Applying the Who, How, and Why When Creating Content.

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By now we should all be familiar with Google’s E.E.A.T. guidelines, Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

However, did you know three other vitally important words blend in well with E.E.A.T.


So I wanted to discuss these three important words to help you either with current content that may need changes made or for those planning to create new content based on your chosen niche. These can help you further as you build out your content.

In fact, you can also think about these words if you plan to create a new niche as well.

But that can be for another day.These three words are Who, How, and Why.

So let’s go through each one and why they are important.

Not only to create better content but when done properly, will add more power to Google’s E.E.A.T Guidelines.

Now Although E.E.A.T. is not a ranking factor itself well not directly however, each part individually is essential to apply as you build out your website which can determine your ranking and presence online.

Using and applying these three additional methods will help to blend with E.E.A.T to boost your content and give you a greater chance of ranking at the top on the first page of Google.

These three words are in a way, part and parcel within each E.E.A.T. and essential to your ranking.The ABC’s of Content Creation

Think about this as your ABC of content creation.

Who, How, and Why. Let's break it down.


There are various parts here that you can enhance when relating to the Who word.

As an online marketer, you want to make it very clear to your audience who created the content.

This gives the first start to building trust and rapport with your target audience.

It might be a small part now but as you build upon it your readers will appreciate it more knowing who is behind the content written.

Imagine you're reading an article or watching a video online. Wouldn't it be nice to know who wrote it or who's behind it all? That's what you are aiming for.

For example, going on YouTube would you prefer watching the person talking and explaining the topic or watching a bunch of images with a robotic voice as the overlay?

It is similar when writing your content on your website would you prefer to see an actual name as the author compared to seeing the word Admin instead?So how do we do this to make it clear who is behind the content written?

Well, one simple way is by using something called a "byline."

You can refer to a byline as that small line either at the top or bottom of an article that says who wrote it.

These bylines help your audience connect with you, the creator, and build trust.

Plus, they make your content look more professional as I said compared to having Admin instead.

Now of course if you don’t want your actual name given you can use a pseudonym much like many novel writers do and give a name instead of their real name. which is fine as well.

If you look at the WA blog post we all have created a username and when one shares a blog post here that username will come up.

For example, my username within WA is Apache1 so when you read a WA blog post here that is the name you will see.

Of course, at the end of my post, I use my real name as Andre. but that is just for WA.

However, when writing content on my websites I always use Andre as the name of the author who created the content.

Some of you may have guest posts on your site so when they provide content their name will appear not yours.

About Me

It's not just about slapping your name on the content and calling it a day.

We can take it a step further to help boost our trust with our visitors.

This is where your About Me page comes into effect that is seen on your website.

One that Wealthy Affiliate teaches you toward the start of your training create amongst other main pages.

This is your chance to introduce yourself to your audience, share a bit about your background and what expertise you have preferably relating to your website.

Sharing more about yourself can also help your readers understand what skills, experience, and even expertise you may have on the topic.

Remember the word "Who" is linked into E.E.A.T.

You don’t have to do an autobiography, just a brief intro about who you are, what knowledge or skills you have, and why you started your website.

As an affiliate marketer, you can even state how long you have been doing this if you have a decent amount of experience.

Of course, as a newbie,, you may want to avoid stating I am new to this so I don’t have much experience but will teach you along the way. They most likely won’t bode well with your audience.

This is just an idea to run by you. Just don’t lie to them and say things like I have been doing affiliate marketing for 15 years and you only really started less than a year.

There is always a workaround as long as you are honest and real.

It is all about building trust and this is one of the most important factors relating to the E.E.A.T. guideline.

In fact, of the four parts of E.E.A.T. trust is the most important factor according to Google.

Your About Me page is about letting people know who you are and what skills, experience, and expertise you have to let them know why they should trust what you have to say.

As you can see this all comes back to E.E.A.T in building that trust and credibility, which leads me to my next point.


This is all about the nitty-gritty details of how you create your content.

Are you doing your research, fact-checking, and making sure everything you put out there is top-notch and above board?

Here is where trust and transparency come in.

If you are using AI regardless if it is outside of WA or the AI Assisted platform you have here make sure you thoroughly double-check what it gives, make sure it is up-to-date and whatever you do not copy and paste directly from any AI even here.

