Blog Reading
What is Blog?
Blog! Blog! Blog! Blog is not a new word to me. In fact I tried creating blogs few years ago without knowing the proper meaning of it. I wrote quite a few and I don't know where they are located right now. I had written on different subject from personal to spiritual. It was not a routine writing. I wrote it whenever I felt bored and without work.
After I joined WA I had bare understanding of what a blog is. Going through some lessons I started understanding what it is and how it is written. Now I feel I am more composed and skilled. Blog writing has enriched me in so many ways. It has :
- taught me to type
- improved my vocabulary
- created interest to read other people's blogs
- taught me to provide feedback to other
- taught me to comment on others posts and articles
- heltped me to create newer blogs on different subjects
These are the few things that I have mentioned here but there are a lot to jot down.
Learning Ground
Blogs are the most wonderful things that we have here in Wealthy Affiliate community. There are variety of differents materials which are very rich in ideas and thoughts. The more we read the more we gain. The more we read, the more we receive and we learn to give to others. It is a wonderful learning ground for anybody.
Sharing Thoughts
Writing blogs is sharing thoughts and ideas. We don't have to be great writers or authors, we just put down what experience we have. English is not my native language but as I write on it comes out. I know I will make mistakes and I know mistakes are the part of learning. There's is not a person that does not make mistakes. Have you made mistakes yet? Don't worry "Failures are the pillars of success."
Do You Write ?
WA is more about writing. We are encouraged to write. We write everywhere, everything. I started about two months ago and I have few posts. They are not very beautiful but anyway they exist. The more I write the more kind of a writer I feel. Sometimes I write everyday, sometimes two in a day, the restrictions limit my writing but still I hang out here. How often do you write?
Finally let's write always.
All the best.
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Hi Heman! Great post on writing..that is my life!--books, blogs, sermons, website content, WA posts, journals, recipes, letters, etc., etc.! Your writing shows the kind of person you are. You seem to delve into your intellect nicely! Thank you for bringing your blog post to my attention! I thoroughly enjoyed it!
You know I do do a lot of writing here but mainly on my sites. But the funny part is I didn't even know what a blog was until I started here. I got the hang of it now though.
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Your ability to write good content is apparent. I'm especially impressed with the use of the English language, especially since it's not your native tongue.
Keep up the good work, and make it a great weekend!