Premium Plus? Don't forget what you have available here


So you are a Premium Plus member great and congrats. If you are new to Wealthy Affiliate and upgraded to Premium Plus recently, I welcome you, and congrats on the great decision you made.

You have everything you need to not only take the next step forward but one that can only enhance your online business to a higher level.

We all know of the great training one has from Kyle and Jay's Video Training but as a new Premium Plus member did you know it doesn't stop there.

The many benefits you have.

We know how much a Premium member can benefit from the many forms of training Kyle gives along with Jthe expert classes (52 + per year) yet there is so much more to being a Premium Plus member.

Now of course there are many benefits and resources you will find but I will mention only two main features you have before you as a Premium Plus member.

if you want to see all the benefits available to you then just click the link below and you will see the comparison between each form of membership available be it as a Starter, Premium, or Premium Plus Member.

2 Main Benefits for Premium Plus Members

Major Benefit Number 1

Did you realize that just our Keyword Research tool in Jaaxy Enterprise alone is worth $999 if you took it separately?

However, as a Premium Plus member, it is included free with your membership?

There is much to gain in using this keyword tool and being able to not only find keywords but also check on your competition relating to your chosen Niche.

You can learn how and what they are doing to get them at the top of the search engines and gain that advantage to boost your content and take their spot at the top.

A side addition with Jaaxy Enterprise is the Jaxxy Alphabet soup method that is available to the yearly members.

To see that just click the file icon next to your profile image as per the two images below and once clicked you can get into the three choices.

Side Benefits to this

This is another way to get to either Jaaxy, Wealthy Affiliate Platform, or in this case the Alphabet Soup X (which is the beta version at this stage with more to come later)

The Alphabet Soup X is a great additional benefit when using The Jaaxy Enterprise to further enhance your keyword research.

There is so much more to these two functions to give you the great keywords you need for your content.

Major Benefit Number 2

Premium Plus Live Video Training.

As a premium plus member, you have an additional 200 + live expert classes and the great benefit of being recorded live for later viewing whenever you want to either see it again or if you are unable to view the live recording due to time zone differences.

There are so many Live expert classes to watch the best way to do so is by clicking the Classes Icon at the top center.

Once clicked on the left of your screen you will have the classes dashboard, subscriptions (for future classes to register Highly recommended you do so) the third is the history of all past classes if you missed any due to time zones or you want to go back and find one you like. (more on that later in another post.

Once you click classes you will see the last current class and on the right side a calendar.

To learn how you can benefit from the other features in the best way you can refer to a previous post I did

Training at the click of a Button

There are many live sessions you can watch but today I wanted to share with you one important group of classes (mind you there is more to see later in future dates on other topics).

These are from our own Batman, in Eric Cantu who is not only a super affiliate but also a great training mentor to boot.

His series of training is a must to see, for any plus members and just as vital for our new plus members as well.

Regardless if you recently became a premium plus member or have been one since its inception along with your experience or lack of (but you will get there) this series contains three classes created by Eric which are one of the most important aspects for any affiliate marketer.


Today was the third and final part of this series and Eric doesn't disappoint either.

Forget about his acting with the mug, he had his drink most likely some Beer) before he went live and forgot he had nothing left.

I am sure he refilled his WA super affiliate mug after the training with some snacks to go with it. LOL

If you missed any of them I highly suggest you watch them all preferably in the order given just like you would with any of Kyle's training we all know and love.

Here they are in the order given so be sure to thank Eric for the work he put in to benefit you along your online journey.

Listen to what he has to share, watch and read what is given, and take action once completed.

This includes commenting and liking what is given then getting to the main aspects, creating your unique content for the benefit of your readers relating to your niche.

Also, take note of the quotes he gives there is much value just in that alone.

Here are the 3 Classes in this series relating to Content.

Added notes

Be sure to check out the other Super Affiliates who have shared their knowledge and expertise with you and for you.