Remember AI does get it wrong and many AI programs are not up-to-date. Even the AI Platform here is at the moment of writing this updated to Dec 2023.

As you know by now much has happened during the past couple of months such as the March Google HCU along with how it has affected SEO and also those who abuse the content with AI.

There is always something that needs adjusting along with making sure your content shows that human touch and presence to your article regardless of what the topic is.

That's what Google likes to see.

They want to make sure that the content they're showing people is reliable with accurate up-to-date information.

So, take the time to double-check your sources, proofread your work, including your spelling and grammar, and make sure everything is in the right order before hitting that publish button.

Also with checking your content if you have written content over the years go back and check it is up to date and relevant in today’s time.

Posts over 1 year old even 6 months old should be checked but also updated with new ideas or information especially if the ranking has slipped or is no longer indexed as it once was. It does happen.

I already mentioned some of this is a previous post with sites not updating their content and can be shown as misleading visitors coming to WA.

You can read more here on that below

And finally, we come to the main word.


This is arguably the most important of the three.

Why are you creating this content in the first place? Don’t day to make money that is a byproduct of your hard work and effort and should never be the focus when writing content.

Your role is to help people not be that cheesy salesperson there are enough of those scammers out there that do that. Don’t be one of them.

Think more about What value does it bring to my readers visiting my website?

This is where the magic happens.

When you create content that truly resonates with your audience and provides them with valuable insights, you're not just ticking boxes for Google.

You are not using SEO for the sake of pushing the boundaries with search engines.

Instead, you are building real connections and driving engagement for your reader’s sake first and foremost.

Final thoughts

So Who, How, and Why play a crucial role in meeting the E.E.A.T. guidelines? These are just some of the qualities Google is looking for when you are creating content.

Of course there are many other areas but this is a good place to start when creating content.

By making it clear who created your content, you're showing that you have the expertise and authority to speak on the topic.

Also note that with expertise, and experience this builds over time so don’t fret if you don’t have the full authority or expertise on the subject or topic you are writing about.

However, doing proper research and understanding what people are asking online and answering their questions will help you build your skillset much quicker than just copying the same as everyone else.

This has been stated many times here in Wealthy Affiliate not only within the training but also many other blog posts and other training from fellow members.

Always be your real self and not a copycat to someone else.

When you start to apply the above you are now demonstrating your trustworthiness and reliability.

The more you get involved you gradually build upon your expertise and experience, which in turn will increase your authority while showing trust in all you do.

When creating content, make sure it truly adds value for your readers. When you do you start to build real connections and trust over time.

So, there you have it—the ABCs of content creation.

Remember, always keep the Who, How, and Why in mind when creating your content.

By doing so, you'll not only meet Google's guidelines, but you'll also build stronger connections with your audience and drive better results for your marketing efforts.

Wishing you well

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Recent Comments


Thanks for the reminder of good practices. I do think we get caught up in the moment and forget the importance of remembering what the reader wants.

You are welcome Sami and yes we need to sit back take a moment and go through the content before that publish or update button is clicked.

Have a wonderful weekend too.


Some very valid points, Andre! Nicely done!


Thank you Jeff much appreciated.

Enjoy the rest of your evening and have a great weekend when you catch up to the future LOL


Haha! Good one, Andre!

Enjoy your evening!

Jeff 😎🍺

Thank you Jeff will do my best.

You always do, Andre!


Very helpful blog, thanks Andre.
When I first started, AI seemed so perfect. I would proofread, make corrections, add my own twist to it, and BOOM, article ready to go. lol

Now, I’ve noticed AI using very similar wording and phrases, as I can detect it while reading others blog posts. Sometimes AI doesn’t make sense and switches subjects abruptly without giving much details.

I’m going to let AI do the outline then write the article myself based on that.
How do you approach this Andre?

Thank Steve I don't use AI much when I do it is much like you get some ideas for the outline but in this case didn't use it at all, as Google gave me all the information outline needed.

Enjoy your day


Great article Andre with loads of helpful advice. Thanks for posting.


Thanks Rick appreciated.
The more we understand these ideas the better our content can be.


Cheers Andre for such an excellent piece of writing full of thought provoking nuggets and ideas for improvement.

You are welcome Richard


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