About AngelaN
Rank 4256
285 followers Joined July 2018
Hi My name is Angela and I am new to the online business world. I currently work as an Educational Assistant in a Special Needs Diagnostic





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asked in
Getting Started

I am seeing a new visitor in my google analytics, I have never seen this before. They are ahref.com Can someone explain who this is please. Thanks

Research tool.

It’s an SEO tool that is used for research.

So, I assume it is nothing for me to be concerned about then. I have just never seen it before.

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What is ahref. in google analytics?

What is ahref. in google analytics?

asked in
Getting Started

I am seeing a new visitor in my google analytics, I have never seen this before. They are ahref.com Can someone explain who this is please. Thanks

Research tool.

It’s an SEO tool that is used for research.

So, I assume it is nothing for me to be concerned about then. I have just never seen it before.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

In past few days I've been notified by email (from wordpress) that I need to moderate new subscribbers directly through wordpress. I've had my website for almost 6 months and t

You've begun to receive this because your WordPress user profile is set to "Anyone can register" and this is how your site can easily be hacked. The best thing to do now is go to your WordPress user settings and adjust this to stop accepting new subscribers. It's not good for your website now. Thanks for finding out!

Hi Angela,
Good question. I would like to know the answer my self.

Me too!

Another thing too, they will not have access to your back office of your Wordpress unless you make them and administrator of your website.

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.

Do you know if this is a common feature that website owners use?

Also, these subscribers did not leave comments that I can see. I just see their name and website information in a list that I am suppose to moderate.

Is this what is called "back linking"?

Hi Angela,

First you should evaluate whether the comment is related to your content at all. If not you will have trolls and other marketers trying to get links back to their website.

Another thing I do is check their website to make sure that the website is legitimate and worth linking to. If the website is not related in content or related topic I don't link to their website specially if adult content website and you have a family oriented website.

You can edit the comment before you approve it to make sure you clean the language up and anything you feel should not be there. Remember also that comments are valuable in Google's eyes for ranking purposes too.

If your getting good comments by other visitors on your website it means your content is being found online or social media. It is also great to find out where the comment came from too, then you know which platform is working in your marketing strategy.

Hope that helps,

I don't require people to subscribe in order to comment. I have it disabled.

I don't require people to subscribe in order to comment either.....I've had comments in the past couple days from people that are not on this subscribers list.

If you go to Settings > General you can uncheck the following to prevent people from creating accounts:

Membership Anyone can register

I did see that option. I am wondering if allowing people to create accounts is something that has proven to be of some benefit or maybe not.
Have you heard of anyone utilizing this feature before?

Honestly I never paid much attention to it. I’m a control freak and don’t allow people to create accounts in my site

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Should I accept new subscribbers?

Should I accept new subscribbers?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

In past few days I've been notified by email (from wordpress) that I need to moderate new subscribbers directly through wordpress. I've had my website for almost 6 months and t

You've begun to receive this because your WordPress user profile is set to "Anyone can register" and this is how your site can easily be hacked. The best thing to do now is go to your WordPress user settings and adjust this to stop accepting new subscribers. It's not good for your website now. Thanks for finding out!

Hi Angela,
Good question. I would like to know the answer my self.

Me too!

Another thing too, they will not have access to your back office of your Wordpress unless you make them and administrator of your website.

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.

Do you know if this is a common feature that website owners use?

Also, these subscribers did not leave comments that I can see. I just see their name and website information in a list that I am suppose to moderate.

Is this what is called "back linking"?

Hi Angela,

First you should evaluate whether the comment is related to your content at all. If not you will have trolls and other marketers trying to get links back to their website.

Another thing I do is check their website to make sure that the website is legitimate and worth linking to. If the website is not related in content or related topic I don't link to their website specially if adult content website and you have a family oriented website.

You can edit the comment before you approve it to make sure you clean the language up and anything you feel should not be there. Remember also that comments are valuable in Google's eyes for ranking purposes too.

If your getting good comments by other visitors on your website it means your content is being found online or social media. It is also great to find out where the comment came from too, then you know which platform is working in your marketing strategy.

Hope that helps,

I don't require people to subscribe in order to comment. I have it disabled.

I don't require people to subscribe in order to comment either.....I've had comments in the past couple days from people that are not on this subscribers list.

If you go to Settings > General you can uncheck the following to prevent people from creating accounts:

Membership Anyone can register

I did see that option. I am wondering if allowing people to create accounts is something that has proven to be of some benefit or maybe not.
Have you heard of anyone utilizing this feature before?

