What's Wealthy Affiliate Like? #4 Jeff Brown's 56 PickUp

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I loved Jeff Brown's image for his post celebrating the fact that the earth had made another revolution round the sun on his special day.

A picture of a beautifully restored 56 pickup. And it got me thinking again about what Wealthy Affiliate is like?

Jeff's picture is what we aspire to when we first join WA.

That shiny restoration is our goal - the image we're holding in our minds.

Perhaps we come with challenges? Maybe we're more like the 56 Studebaker in my header image. We need a new paint job, a new set of hubcaps.

We come to Wealthy Affiliate and our engine is still running. Or not.

Perhaps we're just looking for the next free thing. Kicking tires in the car yard.

Signing up for free gets us into the cab where we can sit and have a look at the dashboard. See what everything does - Tap dials to make sure everything works!

Go through the first few pages of the manual. See if it fits. We get to take it off the yard for a test drive. And then come back and park it.

When we pay for our premium membership we're able to take it home and park it in the garage and really get under the hood of it see what makes it go.

The training is the engine that drives our journey through Wealthy Affiliate and the further we progress the more mileage we get out of our machine.

It's like purchasing the basic model and as our knowledge of affiliate marketing deepens we get to add "the bells and whistles".

If we pay for premium plus we get access to further training that will accelerate the process for us. It'll mean we get to add the smart paint job and shiny wheels.

We begin to feel like we're making headway on our business and our lives.

The pick up is the perfect metaphor for the journey. Like any trades person the pickup is great to stowing the tools we collect along the way. If we're scratching our head and not sure where to go with something we can look through the tool box to find the right tool.

People with pickups like to gather at meets and trade ideas and show off their vehicles.

Wealthy Affiliate has the perfect forum for this too. We can request feedback on our websites and pages and trade for comments also.

The more we enter into the community the more knowledge we gain. We can bring our questions about how things work. Enter the chat, ask a question, answer a question, share your knowledge, admit a lack of knowledge, seek clarification - in all these things we come together to increase the likelihood of someone succeeding.

So make sure the window wipers are working, keep your windshield clean, polish those side mirrors. Come to Wealthy Affiliate with good visibility back and front.

What you see in the rear view mirrors becomes the content you produce today to assist your success in the future.

Keep your hands firmly on the steering wheel and follow the road maps that have been provided not only by Kyle and Carson with the routes they've created:

  1. Online Entrepreneur Training, and the
  2. Affiliate Bootcamp

but also make use of the training that is provided by the members.

Each and everyone is setting out a blue print for your success.

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Recent Comments


This is a fun analogy.

This is a Great analogy, Andrew, and I really do like that Studebaker in your title image too!

An excellent post, indeed, my friend!


Cheers Jeff. Birthdays can be so inspirational. Almost as good as New Year

They sure can be, Andrew!


A nice analogy.

Thanks Stephen. Do you follow Super Rugby from far off Vietnam?

Not really, I have given up watching all TV.

Thanks for sharing Andrew!


Thanks for taking the time Mel. Cheers!

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