Keep Moving Forward
Do you feel like you’re running in slow motion? Like everyone around you is reaching the finish line and collecting their prize while you’re still stuck going around the first lap? I know I sure do! I don’t begrudge anyone their success but I often wonder...
‘When will I catch up?’
Here are my 3 Top Tips to keep moving forward:
Tip #1: Plan to work hard.
This probably goes against everything the internet advertises about how to ‘make money online FAST!’ but in all reality you know that building a solid foundation for success takes effort, right?
You also know that attempts at making money FAST! or NOW! does not create sustainable income.
If you put in the hard work now, when the money DOES start coming in, all your time and effort will be worthwhile.
Remember, if you create a sustainable income, the work you do today will pay off for months and hopefully years to come.
Tip #2: Find one good teacher.
I need to emphasize “one”. I learned this the hard way in real estate - everyone has their own way of creating success. If you try to follow more than one ‘method’ at the same time, you may become overwhelmed. Think of what we’re taught at WA: you can do OEC or Bootcamp, but don’t try to do BOTH at the same time. Avoid setting yourself up for failure. We are here to succeed :)
Find a teacher that’s reputable. They may have seminars on YouTube. Maybe they have written a book or two. They might even have a class you can sign up for. Try to use free resources they provide first.
Once you find someone you resonate with, stick to their strategies and copy their blueprint for success.
Tip #3: Research and target a niche that interests you
I’m not going to say a whole lot about this. It’s very basic. Every niche will have some competition, so don’t be afraid to pursue a niche you think is ‘saturated’.
There are 3.75 BILLION people online!
Start your research by Googling the phrase: “Finding a Niche Market”.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing things because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Best of luck on your journey to success!
Recent Comments
Thank you Amy. So often people have the wrong frame of mind, as you bring out this is brought on by a misconception that wealth or success can be had by a few easy steps.
Most quit after they realize that they have to work and work hard to accomplish a worthwhile goal.
I am reminded about a commercial for a kids series called Doozers; its "Lets get started and do-do-do it".
Thanks again for the encouragement.
Thanks for the little ditty, Ray. Now it's stuck in my head -
"Let's get started and do-do-do it." :)
Wonderful, wonderful post. My mindset has had to change several times since starting WA. I am at peace knowing I won't be the best, but I'm where I need to be going forward. Thank you Amy!
Yay Us Indeed!! 🌟
I love that phrase, Liz - "I won't be the best, but I'm where I need to be going forward."
Yay Us!! ✨
Hi Amy! What an awesome post!!!! So motivating and encouraging! This is what I like about this community!
Great post yet again,
I found all of your advice well grounded and actionable,
In addition, your Tip #1: Plan to work hard.resonated well with me since earlier i have written and posted here precisely on the FAST as in ‘make money online FAST!’ vs ‘make money online SLOW!’. Fruit Or Fruit Tree, What Will It Be? - Thursday Reflections Blessings!
Thank you so much! I know I'm in the right place when someone tells me they resonate with me :)
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Great suggestions for keeping yourself moving forward! One foot in front of the other will work whether you are fast or slow!
So true Eliza!