Honestly I never paid much attention to it. I’m a control freak and don’t allow people to create accounts in my site

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Ok, I am pretty new here. Got lots to learn.
I have published around 25 articles, usually from the WA platform. I recently updated my editor in Wordpress and published a co

There's nothing wrong with publishing from withing WP itself. That said, you do get some added bonuses from using the Site Content tool here at WA. Most notable are:

1) Access to WA's free imagery to use in your posts.
2) Image optimization when publish from within Site Content (assuming you added the images before publishing).
3) Index alerting/tracking.

I use Site Content to create my Pages and Posts. I then edit and fine tune them in the WP editor.

Thanks for your response.
If I "publish" from the Word Press editor, is there a place to check when my article was indexed. Perhaps on Webtools?? I have not explored Webtools, but perhaps this is where I could find that information?
I appreciate any help.

Log into Google Search console and then click on URL inspection. Type in the full path of the post you're interested in and, if it's in Google's sights, you'll see information about that post. If you expand the Coverage section, you'll even see when it was last crawled and so on.

I appreciate your help. I will take a closer look at Google Search Console. Thanks again.

Any time.

Is there away to use the block editor in site content as when I publish to WA Idont seem able to use the block function? Wondering if anyone’s done some training on this?

Site Content does not employ the block editor at this time. I don't know if that's in the plans or not. That said, you can convert the posts into blocks from withing the WP editor.

Thanks ... I find it very time consuming at this point to convert...was hoping there was a shortcut I was missing.

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Which editor is the best?

Which editor is the best?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Ok, I am pretty new here. Got lots to learn.
I have published around 25 articles, usually from the WA platform. I recently updated my editor in Wordpress and published a co

There's nothing wrong with publishing from withing WP itself. That said, you do get some added bonuses from using the Site Content tool here at WA. Most notable are:

1) Access to WA's free imagery to use in your posts.
2) Image optimization when publish from within Site Content (assuming you added the images before publishing).
3) Index alerting/tracking.

I use Site Content to create my Pages and Posts. I then edit and fine tune them in the WP editor.

Thanks for your response.
If I "publish" from the Word Press editor, is there a place to check when my article was indexed. Perhaps on Webtools?? I have not explored Webtools, but perhaps this is where I could find that information?
I appreciate any help.

Log into Google Search console and then click on URL inspection. Type in the full path of the post you're interested in and, if it's in Google's sights, you'll see information about that post. If you expand the Coverage section, you'll even see when it was last crawled and so on.

I appreciate your help. I will take a closer look at Google Search Console. Thanks again.

Any time.

Is there away to use the block editor in site content as when I publish to WA Idont seem able to use the block function? Wondering if anyone’s done some training on this?

Site Content does not employ the block editor at this time. I don't know if that's in the plans or not. That said, you can convert the posts into blocks from withing the WP editor.

Thanks ... I find it very time consuming at this point to convert...was hoping there was a shortcut I was missing.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Somehow, I have lost access to my google analytics. I am not quite sure how I did it.

I have been using it for about 4 months.

I'm thinking I will go back to the t

Hi Angela,
Have you checked if your logged in using the same email when setting up your G Analytic? You need to log in with the same email when creating it otherwise you can't access it. In most cases, you're logged in with different email.

Please let me know your finding.


Thanks for responding.
After several hours of trying a thousand different things, including my different emails etc, I decided to move on. I was wasting far too much of my time going in circles with no success.
I re installed Analytics with a new tracking id number. I am up and running again, unfortunately I have lost my previous data though.
Oh well, all is good.
Thanks again for reaching out.

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How do I get my google analytics back?

How do I get my google analytics back?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Somehow, I have lost access to my google analytics. I am not quite sure how I did it.

I have been using it for about 4 months.

I'm thinking I will go back to the t

Hi Angela,
Have you checked if your logged in using the same email when setting up your G Analytic? You need to log in with the same email when creating it otherwise you can't access it. In most cases, you're logged in with different email.

Please let me know your finding.


Thanks for responding.
After several hours of trying a thousand different things, including my different emails etc, I decided to move on. I was wasting far too much of my time going in circles with no success.
I re installed Analytics with a new tracking id number. I am up and running again, unfortunately I have lost my previous data though.
Oh well, all is good.
Thanks again for reaching out.

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