Before I Joined Wealthy Affiliate - The Final Product

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For those of you who have followed my landscaping updates (It's what I used to do) I am glad to say that I have finally finished!

There were some long days in the good old West Australian sun, and more thirst quenching beers than I care to remember, but I am happy with how it all turned out.

For those who haven't seen the progress blogs all the rock work and timber sleepers are made from bricks, render and then I shape and color them to look like the real thing.

This Is the blank canvas I started with.

Laying the brick work ready for the water feature...

Ready for some plants.

Planting Completed.

Throwing up the concrete render where I shape and mark what I would like the stone to look like.

This is the fake rock work and fake timber railway sleeper as my finished product.

The same method that I use for the fake rock is the same that I used to create fake timber railway sleepers.

The Finished Product

Now this project is finished I can finally focus all my energy back to Wealthy Affiliate and building my dream business.

Super pumped to continue learning from some absolute legends, and allround awesome people that we have here in our Wealthy Affiliate community!

Have an awesome week my good mates!

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi


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Recent Comments


Wow mate! That has turned out fantastically well in my opinion!

Love the hot tub! A shame you didn't have the space for a pool though!

Maybe my eyesight is failing me in my old age (it is actually)! But I don't believe you have included a picture of the barbie either!

I have to agree with Phil and Steven though... Corona???🤣🤣

Thanks Nick!

A pool was definitely a thought, but if I did that I wouldn't have room for the backyard cricket that has always been a tradition at my place whenever the Ashes series is on... Oh did I mention we won the Ashes LOL!

Mate Corona is all I had left in the fridge, no excuse but it was either that or water, so I made the tough decision to go with a Corona!

I will definitely include a picture of the outdoor barbie set-up when I finish building it mate.

Really mate?? Didn't realise there was a recent Ashes that took place!

I'll have to catch the next one... maybe!!🤣

I always thought that Corona WAS water!!

Can't wait to see the photos of the finished barbie though mate, take care ok!

It's beautiful Mark.

You've really outdone yourself.

Nice job!


It is awesome!

That looks to have been hard work but the results are fantastic.
Amazingly wonderful!

Hi Valerie,

Yes a lot of hard work and many choice words were used during this project, but it was all worth it in the end.


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