About AdamsOnLine
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480 followers Joined April 2013
I am a retired printer. I was working in a Las Vegas casino until Nov. of 2012. I am now trying to learn how to





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

If you are using this plug in I would be interested to know how it performs for you and if you like the plugin. I have been using it for a long time, but it does not allow the r

Not familiar with the plugin, yet there are many that have not updated. Check the plugin site for changelog, updates, support and forums. The site will have people like you who have used the plugin and if any of the above are older than a year there are likely compatability problems.
The addition of the new WPEdit changed the fluidity of plugins like these. Have had to edit my images since borders and advanced image edit is now in the pro-version of WPEdit.
There are free media editing applications that you will now likely have to use as I am. Look at VideoScribe or Ezvid then add to your Media Gallery in Wordpress. I hope this works for you. ^_~

Thanks for your input Caylynn. I quess that I am the only one using this plugin. I'm going to check up on your suggestions.


What is this you are speaking of? I'm lost.

It is a plugin that replaces the WordPress editor and adds some easy to use enhancements to the original editor that is included with WP.

I am using WP Editor and am happy with it. I have never used ck editor. Sorry I could not be of more help!

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Is anyone out there using ckeditor for wp?

Is anyone out there using ckeditor for wp?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

If you are using this plug in I would be interested to know how it performs for you and if you like the plugin. I have been using it for a long time, but it does not allow the r

Not familiar with the plugin, yet there are many that have not updated. Check the plugin site for changelog, updates, support and forums. The site will have people like you who have used the plugin and if any of the above are older than a year there are likely compatability problems.
The addition of the new WPEdit changed the fluidity of plugins like these. Have had to edit my images since borders and advanced image edit is now in the pro-version of WPEdit.
There are free media editing applications that you will now likely have to use as I am. Look at VideoScribe or Ezvid then add to your Media Gallery in Wordpress. I hope this works for you. ^_~

Thanks for your input Caylynn. I quess that I am the only one using this plugin. I'm going to check up on your suggestions.


What is this you are speaking of? I'm lost.

It is a plugin that replaces the WordPress editor and adds some easy to use enhancements to the original editor that is included with WP.

I am using WP Editor and am happy with it. I have never used ck editor. Sorry I could not be of more help!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I try to eliminate extra line space on my page above and below an image and save the page. Guess what they reappear. This drives me crazy. Anybody have this figures out?


Some good info Caylynn,
Thanks for your help.

Anytime. Glad to help.

Some images have white space around them which is why I screen shot them and insert the screen shot instead.
You can resize the image in paint or photoshop, which you would need to purchase, or
use Gimp, it is free.
This link might be helpful to help you with the code:

Go to your your edit page on the top right side of your content area you will will see two tabs visual and text. Click on the text tab in there between the lines you will see this   this is your space between lines delete the ones you do not want and it will clear up the spaces. Now if you want yo add spaces enter that code between the lines. I hope this is what you were looking for. Good luck

Looks like it cut the code out of your reply here, but it is the little one with the & in it.

Thanks guys for your info. I guess you are telling me that the code I need to remove is  can't put the code here for some insane reason.

I have experimented with removing this in the text mode and so far I have mixed results. But I will keep experimenting. Thanks again Tom, Jaw and Mac.


Also, sometimes when you save the draft it will remove them automatically. It is kind of weird how it works sometimes.

It sure did thank you for pointing that out lets see if it stays this time lol
 & n b s p ;
type this in without the space or look for this to remove

Post your link to it so we can take a look. It's difficult to figure that out without knowing exactly what you mean

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Removing excess line spaces

Removing excess line spaces

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I try to eliminate extra line space on my page above and below an image and save the page. Guess what they reappear. This drives me crazy. Anybody have this figures out?


Some good info Caylynn,
Thanks for your help.

Anytime. Glad to help.

Some images have white space around them which is why I screen shot them and insert the screen shot instead.
You can resize the image in paint or photoshop, which you would need to purchase, or
use Gimp, it is free.
This link might be helpful to help you with the code:

Go to your your edit page on the top right side of your content area you will will see two tabs visual and text. Click on the text tab in there between the lines you will see this   this is your space between lines delete the ones you do not want and it will clear up the spaces. Now if you want yo add spaces enter that code between the lines. I hope this is what you were looking for. Good luck

Looks like it cut the code out of your reply here, but it is the little one with the & in it.

Thanks guys for your info. I guess you are telling me that the code I need to remove is  can't put the code here for some insane reason.

I have experimented with removing this in the text mode and so far I have mixed results. But I will keep experimenting. Thanks again Tom, Jaw and Mac.


Also, sometimes when you save the draft it will remove them automatically. It is kind of weird how it works sometimes.

It sure did thank you for pointing that out lets see if it stays this time lol
 & n b s p ;
type this in without the space or look for this to remove

Post your link to it so we can take a look. It's difficult to figure that out without knowing exactly what you mean

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

When I use Googles Webmaster tools I find a lot of my pages have the error involving "updated". I tried to use help to find out just what this problem is but I get a response in

Ongoing problem. There is a fix in word press. One needs to change a file in the editor. According to experts, this is not a problem

That's odd. Going to have to wait for a Google Webmaster Tools expert to arrive here on the scene.....

Google Analytics/Toolmaster

Google Analytics/Toolmaster

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

When I use Googles Webmaster tools I find a lot of my pages have the error involving "updated". I tried to use help to find out just what this problem is but I get a response in

Ongoing problem. There is a fix in word press. One needs to change a file in the editor. According to experts, this is not a problem

That's odd. Going to have to wait for a Google Webmaster Tools expert to arrive here on the scene.....

asked in
Website Development & Programming

After you have authorship working on tour site. How long does it usually take google to get your pic, etc.. into its page snippets?

Good question. There is a very good post by boomer that will answer your question:



Thanks for the info, I was not aware of the changes Google made.

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How long does it take google to get your authorship going?

How long does it take google to get your authorship going?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

After you have authorship working on tour site. How long does it usually take google to get your pic, etc.. into its page snippets?

Good question. There is a very good post by boomer that will answer your question:



Thanks for the info, I was not aware of the changes Google made.

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