Very sad, but forced to stay away for a few months. I will sincerely miss such wonderful community, would rather say family. It is a fact I was looking for funds to purchase my one-year subscription while some past offline customers were calling, so I determined that it was OK to engage in a one month compromise....one thing led to the next...while during that time I was very seldom able to log-in to WA.
Things have defined now, and please allow me to quote what I wrote to Carson & Kyle just last night, and hope that you agree with me that it would be nonsense to apply for the one-year deal now, while knowing I would not be able to come every day as I used to up until the last days of September.
¨First of all, I want to thank you both and your fantastic WA site and the whole community, where I have met awesome and brilliant people, with whom, just as with yourselves, I have been honoured to interact for nearly two months. I have been forced to be away from my online home due to offline responsabilities, except for very few minutes on counted days, that I managed to log-in and see what was going on.
As you can notice, it is not about you, it is about me, having to get funds to secure my permanence, and I did desire to make a full one-year commitment, buth things turned out other way. ¨fortunately¨, to call it something, I agreed to a 3/4 week contract with some of my öld¨ clients...it turned out they were so happy with my results, that 45 additional days were requested... and here I am, again engaged and totally busy until end of december. Of course, that will take care of my full year suscription to come back to WA.
Then, as december starts, my summer-time mini-market starts functioning for a full 4 months, which calls for my total attention, including 17/18 hr/day weekends days that leaves practically no time to participate in WA, and then 2 things happen, firstly, my participation is highly limited due to time-frame and internet facilities, which sometimes miserably fail down south of Lima ( beach site where such retail is located), and the fact that this summer biz is so demanding that it would be totally unresponsible for me to even show up, not to mention my learning process and corresponding hands-on action would be so diminished that it really becomes impractical. That only means I cannot continue for the time being, but rest assured I will be returning towards the end of march, if you allow me of course, to a full whole-year premium membership.
I will really miss all of you gals & guys, and I am sure every time I find a couple of minutes I will try to see how everything goes...although I am not very sure if that is going to be possible at all, while my account is suspended. Also, wonder what will happen to the 3 visitors I have managed to bring so far ( not the best targeted audience, must admit, but that was what I managed to do so far). Anyway, I will really miss the lots of friends I had already made, many of which I have been able to see are already getting results, with their websites up & running...but would not like to mention any names...I might miss some of them and I do not want that to happen.
I can only say I have had plenty of GOOD things happening at WA for me, and do not know how to thank you enough. I think I will post this as a blog tomorrow night, as a way to make public my appreciation for what you offer, and the excellent community derived from your awesome program.
Talk soon¨
I will be back for sure, it is planned to be towards end of March, but I suspect I will be able to make that a little before than that. I only wish everyone the best and please make sure you take every advantage WA provides to attain success...and keep on keeping...I will be back, promise !
Hasta la vista

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Hey Fredrik, kind of funny, you just come in and I am leaving. Still have time to give you a big welcome to this fantastic community, thank you for following me, and let you know that you made the brightest election : WA offers great online education, all the tools, lots of help and lots of fun, so you will really love this place, and since you are online for a few years, this will serve you to complement what you already know and more.
Best of luck !!
Marian, muchas gracias, todo saldrá bien y podré volver en pocos meses. I know you have been working hard and have your site up & running, with small tweaks here and there you will hit your goals pretty soon, just keep up the good work and continue finding and placing those puzzle pieces in their places...remember that when many pieces have been correctly placed, you have LESS pieces to worry about, and placing them is easier because there are not many empty spaces where they can fit...
Lo mejor para tí, see you soon.
Good luck Alvaro. The time won't be long passing. Have a nice Christmas. See you soon. Judy
Judy, thanks for your kind words and yes, 4/5 months will go thru in a blink, much more when you are busy as hxxx. Have seen your great work and success attained here at WA, with ups & downs and sickness and desperation as you have had, so please keep on keeping on and take care. I will surely miss you all during this period.
Thanks again and best of all to you and your endeavors.
Thank you for your kind words to us all Alvaro. I hope that you do come back soon. I will leave you as a follow on my profile, so that when you post you are back, I'll get the message. Take care and my best wishes for you.
Annie, I will be back...4 months go fast and at the pace I will be working offline I will hardly notice them. Forgive me for this, but NO thanks are required when truth is mentioned, it is just so and all I did was a description of what the WA family is and represents on the online world...like a big rock in the middle of a vast sandy desert.
Will surely miss you gals and guys. Thanks again and hasta pronto.
Christine, many thanks for your kind words. I have had a chance to see you already have a dedicated site to fight and expose these crooks with their scamy sites, one button push miracles and what not. Very good, and as soon as I return I will be at your side battling them and correctly informing the online audience, as you are doing.
Thanks again and see you soon.
Thanks , Alvaro, all I need now is some traffic to my site. I will keep working at it in the meantime! Have a blessed Christmas and good New Year.
Alvaro, take care and I wish you all the best in the coming months. Keep your idea engine going and I absolutely look forward to having you back at WA. The community will miss you, but this isn't a goodbye, it is a see you again soon!
All the best!
Kyle, thanks for your kind words. It is a definite situation and have it very clear, this guy WILL be back, better positioned to go after the correct audience, which will include paid traffic to reach them while I continue learning at WA. As you correctly put it, it is just a kind of long see you all again... and the challenge will be how to pick up as I will be left behind for a while. I will really miss our WA family...will drop by every time I get some free moments.
Thanks to all of you again, good thing is that I know where my online home is at and it is very simple, everyone loves going back home.
Hasta pronto a todos !
Abrazos ( Hugs)
Come back soon. You are aware that you can pay $47 per month to start, and then pay yearly once you have sufficient funds to do so? Right?
I will Gordi. Yes you are right and I know that, thou that is not the issue, got the funds during October while mostly away from WA doing offline stuff. It is a time issue for the next 4/5 months. Thanks again.
that is correct Gordi and I personally will go yearly when I can. I hope that Alvaro does come back
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All the best and see you soon! Carolyn
Carolyn, many thanks, will be back soon. Best of all to you.