Not only did they learn all this from the Wealthy Affiliate training just like you and me but as they implemented the training it gave them the ability to get to Vegas as a result.

Again when in the classes in the dashboard section down under the calendar you will also see the many categories that have already been covered in many areas.

For example (note there are many more under this section and too many to take a proper snapshot)

If you have an interest in email marketing then just click that category and you will find at this time of taking the snapshot there are 25 pieces of training to gain added knowledge on the topic.

Same method for the other categories.

Final Thoughts

I hope this has been useful to all Premium Plus members both new and old (old in the nicest of way Ha)

Please do take the time to visit the Live Training Grounds not just Eric's but also the other Super Affiliate as well.

Please comment and like and let me know did you watch Eric's class today or at least watched the recording and what did you learn along the way.

Remember you are important so is the work you put into your content for your website regardless of the Niche you have chosen.

Wishing you much success and always remember the following quote from a great Apache (LOL)

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Recent Comments


Thanks, Andre, for the links for Eric's trainings. I am sorry to say I haven't even used my Premium Plus membership yet because have had so much to do on my website...besides a regular schedule that is quite time-consuming, I'm trying to make jewelry "shorts" to go on my YouTube channel. However, have starred your message because I do want to watch Eric's videos. Thanks!

You are welcome Fran and I am sure when you get the chance you will not only learn from Eric's training but gain a greater understanding of what and how he teaches.
Eric is one of the main reasons I went back to Plus he is an excellent training coach and still can enjoy a laugh or two along the way.

Wishing you a great week ahead and enjoy his teachings.

There are certainly many benefits of being a Premium Plus member here Andre...

I upgraded back in November and the only problem I have is having enough hours in the day to make the most of all the benefits!

I hope you are well my friend?

Take care as always ok..:-)

Thanks, Nich and you are welcome.
That certainly is a good feeling knowing there is so much available as a plus member.
Definitely worth the time to check out all available to us here
Have a wonderful day and weekend ahead.

It is definitely worth the time Andre... after all, we can never learn too much!

Have a wonderful weekend yourself my friend!

Thank you Nick certainly worth the time to continue learning regardless of the level and continue learning at all levels.
Enjoy your weekend too.
We have a long weekend now due to ANZAC Day on Mon 25th

It is certainly worth the time invested Andre.

Happy to hear that you have a long weekend down under.. I'm sure that you will enjoy it!

But what is ANZAC day if you excuse my ignorance here?

ANZAC Day is to commemorate and honour the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served in the Gallipoli Campaign, their first engagement in the First World War (1914–1918).
This is also done on the 25th of April each year.

I never knew that Andre... thanks for the info and have a great time my friend!

Thanks Nick I think the Americans have something similar as well for their armed forces. Well it's midnight here now so soon will take a long break and sleep.
Catch you next time and enjoy your day.

I'm sure they do Andre.. as I am sure us Brits do too, just can't think of it off the top of my head!

Have a great sleep my friend and catch up again soon...

Thank you Nick wishing you a wonderful day.

Thank you for the valuable updates

You are most welcome Ronald hope you have had a wonderful week and more enjoyment along the way.

It really is exciting to think of the possibilities with what we have to work with here. Thanks for the reminder.

You are very welcome Sami and yes we have so much available it incredible for the price we pay.
image the costs elsewhere if they had all this doubt there would be many members there.
Have a great day mine is just about to end soon.


Thank you for the info
on premium plus,

wish you a good evening


You are very welcome Pietro continue to have an awesome day.

Thank you:)

No problems Pietro and thank you too.

Andre :)

and you too my friend
are very welcome:)

Thank you Pietro great to have friends like you.
Andre :)

Likewise Andre!


Thanks, Pietro appreciated.

I will be going to bed very soon,
as I need to wake up at 5 am

tomorrow another big day



No problems earlier night Pietro it's 10.45 pm here but still, heaps to do so will stay up for a while.
sleep well my friend and have a great day tomorrow.


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