the realization that if I do what little I can every day I will eventually get there.
It's good to hear that even though you were gone for a month you were still able to keep working your site. It's nice to have that freedom.
Thanks for commenting!
Bruce--you took the words right out of my mouth! I joined several months ago and for one reason or another was not consistent, with anything! Not the training, not my followers, not commenting, NOTHING. I am now in a better place (more focused) and make it a daily habit to read and comment on posts. I even went back TODAY and liked everyone that has so graciously followed me. If I had the time I might have even made a personal comment to each follower but I will save that for another day.
The point is: once I started to engage socially more frequently, things started to get easier on this WA journey. I realized that members have the same questions I do, share the same opinions that I do, etc. Even my rank went up! Reading their posts have inspired me, educated me, but more importantly, RELATED to me.
We are a family here at WA!
I wish you much success on your journey :)
Hi Amy, thank you so much for reading my post and taking the time to comment on it. I am so glad that things are getting better for you. I would agree that the social part is huge on WA. I can't even begin to figure out how the WA ranking algorithm works.
But...it does seem like interacting with others on follows, live chat, commenting on posts, and liking comments have a huge impact. More importantly than rankings is that we are able to help and encourage others on their journey.
I liked what you said about WA being a family. This is so true! I like that much better than it being a cut throat business environment.
Amy, I wish you all the best as you move forward!
Awesome Bruce, it's a wonderful post.
Just yesterday I've also finished my 2nd month🙂
All the best to you for upcoming months👍
Hi Akshay, and thank you so much for the encouraging words and for reading my post. Congrats on finishing your second month! Looks like you're moving up the ranks quickly. Way to go! I wish you the best too as we keep moving forward. Blessings to you!
Yes, I moved up my rank then later on came into senses. Have a look at my experience I published yesterday🙂 2 Successful Months with WA! Feeling aWAke :) Cheers and Best wishes to you!
Akshay, thank you for the link. I just finished reading your post and could relate to everything on it. It's a good reminder going into month two to also look at what didn't go right in month one.
What I didn't write about on your post was the idea that you had of creating a business plan. That is one thing that I feel could be lacking here. If I had just taken a moment to stop and think about what I was working towards before I started I could have saved some mistakes. It's given me good things to think about for month two. Thanks again for sharing!
Blessings my friend,
Thanks, Bruce, all the very best for your brand new, fantastic and super cool BUSINESS PLAN ahead.
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You are on your way to success Bruce
Thank you Juliet, you are doing pretty amazing yourself! Thanks for reading my post.