Lessons from MLM


Having been with several MLM companies and never made any money, and i mean no money at all. I thought it would be a good idea to write a blog on my experiences. What I would now do different now?having gained some knowledge on how it all works.

Then maybe i could help a few people and stop them making the same mistakes i made, and wasting the the money I wasted.

Well turns out i had a lot more to say than i first thought, so my one blog turned into four blogs on the subject. So i am going to post the first one here for anyone who has the patients.

I will probably be going back to edit them and change a few things, so take this as the rough draft. But what i have done with all four is link them all so i have one or two internal links on each post, and one external link to WA.


Thanks for taking a look.


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Recent Comments


Great website Bob and I also enjoyed your article. Cheers! :)

I think that's an absolutely fantastic idea! I think there are millions of people who may feel the same way!

Great Point!


Nicely done, Bob! Congratulations on making the effort. Lee

I just whizzed through the 4 pages. I had a laugh at your comments about the 100% success rate with a 95% failure rate in this industry. Also the 200% commissions. You have good eye for the details of these online businesses Bob. Let me know when you finish the pages. They are a really good entertaining read.

Hi Bob, agree 100%, with your blog content. I am just about to put one together on all the other offers which stream into my inbox and would just waste mine and others time if we opened them. As newbies we do not need to be distracted from the main way forward by these, which have no meaningful content anyway, ( in my opinion).

Well whatever you do, stay away from Empower Network.

More of a pyramid than a skyscraper I assume...

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