The Story ALWAYS Ends The Same Way - Don't Be BOXED IN

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This brief post is a reflection upon a subject most of us, at one point or another, are facing now, will face in the future or have faced in the past.

The post is about the proverbial BOX we tend to stuff all of our personal effects, pictures, plaques, trophies, etc, when we leave a job.

I intentionally had leave a job bold and underlined because by itself the phrase doesn't convey the full picture as to under what circumstances it happened.

Was it a pink slip?

Reduction in force?

Merger related redundancy of positions?

Moving on to a better opportunity?

Throwing in the towel?

Family emergency leave?

Medical leave?


I will not dwell on the infinite reasons or circumstances for leaving a job. but rather instead, I will focus on the common things all the reasons or circumstances have in common.


Because in the simplicity of it, that analysis truly is so very powerful and worth noting.

Back to the proverbial box now because it is both the symbol and the common denominator for all those scenarios detailed above.

So here it is:

Regardless as to why we had, are or will be leaving a "corporate" job, that story always ends with a box.

"So what ?" you may say.

Well, the box is the symbol of "working for the man" and predictably it is always there when we leave. A symbol of how we wound up summarized at the end of that job or tenure, no matter how short or how long.

Does it really matter?

In my humble opinion I think that it does and also that we can change the predictable box ending story by breaking outside that box and oblivion.

If we follow up, learn and apply what Kyle and Carson have built this wonderful WA community into, we shall never ever need to gather our personal effects in a box or to even ever leave, since we could be working virtually from anywhere in the world.

For ourselves...

I close with s brief verse from a band actually called Anything Box (I am dead serious, no pun intended):

""I am so afraid

Of living in oblivion."

I hope that you may find this brief post useful and an inspiration to us all to do more to break outside the box.


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I agree, we shouldn't be reduced to a proverbial box.



Thanks for taking the time to read and to comment.


I have had that happen to be only once, and although not 100% expected, it was a possibility, so I had taken many things to my home office from the corporate one. This company like many think we will jade the employees left, or make a scene so they say, and I could not go back to my desk. Instead, someone from HR went and retrieved my briefcase and the rest would be mailed to me.

I lost many of my papers that were written by me and invaluable training materials. Fortunately, I had about 75 % left in my home office. :)
Working for the government my first decade after college taught me to make duplicate files, and information special to yourself. Not concerning any conflict of interest, just things I deemed important only to me. Glad I did this.
The only regret I have was that I did not join this fine online platform sooner, but I am making up for that now. :)
Before the box happens, work hard here, and it will [pay off as your goals dictate.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Invariably we all go through the box experience.

I do not see us currently as passive income or as affiliate marketer pioneers, however, I am simply astounded that not many millions more will see and recognize the shackles the conventional path in life offers, i.e. burdening ourselves with massive student loans and then seeking relief from that by shackling ourselves to some corporation to repay them.

Future generations need to be awakened to this grim reality and recognize that there is a better way to make a living.


So true. Like a hamster on a wheel. Just going and getting not where. Thank you.

Ah ha, yes. This is really good.

I worked in different offices for many years, and the box that I couldn't stand was the cubicle. Being in a cubicle is just like being trapped in a box for me.

The last office job I had, I was laid off. (Everyone was. The company went down.)

I was HAPPY to pack up my box because I was finally free of the cubicle box.

- Christina


Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my post.


This is indeed a great insight; so nicely craved from such a highly creative mind.

There's no other place that a "rest of mind" could be better than being independent of so-called job enslavement.

Truly, it saps one dry of energy to be more creative and thoughtful about life and future.

It's a plague that should be discouraged.

Thank you for taking the time to read and to comment on my unskilled and humble post.

There was more I wanted to add at the end of it .

On a much greater scale and deeper meaning, without trying to get either preachy or too somber.

As they say, in life we can always count on two things: 1. taxes, while we're alive and 2. death, well you know when we die.

I think that for most of people there that third thing you can be certain of and that is: 3. the proverbial job leaving box.

Going deeper into it yet, we arrive on this earth empty handed and naked and we leave clothed but empty handed as well. In mostly a wooden box. (Did I just say that dreaded word again")

"Your grace has found me as I am,
Empty handed but alive in your hands
Majesty - Michael W. Smith

All in the above paragraph happens in that fashion.

By design.

By divine design.

The only things that outlast physical and material things are intangibles, things of spiritual nature, legacy, etc.

Just some simple reflections upon these very obvious matters we all face with 100% certainty.

Now, I am thinking about a sequel to this post since I recommended that we avoid being boxed in, since in nature nothing gets lost but it is rather transformed or morphed into something else.

Stay tuned fellow WA affiliates, I may be able to string together yet another 20 words...or so, for a lighter and happier sequel.

Thank you all once again.



Thanks for the kind yet undeserving praise.

I saw a post in LinkedIn today of someone leaving his job to pursue a better opportunity.

it struck me how it will always end when "working for the man".

Simplistic yet so powerful.

So I tried to put it in my own words, however, unskilled I may be.


My God you are a wonderful writer. Great post

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