Not another day off


A daily application of negatives soon adds to a mountain of hindrance. From once that seems just like yesterday, in reality has taken over two months of justifiable "frittering" - wheels spinning , with little to show in way of results. Barely a finger in contact with earlier expectations.

Wife ill, then myself with breathing problems that have extended beyond my personal allowance of down time: reaching feelings of lethargy, "why bother? Another day off."

My "PopEye" stage has been reached. "I caint stands this no more" - Pass the Spinach". Christie has sensed something is happening, probably my reference to her as "Olive Oil" on occasion today.

I am better. I must be. I have tomorrow planned into 5x1 hour work periods. Refined from most important to least important; most urgent to least urgent. Non-negotiable. Still allows a good day to be built around this activity.

Today is still several hours from wasting. I am enjoying the feeling.


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Recent Comments


This comment is a bit late, but I hope that these days you are both so much better. Breaking your focus down into several parts of the day is a great way to get things done. In reality any really good focus and concentration time gets tasks done quicker than a few minutes here and there. Better than ohh... I wonder if I've got another email yet or what's the latest video on youtube? Before your know it half an hour or more time is wasted being side tracked.

You have a great talent for writing. I'm jealous :0)
Glad to hear your feeling better.
Thanks Larry

Glad your doing better, Larry.


Terrific we've switched from spinach to broccoli. That's empowerment!

Glad to see you're getting back into things!

lol nice post

Hope your wife and you are feeling better.... life is so precious... and our health, too... we have only one!
Take care,

Hi Larry hope you are in good health , you will be looking forward to getting back into it. All the best.

You have a great attitude towards life! That is awesome!

That's the beauty of life....always another day. Let's both make the most of tomorrow. Debbie

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